The Dirksen Congressional Center: [Programs] Congress in the Classroom® What is Congress in the Classroom®? What Do Participants Say About the Program? Session Titles, Presenters, and Presentations, 2013 Selected Presentations, 2012 Selected Presentations, 2011 Budget Travel - Frugal Traveler Blog /svc/timestopic/v1/topic.json?limit=10&type=article%2Cblogpost&fq=%28headline%3A%22Frugal+Traveler%22+OR++kicker%3A%22Frugal+Traveler%22%29+AND++-type_of_material%3A%22Caption%22+AND++-type_of_material%3A%22Correction%22+AND++-type_of_material%3A%22List%22+AND++-type_of_material%3A%22Paid+Death+Notice%22+AND++-headline%3A%22Paid+Notice%22+AND++-news_desk%3A%22Society%22& Columns There are more articles available on this topic, but we can't display them here. Try narrowing your results by using the search bar below. A $1,000 Day in London for $100
Everything You Need to Know About the Presidential Primaries This year, millions of voters across the country will vote in the presidential primaries, which begin in just a few weeks. Primary elections and caucuses are a key part of the process to select the next President and provide a crucial opportunity for voters to take control and influence the process by selecting their top candidate to represent a political party in the general election. Unfortunately, fewer voters tend to turnout for primary elections and caucuses despite the important impact they have on who ultimately wins the race for the White House.
Mitt Romney Biography At a farm in New Hampshire on June 2, 2011, Mitt Romney announced the official start of his campaign for the 2012 presidential election. During his campaign, Romney took many standard Republican positions on taxes, the economy and fighting terrorism, while consistently and vocally criticizing his opponent, Democrat President Barack Obama. Specifically, Romney denounced President Obama's health-care reform program—a stance that earned him criticism from the press, as the president's health-care plan is similar to the Massachusetts plan that Romney supported as governor. Additionally, throughout the 2012 presidential race, critics charged Romney with changing his position on several key issues, including abortion; Romney supported Roe v.
Election 2012: Teaching Ideas and Resources Update: Nov. 7, 2012 New | Nov. 2012 New | Oct, 2012 New | Sept. 2012 Here are some suggestions for teaching and learning about the 2012 election season, followed by selected New York Times features and Learning Network lesson plans. National Forensic League, Speech & Debate Honor Society - topics Current Topics Policy Debate 2012-2013 Policy Debate Topic Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its transportation infrastructure investment in the United States. Lincoln-Douglas Debate, presented by Lincoln Financial Group September/October Topic
The 20 Best Travel Websites on the Internet - Golden Book Traveler Update: Visit the 2012 version of The 20 Best Travel Websites on the Internet I hope that everyone who attended my SXSW Core Conversation panel on How to Make Money Traveling Around the World enjoyed the presentation. As promised, I have a listing of my top 20 favorite travel websites (in no particular order). I’m still working on my eBook “70 Vacations in 7 Months“. The project has consumed most of my time of late. If you attended the presentation with myself and Tynan, shoot me over an email (if you haven’t already) and I’ll make sure you receive a free copy upon completion
PBS Election How Presidents Get Elected Learn what the powers of the president of the United States are, as defined in the U.S. Constitution.