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Early English Books Online - EEBO - Accès au contenu d’environ 100 000 ouvrages imprimés en toute langue au Royaume Uni et en Amérique du Nord, ainsi qu’en anglais dans tout autre pays, entre 1473 et 1700.

Early English Books Online - EEBO - Accès au contenu d’environ 100 000 ouvrages imprimés en toute langue au Royaume Uni et en Amérique du Nord, ainsi qu’en anglais dans tout autre pays, entre 1473 et 1700.
Related:  Ancient books and manuscripts culture

RSC Publishing – Chemical Science Journals, Books and Databases - 18 titres de revues scientifiques publiées par la Royal Society of Chemistry depuis les origines jusqu’à 2010. La caligrafía española en el siglo XIX- II parte Mirando las tendencias de principios del siglo XIX ya vemos que poco a poco la influencia de la letra inglesa acabará por introducirse como práctica habitual de los calígrafos en especial a partir ya de 1840 donde la mayoría de tratados la divulgan al mismo nivel que los modelos clásicos españoles. A finales de siglo la letra inglesa ya prácticamente será la más utilizada en la práctica caligráfica. También vemos la influencia de las nuevas tipografías de imprenta y ya a final de siglo la influencia del arte "Nouveau" en el diseño de las letras. Como no también tendremos espacio para hablar del S. XX y de algunas buenas obras de este tema.Estos dos artículos no pretenden ser una historia completa de la caligrafía española, faltarían muchos autores y obras para ser entera, solo pretende ser una muestra de algunas de las obras que se publicaron.y que dispongo para comentarlas. W. "EL PENDOLISTA UNIVERSAL. Nueva York: Imp. Jorge W. Muestra se rasgueos y pendolismo: "CALIGRAFÍA. Marcos Welbi

Pipino el Breve Pipino III de los Francos, más conocido como Pipino el Breve (Jupille, cerca de Lieja (Bélgica) —de donde arranca una gran parte de las dinastías Merovingia y Carolingia—, hacia el 715-Saint-Denis, Francia; 24 de septiembre de 768) fue el hijo menor de Carlos Martel y de Rotrudis de Tréveris. Los cargos de Pipino el Breve fueron: Historia[editar] Es el periodo de la decadencia de la dinastía merovingia, cuando los jóvenes «reyes holgazanes» no tienen ya ninguna autoridad y los mayordomos de palacio son los verdaderos gobernantes del Estado. Hacia 744, contrae nupcias con Bertrada de Laon, llamada «la del pie grande», hija de Cariberto, Conde de Laon (el apodo se le puso por tener un pie más grande que el otro). Pero aunque Pipino haya conseguido el título de rey y su poder, éste no le pertenece, y esta ruptura de la dinastía merovingia precisa de una nueva que deberá reemplazar la sucesión natural de padres a hijos. Apoyo de Roma y lucha contra los lombardos[editar] Cronología[editar]

The Self-Taught Philosopher: How a 900-year-old Arabic tale inspired the Enlightenment - Home | Ideas with Paul Kennedy Tuesday May 16, 2017 Our contemporary values and ideals are generally seen as the product of the Enlightenment. Individual rights, independent thinking, empiricism and rationalism are traced to the debates and discussions held by the great European thinkers of the 17th and 18th century: Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire, and Kant among others. But these thinkers owe a debt to a figure from 12th century Spain: a philosopher-physician named Ibn Tufayl who wrote a story called Hayy ibn Yaqzan -- which may be the most important story you've never heard. Ideas Lenn Goodman talks about his struggle to understand why Ibn Tufayl wrote two different versions of the birth of Hayy ibn Yaqzan and what those two different versions signify. Share Audio Playback Status: ready Identifier: mediaId 945075779932 Bitrate: Undetermined Streaming URL: ​Avner Ben-Zaken is a scholar of Ibn Tufayl's story, Hayy ibn Yaqzan, and says the text is unlike anything that came before it: "It's incredibly radical.

Evolution of the Medieval Book Introduction Among the many innovations that transformed Europe in the Middle Ages, perhaps none was more central than the metamorphosis of the written word. The evolution of writing in this period reached a dramatic climax in the 1450s, when Johann Gutenberg invented moveable metal type—and revolutionized human communication. This exhibition traces the history of the medieval book—its appearance, content, audiences, and forms—from the 9th to the 15th centuries. Drawn from the holdings of Cornell Library’s Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, the exhibition presents a rich variety of medieval manuscripts and printed books, from early religious manuscripts and illuminated prayerbooks to the secular works of classical antiquity and the first books printed from metal type. Lombard Gradual. view image continue reading

Book Culture | medievalbooks What a clever device the book is. It is compact and light, yet contains hundreds of pages that hold an incredible amount of information. Moving forward or backward in the text is as easy as flipping a page, while the book’s square shape and flat bottom facilitates easy shelving. Still, the object is useless if the information it contains cannot be found. Crucially, to look up information in a book you must have first located the object. 1. Why make things complicated? The manuscript shown in Figs. 1-2 was copied around 1100 and still has its original binding. 2. Writing text on a manuscript’s cover, as seen in Fig. 2, was not easy. The manuscript in Figs. 3-4, which features a parchment label, shows how incredibly effective this practice was: it clearly reads Liber ethymolo[giarum] Isidori, telling the reader that he was about to open Isidore of Seville’s Etymologies. 3. The fenestra is often found on manuscripts that were part of a well-organised library. 4. Like this: Like Loading...

Corpus Christi College Oxford - Special Lectures F W Bateson Memorial Lectures The F W Bateson Memorial Lecture was founded by the pupils and friends of F W Bateson (1901-1978). Bateson taught English at Corpus from 1946 to 1969, first as a lecturer and later as a teaching fellow. He was made an Emeritus Fellow of the College on his retirement in 1969. Professor Christopher Cannon, Professor of English at New York University and author of books on Chaucer's language, form and early Middle English literature, delivered the 2016 F W Bateson Memorial Lecture in the MBI Al Jaber Auditorium at 5pm on Monday 8 February. His title was "Wyth her own handys": What Women's Writing Can Teach us about Langland and Chaucer'. Jenny Uglow OBE, British biographer, critic and publisher delivered the 2015 F W Bateson Memorial Lecture. The lectures are held annually and a full list of previous lectures can be found here. Isaiah Berlin Lectures Isaiah Berlin read Greats (Classics) at Corpus, finding it 'cute', according to his letters. President's Seminars

Erik Kwakkel Media - De Kennis van nu Nieuws De Nederlandse Publieke Omroep maakt gebruik van cookies. We maken een onderscheid tussen functionele cookies en cookies voor het beheer van webstatistieken, advertenties en social media. De Nederlandse Publieke Omroep maakt gebruik van functionele en analytische cookies om inzicht te krijgen in de werking en effectiviteit van haar websites. De daarmee verzamelde gegevens worden niet gebruikt om activiteiten van individuele gebruikers te volgen. De advertentie en social media cookies van derden verzamelen mogelijk gegevens ook buiten de websites van de NPO. Waarom cookies? De Nederlandse Publieke Omroep maakt gebruik van cookies. Klik hier voor meer informatie over cookies en een overzicht van de sites waar je toestemming voor geldt. Cookie instellingen aanpassen? De cookie instellingen voor de websites van de Nederlandse Publieke Omroep zijn te allen tijde te wijzigen. Cookie-instellingen aanpassenAkkoord

Media - Hoe onderzoek je een boek zonder het te lezen? Erik Kwakkel is geen alledaagse wetenschapper. Als een echte Sherlock Holmes bestudeert hij middeleeuwse boeken van top tot teen, behalve... door ze te lezen. En toch komt de historicus via zijn methode enorm veel over die boeken te weten. Eveneens is Kwakkel een wetenschapper die actief blogt en tweets in de wereld rondstuurt. Wat zijn onderzoek allemaal aan het licht brengt en wat de voordelen van een 'sociale wetenschapper' zijn komt Kwakkel (Universiteit Leiden) in onze studio uitleggen. Actua: Vrouwenlichaam vaak nog te onbekend bij artsen Volgens het vrouwennetwerk Women inc. weten artsen vaak nog niet genoeg af over het vrouwelijke lichaam. We bellen met vrouwencardiologe Angela Maas (Radbouw UMC), die één van de hoofdauteurs is van de Kennisagenda en vandaag ook een pitch in Den Haag deed. Actua: Goed nieuws voor de eiwitten onder u! Best eiwit, het is bekend dat je leven al jaren de dupe is van de talloze sociale regeltjes waar jij je aan moet houden. En verder...

Book historian documents bored scribes' scribbles in 1,000-year-old Medieval manuscripts - Home | As It Happens Before Gutenberg invented the printing press, the book business could be a form of torture. Imagine copying out page after page of Fifty Shades of Grey with a quill pen, all day, every day, for the rest of your life. Considering that existence, it's not surprising that Medieval scribes let their attention and pens wander from time to time out of boredom. "I encountered [scribe doodles] almost every day as I read Medieval books," Professor Erik Kwakkel, a book historian at Leiden University in Holland, tells As It Happens host Carol Off. Professor Kwakkel and one of his Medieval tomes (Photo: Screen capture) These 13th and 14th century doodles were also exercises to start the flow of ink on the nibs scribes' quills. "There are locations that are very doodle-friendly, they are empty, blank," Kwakkel says. Some of these doodles were nondescript scribbles or stick men. (Photo courtesy of Erik Kwakkel) "I like the ones that are made by scribes that try to produce a decorated letter," he says.

X-rays reveal 1,300-year-old writings inside later bookbindings | Books Medieval manuscripts that have been hidden from view for centuries could reveal their secrets for the first time, thanks to new technology. Dutch scientists and other academics are using an x-ray technique to read fragments of manuscripts that have been reused as bookbindings and which cannot be deciphered with the naked eye. After the middle ages manuscripts were recycled, with pages pasted inside bindings to strengthen them. Those fragments may be the unique remains of certain works. Dr Erik Kwakkel, a medieval book historian at Leiden University, told the Observer: “It’s really like a treasure trove. It’s extremely exciting.” Professor Joris Dik, of the Delft University of Technology, described the potential for finding new material with clues to the past as “massive”. Access to such “hidden libraries” has been made possible by macro x-ray fluorescence spectrometry (MA-XRF), which allows pages to be read without removing the bookbinding.

Medieval doodles prove that it's goode to scribble in ye margins | The Independent Medieval scribes got just as bored at work as you do. Hunched over piles of parchment and the heavy books they were tasked with copying, long before Gutenberg and Xerox changed everything, they responded in the same way – by doodling. Stick men, scribbles and 1,000-year-old smiley faces adorn the margins and blank pages of the world's oldest manuscripts. For a book historian in the Netherlands, they represent a portal to a lost time, and are as rich a source of discovery as the texts themselves. Erik Kwakkel, from Leiden University, the oldest university in the Netherlands, says there are two types of medieval doodle: the idle shapes that we all produce; and "pen trials", which scribes used to get their nibs flowing after regular cutting. "This was a time when a book cost as much as a second-hand car today and there was no scrap paper," Kwakkel explains after revealing his latest discovery: a rare medieval bookmark. An example of early doodles kept at Leiden University in the Netherlands
