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SSH tip: Automatic Reverse Tunnels for Workflow Simplification | I came up with a trick today to simplify the workflow of certain tasks with SSH. The problem this solves is largely driven by a particular annoyance I had with remote SSH file management. Consider the following workflow for locating a remote file and copying it back to the local machine: # Find the remote file: local:~$ ssh remote remote:~$ find . -name 'file.tar.gz' /home/cody/somewhere/deep/file.tar.gz # Ah, there it is! Now I want to copy it back to my local machine. # Pop open a new shell to my local machine in a separate tab and copy the file with scp: local:~$ scp remote:/home/cody/somewhere/deep/file.tar.gz . The reason I have to run scp on my local machine is because it is behind a firewall, so the remote machine can't see it directly. There is a way to get around this limitation with DNS/firewalls, and the answer is by using SSH reverse tunnels to bind your local SSH daemon port to a remote SSH alias. Host remote HostName RemoteForward 8022 localhost:22
TWIKE | home 골든이어스, 황금귀 - Truthful Review Based on Measured Data What I learned from writing my first Chrome extension · EdGuiness/date-picker Wiki Intro I wrote a Chrome extension to add a calendar (date picker) to any web page. Initially I just wanted to add a calendar to Google forms but then thought it might be useful on other pages as well. How the extension works There are two ways of using the extension. The second way is to click on the extension icon, then pick a date which is copied it to the clipboard: What I learned You need to pay Google before you can publish on the Chrome web store It's just $5, I think they do this to minimise spam submissions. You can also publish outside the Google ecosystem on sites like, though I assume these sites are not curated and are less patronised than the Google web store. If you used the Chrome Developer Dashboard before the first developer preview release of the Chrome Web Store you don't need to pay the fee. The "Hello, World!" It takes literally five minutes. The tutorial really helped. Upload screen captures of your extension to avoid looking crap
Entrepinos El nuevo portal de Entrepinos está adaptado para conocer las noticias y novedades de nuestra comunidad de un sólo vistazo. Disfrútalo! Hemos estado trabajando pensando en las necesidades de la comunidad. Era importante adaptarnos a los nuevos tiempos para así mejorar la interacción entre el portal y vosotros. A partir de ahora será mucho más facil conocer las novedades que nos interesan a todos. El portal se encuentra estructurado de tal forma que sólo con ir al inicio veras las novedades para posteriormente poder acceder con más detalle en cada artículo. Se ha mejorado el menú privado (sólo accesible siendo usuario registrado) donde en él podras disponer de: Chat, Foros, Acceso a los documentos de la comunidad, Guia de la zona, etc. Sólo deseamos que disfrutes de toda la información que a partir de ahora tienes en tus manos y recuerda que todo ello se hace para y por ti!.