Inspiration | Web Design Ledger
Do you ever notice how familiar web content always seems to catch that twinkle in your eye? Fewer distractions allow for quicker reading material – and in these crazy times with Twitter and Justin Bieber it helps to remove as many distractions as possible. Another element which can help readers achieve deeper focus in a […] In an old converted barn just outside of Seattle you’ll find Invisible Creature, a graphic design studio run by Don and Ryan Clark. They’re brothers who produce fantastic artwork, illustrations, and all forms of design from interfaces to print & product design. Tim Kellner is a filmmaker who took the time to meet up with […] Modern startup design trends have come a long way since their initial inception in the early-to-mid 2000s. It’s surprising how many people move into the field of copywriting. Can you imagine the morning without a cup of flavour tasty cup of coffee? Finding the best fit from the ocean of colors can sometimes be a tough call for web designers.
20 Inspiring Examples of Colorful Web Designs
Last week we showed you examples of white usage in web design and today, for our last web design inspiration post of the year, we decided to show you some examples of colorful websites. We will show you how colors can give your design a nice and personal style. From small details and colorful typography to completely colorful backgrounds, there are a lot of colors to inspire you. The Neighbourhood Shelton Fleming Captain Dash Dangers of Fracking 10 years in type Brooks – Shoe Advisor Shoppub Life in my Shoes espacio creativo Macquarie University – Green Campus La Maddalena Kinetic Pioneer Steez small studio Adrian Baxter Gimme Nike Vision Formfett Foundry Collective Protest Source: The Best DesignsunmatchedstyleCSS Design Awards About the Author Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Related Posts 400 shares 11 Inspiring Examples of Textures and Patterns in Web Design Here at WDL we like to browse the web to find inspiring websites to show our readers.
CSS Drive Web Design Resources
User rating: 2 Yays 0 Nays Responsive Iconic Menu A sleek CSS3 horizontal menu bar that stays tucked away until the user clicks on an icon, revealing the menu. 5 Yays scrollMagic A jQuery plugin for doing cool scroll related animations such as parallax. 4 Yays PhysicsJS A JavaScript 2D Physics engine to add some nice physics effects to your code. 3 Yays 2 Nays Snap.svg A modern JavaScript library for working with SVG, and includes support for masking, clipping, patterns, full gradients, groups, and more. Flat flipping menu buttons These menu buttons combine the two hot trends that are flat design and CSS3 to create a bold and modern looking navigation system. 5 Nays Manipulating CSS3 transitions using jQuery This tutorial looks at using jQuery to dynamically modify CSS3 properties and hook up to the "transitionend" event for more intricate CSS3 transitions. 8 Yays Full Page Image slideshow An awesome supersized slideshow that spans up to the entire screen to showcase images in their full glory. 10 Yays 1 Yays
How to Create Your First Web Page
Note: If you know anything at all about HTML and CSS, don’t bother reading this, it’s a guide for the uninitiated, technophobes, luddites, computer-illiterates, anyone who is more comfortable with a pen and paper than a keyboard and mouse. If making a web page seems like brain surgery to you, then this is the article for you. What you need to know The only prior knowledge I will assume is that you’ve used a computer before, you’re familiar with using a keyboard and a word processor, and you’ve at least seen a website. Other than that, I assume you are completely ignorant! The Basics When you visit a website (for example the one you’re reading now), you see a page in your web browser (the program you use to access the internet) , containing text, images and maybe some other things like videos, music etc. In order to display a page correctly, the web browser needs to know about the structure of the page, e.g. What HTML Looks Like HTML uses ‘tags’ to identify different parts of a page.
960 Grid System
Steps to Take Before Designing a Website
Us web designers… we like to jump right into the creative ball pit sometimes, and get right to the fun stuff in Photoshop & CSS. I know I’m guilty of it sometimes, and I bet you have been too in the past. It’s not the end of the world, but it really isn’t best practice for design – and if you’re a professional, you should be paying attention and adhering to best practices. Meet the Client I’m a big proponent of meeting the client face-to-face at least once prior to beginning a project, when possible. I understand that, in today’s day and age, not all of your clients are necessarily in your city or otherwise available to meet face-to-face. Anyway, building trust with one another lays the groundwork for the best project possible. This initial meeting is also a great way to complete the next step: needs assessment/site requirements. Needs Assessment/Site Requirements The needs assessment is a vital step in the beginning stages of a website design project. Proposal Sign The Contract
5 Photoshop & CSS Tricks for Killer Web Designs
Nowadays, the combo of Photoshop and CSS3 makes up a huge toolbox for web designers; it allows us to achieve website designs that weren’t possible back in the early days of the internet. We can add depth to our design; we can simulate paper or other textures; we can using lighting or 3D effects and more. These elements, when used properly and subtly, can add up to the difference between a so-so web design and a great web design. 1. Gradients can add subtle depth and lighting effects to your web design. Photoshop Gradients Photoshop’s gradient tool allows you complete control over your gradient – it’s easy to use and can make your designs really shine. To use Photoshop’s gradient tool, simply do the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. That’s it! CSS3 Gradients CSS3 gradients are really cool – the more you can do in-browser, the better – but keep in mind that not everyone uses a CSS3-compatible browser, so not everyone will be able to see your gradients if you only use CSS3. 2. Photoshop Lines 1. 2. 3.
One of the must-haves of a web designer (and even graphic designers and bloggers) is a business card. Call it a little bit old fashioned but business cards are still very useful. They contain the most available point of contact for the possible employee. This calls for a very good and catchy business card. Read More Hello guys. Read More Design elements are important for a web designer. It is necessary to be able to find great design elements. Read More If you have been into design for some time now, you probably know how crucial it is to have high quality assets at your disposal – whether they are fonts, icons, UI kits, etc. Read More Once I saw a bumper sticker that says, There’s no place like Bumper stickers are very good means of relieving stress in the road. Since one of our fundamental goals is to promote world peace (or should I say, road peace), 1WD is giving you 15 bumper stickers! Read More Read More Read More Fonts are essential for the feel of the website. Read More