Attacked from Within
1 — Community, society, diversity and stasis According to the mythology we've received from the neckbeards we find squirreled away in server rooms, Eternal September turned the Internet from a place of constructive conversation and engagement into an endless and unwinnable war against trolls, griefers, crapflooders, spammers, and the 13-15-year-old demographic. Antediluvian John Allen (in the linked video above) makes what are now risible claims about "Internet": There's an interesting kind of restraint that you find. The problem that Eternal September presented to this command-line Eden was one of growth and socialization. Clay Shirky, dubious internet commentator who has somehow scammed a job at NYU teaching "new media," calls this an "attack from within": [A]ttack from within is what matters. The problem faced by online forums in a post-Eternal September world was not a technological problem, because the system was working as designed. 2 — Shii contra Shirky
Sharepoint Consultant Job Description | Job Description
Sharepoint Consultant Job Profile and Description The primary role of a Sharepoint consultant is the delivery of quality codes and designs for several features that are based on the provided requirements. These often include reviewing the functional specifications and requirements, writing new codes, writing designs, maintenance of the existing code, providing exhaustive status reports, bug fixing, performing code review and issue the necessary resolutions. The Sharepoint consultancy is a broad based functional domain. Sharepoint Consultant Duties and Responsibilities The common duties and responsibilities that an evaluation consultant has to discharge involve the following: Sharepoint Consultant Skills and Specification The most common skills and specifications that an evaluation consultant is expected to have are as follows: Sharepoint Consultant Education and Qualification The common education and qualifications that an internet marketing consultant is required to have:
Creating automation tools for custom themes (Gulpjs)
Last updated April 30, 2016. Created on January 12, 2016.Edited by sarathkm. Log in to edit this page. Using automation tools simplifies the task of creating themes. Here we are going to use gulpjs to create an automation tool for a custom theme. 2. Create a gulpfile.js manually using cmd/terminal or using right click and create new file or other.touch gulpfile.js Copy and Paste the entire code Note: I placed my raw files inside 'src' folder and production ready files in custom theme root folder. 3. 4. 4. Looking for support?
Los sitios más visitados de mayor tráfico y más populares de internet.
Relación de los 100 sitios y páginas web en español más visitadas, de mayor tráfico y más populares de internet, ordenados de acuerdo a la cantidad de visitantes que reciben. Estadísticas de las preferencias de navegación de los que hablamos el idioma español. Compartimos una lista actualizada de los sitios web más visitados de internet, específicamente en nuestra área hispana. La lista esta ordenada por su popularidad y número de visitantes. 1- Facebook Facebook es un sitio web que ofrece acceso gratuito a la red social más grande del mundo. 2- Gmail El más popular de los servicios de correo electrónico del mundo. 3- Twitter Red social de microblogging. 4- Portal de Microsoft para compras, noticias, correo y chat. 5- Traductor de Google El más popular de los traductores de internet. 6- 7- Wikipedia 8- Softonic 9- FedEx 10- SourceForge 11- Badoo.Com 12- 13- El País 20- As
Why Link Exchanges are Bad for Your Site’s Health
October 17, 2010 Why Link Exchanges are Bad for Your Site’s Health By Neil Holley-Williams in Featured So you’ve got yourself a website and are all excited about it. Now this is all very well if you are talking about a few links between ‘networking businesses’, but in the bigger picture, exchanging reciprocal links is not a good way to ingratiate your site with Google. Be wary of joining Link Exchange Schemes or you could catch a nasty cold! If reaching Page 1 were that easy, all we’d have to do is put a couple of hundred (or a thousand) links from our web pages to other pages and ask them to do the same. Google views 1 to 1 reciprocal linking very, very low in importance, for just that reason. I’m not saying you shouldn’t do your friends a favor and they not do the same for you, but just think about what Google thinks is important or you might just experience a long-term negative impact. Google LIKES inbound links to your site where there is no reciprocal link back. So ok.
Web application platform SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates natively with Microsoft 365. Launched in 2001,[6] SharePoint is primarily sold as a document management and storage system, although it is also used for sharing information through an intranet, implementing internal applications, and for implementing business processes. According to Microsoft, as of December 2020[update] SharePoint had over 200 million users.[7] Editions[edit] There are various editions of SharePoint which have different functions. SharePoint Foundation[edit] SharePoint Foundation was a free version with basic functionalities, discontinued in 2016.[8] SharePoint Standard[edit] Microsoft SharePoint Standard is a software product that extends the function of Microsoft SharePoint Foundation in several areas: SharePoint Standard licensing includes a CAL (client access license) component and a server fee. SharePoint Server[edit] . SharePoint Enterprise[edit] SharePoint Online[edit] Pages[edit]
10 Tendencias de marketing digital 2018 ¡No te quedes atrás! | Kanlli
Las tendencias de marketing digital 2018 vienen marcadas por las emergentes novedades tecnológicas cuyas bases se han sentado ya durante este año. Es la tecnología y el DATA lo que va a definir los caminos por los que los profesionales del marketing debemos transitar, no sólo durante el próximo año, sino también en los venideros. Estar al día en las novedades tecnológicas será una de las tareas más importantes del director de marketing quien, en muchas ocasiones, va a requerir del apoyo de técnicos para poder abordar y beneficiarse de aspectos de gran complejidad. Tendencias de marketing digital 2018 Business intelligence La inversión en recursos de business intelligence para un correcto descubrimiento, catalogación y uso de los datos van a dar un giro de 180º en las estrategias de marketing digital, gracias a que permitirá explotar como nunca la posibilidades que ofrece el tiempo real, aumentando la capacidad analítica y predictiva. DMP (Data Management Platform) Visual Web Growth Hacking
Internal Linking Structure Elements Strategy
Last Updated: 07/14/2003 Introduction Internal linking structure, as referred to by SEO, commonly known as Web site navigation, is a fundamental requirement for your end user and search engine spiders. Logical and intuitive navigation will assist your Web visitor in finding their way around your Web site effortlessly; and help increase your response rates (be it sales, phone calls, or simply readers). This article will go through the various types of navigational elements one can apply within an internal linking structure strategy. Below are the sections this article will cover: - Simple Hyper Text Links- Graphical Navigation Icons or Buttons- JavaScript or DHTML Dropdown or Pulldown Menus- Animated Gifs and Flash Navigation- Image Map Navigation- Framed Navigation Before we dive into the various linking elements, let's briefly discuss the two basic types of links. Example of an relative link: <a href=".. Now lets discuss Simple Hyper Text Link. Simple Hyper Text Links <a href="page.html"