J'affiche...! L'actualité en affiche par Geoffrey Dorne Bouts du monde, carnets de voyageurs Vous voyagez ? Participez ! Envoyez-nous vos récits, photos et carnets Il est peut-être grand temps de sortir les molesquines des tiroirs de vos bureaux, les photos de vos disques durs d'ordinateurs. Le bloc-notes Les joies, les peines, les révoltes, les petits emmerdements, les incompréhensions : instantanés de voyageur... Les vieux carnets sortis des malles Bouts du monde remonte le temps. Français langue étrangère Mais que peut-il bien y avoir d'écrit sur les petits carnets des Américains, Asiatiques, Africains, ou Européens qui voyagent dans les villes et sur les routes de France ? Devant les merveilles du monde Combien y a-t-il de photos du Taj Mahal ou des pyramides de Khéops à travers le monde ? Vos papiers s'il vous plaît Comment faire pour traverser les Balkans en voiture sans passeport ? Goûts du monde Sachez que si, la plupart des restaurants du monde ne sont pas mentionnés dans le guide Michelin, et bien c'est tout à fait normal.
HDR Photography – All about HDR HDR Photography About HDR Photography HDR is a great, fun, new way to take photos and capture the world around you. A sample HDR Image that shows off the sort of vibrancy and sense of living texture you can achieve with this technique. How to HDR photography “Anyone can do this!” What is HDR Photography? HDR is short for High Dynamic Range. An HDR image is commonly made by taking three photos of the same scene, each at different shutter speeds. I would say that about 75% of my images use the technique, and if you are new to it, then you may notice a slightly different “look and feel” to the photographs. To me, the HDR process helps the photos look more… let’s say… evocative. I can talk a little bit more about the philosophy behind the photography style here for a quick moment. What kind of camera do you need to make HDR Photos? Really, the hardware does not matter… The bulk of the look comes from the software process, as described in the aforementioned tutorial. Some eBooks on HDR Photography
Calligraffiti India ink on concrete, done at the Dutch pavilion during art week in Maimi. Yes, this shot was taken by a drone. Shoe would rather hold a broom than a mic. In this case he was holding both; a mic was taped to the broom for live sampling by Tim Exile. Acrylic, sumi ink and pearlescent paint on linen, ± 180 x 110 cm. Acrylic, sumi ink and pearlescent paint on canvas, ± 180 x 110 cm. Acrylic and sumi ink on canvas, ± 60 x 70 cm. Acrylic and sumi ink on linen, ± 480 x 180 cm. Sumi ink and pearlescent paint on canvas, ± 110 x 190 cm Acrylic and spray paint on linen, ± 140 x 120 cm Chrome paint with squeegee on stadium wall in Mar del Plata, Argentina. Wood type print done in Buenos Aires (± 50 x 65 cm). Mural for Correa handmade shoes, Buenos Aires. Sumi ink and metallic paint on linen, ± 160 x 180 cm. Vector art for T-shirts for the Australian magazine. Acrylic, sumi ink and pearlescent paint on canvas, ± 110 x 180 cm. Acrylic and pearlescent paint on canvas, ± 130 x 180 cm.
Tourisme equitable et solidaire, tourisme durable, et ecotourisme avec Rencontres au bout du monde A Brief History of Type Part Four: Modern (Didone) In the previous installment of this series, we took a closer look at Transitional style typefaces, so-called because they mark a transition from the former Old Style types—epitomized by Baskerville—and the subject of today’s brief history, the Moderns, also known as Didone (the terms Modern and Didone are used synonymously throughout this article). Baskerville’s types, compared with their Old Style (or Garalde) predecessors, are marked by high contrast between thick and thin strokes, so much so that one commentator declared Baskerville was “blinding the nation.” The Moderns or Didones take this contrast to further extremes (just about as far as one can take them). The first Modern typeface is attributed to Frenchman Firmin Didot (son of François-Ambroise Didot), and first graced the printed page in 1784. Characteristics 1. If you’ve read the preceding three installments, then you will have noticed a move away from the Humanist or handwritten letterforms.
contact/info We all know that San Francisco is going through aches and (growing?)/ shrinking artist pains these days as San Francisco property values sky rocket due to the tech infestation going on around the entire Bay Area. Maybe you work in tech and love it, but since this is an art website, we're interested to how this is affecting artists trying to make ends meet. Some galleries have been forced to close due to 300% rent hikes. Many artists have fled to Oakland, LA and NYC in search of affordable housing and a more vibrant art scene... The Rena Bransten Gallery is packing up their 77 Geary space to make way for tech company MuleSoft Nikki McClure at Needles & Pens, Friday 4/11 Wednesday, 09 April 2014 09:42 SAN FRANCISCO --- Nikki McClure, known for her painstakingly intricate and beautiful paper cuts, returns to Needles & Pens with an opening reception this Friday, April 11th - She'll be showing original papercuts for the book, "May the Stars Drip Down" - show details
FontStruct | Build, Share, Download Fonts How to make your own ‘Dead Drops’ is open for participation! Your are free to go for your own Dead Drop! If you want to install a Dead Drop in your city/neighborhood please follow ‘how to’ instruction below and submit the location and pictures when you are done in the form at the bottom of this page. How to install a Dead Drop Read the Dead Drops manifesto! Optional check also the instructions by frenzy on Instructables.com Submit Submit your Dead Drop location, pictures, description and authorship/credits info at the Dead Drops database. ( This is a first straight forward version, the Data Base will be updated with more features etc soon) Submit here!
design et typo | Typographie et valeurs sémantiques, décryptage des courants graphiques et typographiques [Ze]Blog La Parenthèse Graphique Anthony Rojo Photographe Bordeaux