SFE : la Société Française d'Écologie The Environmentalist GISjobs.com - GIS Jobs Vacancies and Resumes for Geographic Information Systems Association pour la sauvegarde de la biodiversité TENDUA a été créée en 2008, après un voyage en Inde où, en dépit de nombreux parcs nationaux, la faune sauvage et ses habitats sont menacés. Le constat est malheureusement planétaire : partout dans le monde, la biodiversité est en danger, sur terre et dans les mers. La 6e extinction majeure de biodiversité est en cours : en 150 ans l’homme a réussi à détruire son environnement comme il ne l’avait jamais fait auparavant. En août 2013, il a été estimé que l’humanité, par sa consommation effrénée, a dépassé la capacité de régénération de la Terre. Les industriels font la course aux brevets sur des animaux et plantes non encore répertoriées qui vivent dans le « no man’s land » océanique ou les rares forêts primaires encore intactes des pays plus pauvres afin d’en tirer un profit sonnant et trébuchant sous le fallacieux prétexte de soigner les maux des hommes des pays riches. Cela étant, nous n’avons plus le temps d’être pessimistes. Une nouvelle relation entre l’homme et la nature
ECNC : expertise Centre for biodiversity and sustainable development Internships in GIS – Where to find an opportunity? Geospatial Internships – Where to find an opportunity? This is probably one of the main questions I get asked when I am speaking to new graduates or people wanting to get experience in the GeoSpatial Industry. Last week’s blog post received some great feedback on Linked In and people shared some great advice about their experiences with internships. Sílvia Batista • Internships in every area of work are very necessary otherwise most of graduates won’t get the experience and therefore wouldn’t be able to put their recently acquired skills in action.Chuck Skaggs • I got into GIS 25 years ago on a paid internship…been doing it ever since!!! This week I am going to look at some ways to get yourself an internship that will be both beneficial to you and the employer. Recruitment Sites Not too many recruitment sites have intern categories but there are a few resources that maybe of interest to you. Internships.com Using the keyword GIS I found 23 possible internships at the time of writing this.
UNEP-WCMC GBIF : Global Biodiversity Information Facility Try out the new GBIF portal! Why not try out the new GBIF portal at www.gbif.org, which has many more features and includes lots of information about the GBIF community, including great examples of data uses in research and interesting applications? The old GBIF data portal which you are viewing now will continue to be supported until we are satisfied it can be taken down without causing major inconvenience. Welcome to the (former) GBIF Data Portal Access 416,242,316 data records (363,215,360 with coordinates) shared via the GBIF network. Explore Species Find data for a species or other group of organisms. Species Information on species and other groups of plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms, including species occurrence records, as well as classifications and scientific and common names. Example species: Puma concolor (Linnaeus, 1771) Explore Countries Find data on the species recorded in a particular country, territory or island. Countries See data for: France