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10 consejos para proteger tu privacidad en Facebook Las estadísticas de Facebook nos muestran que el rey de las redes sociales cuenta con 250 millones de usuarios activos cada uno con un promedio de 120 amigos o contactos. Los usuarios suben más de 1 billón de fotos al mes; más de 70% de los usuarios usan las aplicaciones y juegos de Facebook. Lamentablemente la mayoría de los usuarios no conocen lo que implica subir su información personal a sus cuentas. Esta guía tiene la finalidad de mostrar que puedes y que no debes hacer para salvaguardar tu privacidad en Facebook. 1.- Organiza a tus amigos en listas Que es lo que haces cuando tus amigos o familiares te mandan una invitación? Dale clic en el menú AmigosDale clic en Todas las Conexiones y busca la opción Crear una lista nuevaDale el nombre que gustes a tu nueva lista, el nombre no importa, tus amigos no podrán verlo. 2. Para lograr esto haz lo siguiente: Da clic en Configuración > Privacidad > Perfil. 3. 4. Esta es una importante manera de salvaguardar tu privacidad en Facebook. 5. 6.

Darknet - The Darkside | Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing & Computer Security Questioning Software Cracking WindowsXP local user password with Backtrack 3 « IT DIY Cracking job become easy when Backtrack Linux distro come in place, and it get easier when you want crack password saved in WinXP. Windows XP stored it username and password information in file named SAM at %SystemDrive%:\Windows\system32\config\. The SAM file is encrypted using LM hashes, which is vulnerable to rainbow table attack and bruteforce attack. Insert the Backtrack3 CD/USB, make it a live boot up. When you get into Backtrack 3 Desktop On the console, type df *to view the harddisk partition distribution on, you may find your Windows system stored at partition /mnt/hda1 (usually, as used for example here)cd /mnt/hda1/WINDOWS/system32/config/bkhive system key *bkhive manual samdump2 SAM key > ~/Desktop/password.txt *~/Desktop/password.txt is the example location for storing dumped password harsh file cat ~/Desktop/password.txt You will see the usersname and the hash values of the SAM file. There are multiple way to crack the hash (johntheripper, rainbow table, LCP). Like this:

SANS Internet Storm Center; Cooperative Network Security Community - Internet Security TESTAVO How to write a Linux virus in 5 easy steps Note: I posted a follow up to summarise points and comments I receivedas part of the overwhelming feedback to this article. Please read this follow-upbefore (!) posting a comment, since some of what you might want to saymay already have been addressed. For the gist of it... ... just scroll down to the compact step-by-step guide. The rumor of the bullet-proof Linux architecture There is this rumor going around that Linux is virus free. Therefore, we are told, the very architecture of Linux is so much more superior to Windows that it's just not possible to successfully spread malware. At least so the story goes. Some notes before we get started Update: There has been a lot of feedback about me using the term 'virus' not correctly here. I should point out: The vulnerabilities we will be taking advantage of are 'features' of the most popular modern Linux desktop environments, Gnome and KDE. Getting users to open attachments: Check out these nude shots! Whoa, check out these nude shots of...!

From 0x90 to 0x4c454554, a journey into exploitation. I put some time in and compiled a list in a course type layout to help people in process of learning exploit development. I hope my research will help others spend more time learning and less time searching. First off I want to thank the corelan guys for the help they have provided me so far in the process. layout: I will be posting in a hierarchical structure, each hierarchy structure should be fully understood before moving on to the next section. desktop background Link to Backgrounds Other Posts like this one: Because of quality of these posts I wanted to put them at the top. Part 1: Programming Parallel learning #1:(complete this section before getting to the book "Hacking Art of exploitation") While going through the programming area I concentrate on core topics to help us later on with exploit writing. Python: One of my favorite languages and growing in popularity python is a powerful language that is easy to use and well documented. ((Parallel learning #2 finished:)

Google Testing Blog Hacking de Redes UPnP - Parte I | La Comunidad DragonJAR =======================Hacking de Redes UPnP – Parte IHacking de Redes UPnP – Parte IIHacking de Redes UPnP – Parte III ======================= UPnP (Universal Plug-N-Play) es un protocolo que permite que varios dispositivos de red se autoconfiguren por si mismos. Uno de los usos mas comunes de este protocolo es permitir que dispositivos o programas abran puertos en tu router casero con el objetivo de comunicarse apropiadamente con el mundo exterior (El Xbox, por ejemplo, lo hace). El protocolo UPnP está basado en protocolos y especificaciones pre-existentes, más precisamente en UDP, SSDP, SOAP y XML. Este artículo tratará sobre algunos problemas de seguridad relacionados con UPnP, brevemente describe el funcionamiento interior del protocolo, y muestra como identificar y analizar los dispositivos UPnP en una red usando herramientas open source. El problema con UPnP A principios de este año, PDP (de GNUCITIZEN) publicó una investigación que había realizado sobre la seguridad de UPnP. Tweet
