Ergonomie web, IHM & UX
The User Experience Wheel
I have used this model for some time now, time to reveal it to the critical eyes of fellow practitioners. It is a model that tries to explain “what is user experience?” PDF Version The Model should be explained from the inside. It starts in the middle. Value is what we want to accomplishFor customers and providers, positive user experience is a win-win situationWe want to accomplish value through positive user experienceThe user experience is a series of phases, we have to focus on positivity in findability, accessibility, desirability, usability, credibility and usefulnessNumerous factors contribute to the phases of user experience, the model shows 30 factors carefully placedTo achieve this we work backwards, starting and ending with search engine strategy, and going through and making a choice about each of the factors I feel the model still is a work in progress.
How I Use Visualization To Drive Creativity
This is a guest post by Mark Suster, a 2x entrepreneur turned VC. He sold his second company to, becoming VP of Product Management. He joined GRP Partners in 2007 as a General Partner focusing on early-stage technology companies. Read more about Suster on his blog at Bothsidesofthetable and on Twitter at @msuster. Creativity. I’ve always believed it’s been one of the most important attributes of business success yet something very few business leaders talk about. As a practitioner of creativity rather than as an instructor of it I’m certain that there are many ways to get the creative juices flowing and how to release more creativity. Visualization is so important to help yourself & others conceptualize ideas. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This is a long post, so I put an executive summary here if you want to get the point without reading all the detail. Almost all business success relies on creativity. What exactly is visualization? Strange, I know. In addition to driving Ms.
Re-Thinking Interaction Design
By Jon Kolko This article first appeared on December 1, 2009, in Johnny Holland Magazine, a Web site devoted to talking, sharing and finding answers about the interaction between people and products, systems or processes. If there is a future for designers and marketers in big business, it lies not in brand, nor in “UX,” nor in any colorful way of framing total control over a consumer, such as “brand equity,” “brand loyalty,” the “end to end customer journey,” or “experience ownership”. It lies instead in encouraging behavioral change and explicitly shaping culture in a positive and lasting way. Brand is a phenomenon that has emerged over the last century as a method of differentiation and control, with marketing beating a drum of “brand messaging,” “consistent impressions,” and a single “brand value”. Both groups are to fault, and both groups are perilously ignoring the huge potential at their fingertips. The Problems of Brand and User Experience The Threat of Commoditization
User Experience Project
Behind the scenes: Highrise marketing site A/B testing part 1
We’ve been testing design concepts at since this past May. I want to share with you the different designs and their impact on Highrise paid signups (“conversions” for the jargon inclined). We have assumptions about why some designs perform better than others. However we don’t know exactly why. Is it the color of the background? Is it the headline? Note that designs that win for us may not necessarily win for you. The original page The original design had served us well for the past year. This page would be our baseline for the first round of A/B tests. Long form sales letter Ryan Singer posted a link to Visual Website Optimizer’s “Anatomy of long sales letter” blog post in our Campfire chat room one day. We decided that in the amount of time we took to debate the technique we could have made an A/B test to prove it right or wrong. Ryan and I worked together on the long form approach. Ongoing tests You may notice that the Highrise homepage looks different again.
UX Booth: User Experience & Usability Blog
Context Over Consistency
Should actions be buttons or links? It depends on the action. Should a calendar view be in list-form or grid-form? It depends where it's being shown and how long the time period is. Does every global navigation link need to be on every page? That's why context is more important than consistency. Intelligent Inconsistency Consistency is not necessary. At Creative Good, we call it "intelligent inconsistency": making sure that each page in the process gives users exactly what they need at that point in the process. —Mark Hurst, founder of Creative Good and creator of The Page Paradigm)
Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design (Interactive Technologies) (9780123740373): Bill Buxton
Jesse James Garrett: Visual Vocabulary for Information Architecture (French)
Looking for more? My book The Elements of User Experience puts information architecture and interaction design in context for beginners and experts alike. You can now order the book from version 1.1b (6 mars 2002) Jesse James Garrett (contact) Original English version Traduction libre de Francois Lamotte Table des matières Sommaire Le diagramme est un outil essentiel pour communiquer l’architecture d’information et la conception d'interaction entre les équipes de développement web. Historique des versions 1.1b (6 mars 2002) L'information intégrée pour le support OmniGraffle 2.0 Nouvelle bibliothèque de formes pour iGrafx Flowcharter 2000 1.1a (17 sept 2001) Nouvelles bibliothèques de formes pour Macromedia FreeHand Feuille PDF de synthèse 1.1 (31 janv 2001) Ajout de l'élément de pile de fichiers Ajout de l'élément de sélecteur conditionnel Modification l'élément de flèche pour permettre les flèche multiples Nombreuses améliorations aux bibliothèques de formes 1.0 (17 oct 2000)
Why Scrolling is the New Click
by anthony on 01/10/12 at 12:18 pm Which is better for users, scrolling or clicking? This is the question that designers have to think about when they’re designing page flow. Many years ago, clicking was the simple answer to this question. There are advantages and disadvantages to both scrolling and clicking. Users get content in the order that it’s designed on the page with a glimpse of everything. Scrolling keeps users in their reading flow. Clicking doesn’t win out on speed or ease of use, but it also has its advantages. Each page will have a link that you can share with others. There are trade-offs between clicking and scrolling.
A Guide To Heuristic Website Reviews - Smashing UX Design
Advertisement In this article, we’ll explore a scoring system for rating and comparing websites, we’ll visualize those ratings using infographics, and we’ll see what data and structure this method provides for reviewing websites. How To Tell Whether A Website Is Junk We are all reviewers. That’s how it is. Consultancy Reviews For many years, the agency I work for1 has conducted detailed reviews of its clients’ websites. Snap judgments may be useful and unavoidable, but when it comes to reviewing websites professionally, we need to be more organized and thorough, and we do this by using a review methodology. To make this easier, we use a set of heuristics to score websites, along with a simple method to quickly visualize any weaknesses. Heuristics 3(Image: Rick S.4) A heuristic is just a fancy word for a measurement of something that can’t readily be quantified (i.e. when there are no actual numbers to judge whether item A is better or worse than item B). All That Glitters Is Not Gold Depth