Songstube | Listen on the tube, get on Itunes Torn World; Basic World Premises Torn World is a science fantasy, combining science fiction and high fantasy. It is set in an Earth-like, long-post-apocalyptic world with slightly tweaked temporal behavior - although we observe general rules of physics (there is no 'magic!'), time itself fluctuates and can be manipulated, with fascinating and far-reaching affects. Our source civilization, the Ancients, was well advanced of ours, and is established as a powerful, globe-encompassing society that could manipulate time and genetics with ease. In-story, very little is known about them or the destruction they caused by pulling the energy of their world out of balance. The Upheaval is the violent result of the Ancients manipulating time to withdraw more energy from it than they put in, essentially trying to get 'something for nothing'. Click to view a version of this map with clickable links! The Empire Over time, absorbing the best (and sometimes the worst!) See also: The Empire article. World Features
YouBeauty - The Science of a Beautiful You Samsara - Purple Sunrise (Psybient/Chillout/Trance Mix) Learning Meditation at Musicovery An introduction to the John Scopes (Monkey) Trial The early 1920s found social patterns in chaos. Traditionalists, the older Victorians, worried that everything valuable was ending. Younger modernists no longer asked whether society would approve of their behavior, only whether their behavior met the approval of their intellect. Who would dominate American culture--the modernists or the traditionalists? William Jennings Bryan, three-time Democratic candidate for President and a populist, led a Fundamentalist crusade to banish Darwin's theory of evolution from American classrooms. The Scopes Trial had its origins in a conspiracy at Fred Robinson's drugstore in Dayton. The conspirators summoned John Scopes, a twenty-four-year old general science teacher and part-time football coach, to the drugstore. Rappalyea initially wanted science fiction writer H. A carnival atmosphere pervaded Dayton as the opening of the trial approached in July of 1925. On Thursday, July 16, the defense called its first witness, Dr. The trial was nearly over.
Astrology/Horoscopes - Jonathan Cainer's Zodiac Forecasts Mándala Los mándalas (o mandalas) son representaciones simbólicas espirituales y rituales del macrocosmos y el microcosmos, utilizadas en el budismo y el hinduismo. Mándala es un término de origen sánscrito. maṇḍala, en el sistema IAST de transliteración del idioma sánscrito.मण्डल, en escritura devanagari del sánscrito.Pronunciación: [mándala][1]Etimología: ‘círculo’.[1] El Diccionario de la lengua española de la RAE acepta tanto la versión etimológica «mándala» (pronunciada esdrújula) como la usual española «mandala» (pronunciada llana). Concepto[editar] Estructuralmente, el espacio sagrado (el centro del universo y soporte de concentración), es representado como un círculo inscrito dentro de una forma cuadrangular. Esta universalidad de los mándalas hizo que el psiquiatra Carl Gustav Jung los privilegiara como expresiones probables de lo inconsciente colectivo. Otras acepciones sánscritas[editar] El mándala como relajación[editar] Galería de imágenes[editar] Mándala tibetano de la tradición Naropa.