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Emmet — the essential toolkit for web-developers Absolute Beginner's Guide to Swift Update: We’re excited to announce that Treehouse has launched its Learn Swift courses as of today! Learn Swift basics, Swift functions, and build two real apps with Swift. Learn more about our Swift courses. Why Swift? In case you haven’t heard, Apple just introduced a new language for iOS and OSX developers called Swift. It’s been six years since the release of the first SDK and 1.2 million apps have been submitted to the App Store. Swift probably took a little over four years to create and is the result of the work of many smart individuals who love crafting a new language. When talking about Swift, Apple refers to three key considerations: Safe, Modern and Powerful. Using Swift Firstly, you will have to download and install Xcode 6. Alternatively, you could use the REPL (Read Evaluate Print Loop) from the terminal. Instructions to run from the terminal: 1. 2. sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/ 3. xcrun swift Fundamentals Variables Strings Other Types Array

The Free, Open Source Code Editor for the Web Why Use Brackets? Design In The Browser Brackets doesn't get in the way of your creative process. It blends visual tools into the editor while pushing HTML and CSS to the browser as you code. An Elevated Experience Brackets isn't just pretty, it's also powerful. Made with ♥ and JavaScript Brackets is an open-source project, with an active and growing developer community. It's Evolving Brackets is a sandbox for trying out new ideas for web tooling. Watch the Video… New Features in Sprint 40 Multiple File/Folder Exclusion Sets Find in Files now supports multiple file/folder exclusion sets. Fixed Windows Menu Drawing Menus on Windows now draw properly when you have a custom Windows theme installed. Code Inspection Fixes Bug fixes and more unit tests for running multiple linters. Improvements for Toggling Comments Toggle Comment now works for languages like CoffeeScript, where the open and close comment delimiters are the same and the line comment delimiter is a prefix of the block comment delimiter.

Koala App: A Cross-platform App for Modern Web Development In the days of Netscape and Internet Explorer 6, most web developers only wrote web documents in plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Today, we have plenty of utility tools to write those 3 web languages more efficiently, with LESS, Sass, CoffeeScript and Jade, just to name a few. We can write codes in these new languages, then compile them in the standard form. Getting Started Koala is a free cross-platform application. Troubleshooting However, if you are using Ubuntu 13.04 or 13.10, you will probably encounter a problem where the application cannot be launched and run; it just suddenly closes. To solve the issue, you can do the following: 1. 2. Launch Terminal, and type navigate to /usr/lib directory with this command line: cd /usr/lib For Ubuntu 64bit, type the following command instead: cd /usr/lib64 Lastly, type this command. sudo ln -s You should now be able to run Koala App. Using Koala Project Settings In the Project Settings, we can customize the file output.
