Psychedelics As Tools For Spirituality As Timothy Leary put it, a psychedelic experience is “a period of increased reactivity to stimuli both from within and from without.” In a YouTube video, freestyler Jason Silva eloquently discusses the potential for exploration of consciousness that psychedelics offer. In fluid, poetic detail complete with trippy music and visual effects, he explores the psychedelic experience, and spiritual realization. At both the start and finish of the video Silva includes a shout-out to the nonprofit, independent Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). As Silva describes in the video we are currently living through a type of psychedelic Renaissance: “All of a sudden people are starting to take these tools, these cognitive technologies that have been used for thousands of years [psychedelics] a little more seriously,” he says in the video. As Silva explains in the video, in a psychedelic experience “you are immediately plunged into a dialogue with your own subconscious.”
Mèahuasca free PDF e-book on Ayahuasca Mèahuasca is based on years of voyaging, journeying, imbibing and researching the medicine plant known as Ayahuasca, and participating in many ceremonies concerning gaining experiences of esoteric or spiritual realms. Prior to these excellent adventures, the author of this work had spent five decades or so, living and experiencing life, in a state of relative unknowing, yet knowing there was something he had forgotten. Apart from being a book and a journal, the adventurer into spiritual realms or altered states of reality will find it interesting and useful, as it is also intended for those who are cynical or skeptical about this sort of stuff, and may provide grounds for the courage to be adventurous. Mèahuasca also aims to provide you the reader, with a vocabulary of words, texts, and descriptions that will assist you in explaining or describing your own experiences. From the book: Why would you wish to get or go to the ZEROPOINT? Download the free PDF e-book here (223 pages/30MB):
Montauk Project Victim Speaks Out: Greys, Reptilians, Time Travel & Mind Control Experiments via Rense From NewsHawk Inc. <> Here’s an interview with an individual named Andy Pero. A section of our book “PHOENIX UNDEAD: The Montauk Project And Camp Hero Today” featured an autobiographical sketch by Pero, identified by the pseudonym ‘Mr. Here’s more recent information from the survivor of horrendous mind control programming directly connected to the infamous Montauk Project operations; activities which also included some of the most advanced experimental work into relativistic and quantum physics which has ever been done, including interdimensional and time travel experiments. In particular, Pero’s comments and insights about what he was involved in at Montauk, such as with the so-called ‘Montauk chair,” are extremely interesting and provide additional, fresh insight into this most extraordinary and concept-shattering project and the technology utilized therein. By Eve Frances Lorgen, M.A.
10 Most Horrifying Creatures In the Cthulhu Mythos (That Aren't Cthulhu) - It would not be a stretch to call H.P. Lovecraft the father of modern horror. His influence can be seen all throughout horror of the 20th and 21st centuries. Whether you're reading a novel by Steven King or watching a movie by John Carpenter, you're seeing the suction cupped mark of Lovecraft's special brand of horror. One of his claims to fame were the creatures of unknowable horror that he wrote about in his works. Some came from beyond the stars, while some were here all along. Most people immediately look to Lovecraft's most well known creation, Cthulhu, as a prime example of this signature type of horror. 1. In At the Mountains of Madness, Lovecraft described the Shoggoths as a, “Formless protoplasm able to mock and reflect all forms and organs and processes... rubbery fifteen-foot spheroids infinitely plastic and ductile...” At some point after being created, the Shoggoths revolted against their creators. 2. 3. Daoloth, as described by Campbell, as: 4. “... 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Retreats — Psilocybin Foundation Although it is possible to receive the benefits of psilocybin without engaging the services of a tripsitter/guide/therapist or to attend a psychedelic retreat, some people may benefit from doing so. Most times, a close friend or family member who is experienced with psychedelics makes an excellent choice as a tripsitter. However, taking psychedelics in a jurisdiction where psychedelics are illegal may add a sense of unease, which is reduced when undertaking a journey in a country where the medicine is legal. The best way to choose a retreat or tripsitter is to feel your intuition and see which one resonates with you. -feels professional -radiates gratitude, generosity, humility, love, compassion, softness, gentleness -listens fully -feels trustworthy -has explored his or her psyche deeply -has nothing to prove -doesn’t need you as a client to be happy (isn’t chasing after business)
Creating The New Story: Integrating the Masculine and Feminine By Gary Stamper, Ph.D. Guest Writer for Wake Up World As modernity’s brief flight into the stratosphere of the industrial age begins its final descent, those who have not turned away from watching the inevitable hard landing may have few choices, but those who have chosen not to strap on the their oxygen masks and tighten their seatbelts will have fewer still. Fear is a big part of why people choose to remain asleep before the unveiling of the greatest show on earth. Like many others, I am becoming fairly firm in my belief that we are past the point of being able to fix our problems. Being truly prepared for whatever may come, however, consists of a lot more than having a garden, some guns and ammo, and a year’s worth of food put away. This article is going to touch on just one part of those aspects: doing our internal work around healing the deep wounds and shadows of the masculine and the feminine. This is part of our new initiation, and part of our new creation story. About the author:
New Book: Psychedelic Sex "In a brief golden span between 1967 and 1972, the sexual revolution collided with recreational drug exploration to create "psychedelic sex." While the baby boomers blew their minds and danced naked in the streets, men’s magazine publishers attempted to visually recreate the wonders of LSD, project them on a canvas of nubile hippie flesh, and dish it up to men dying for a taste of free love. Way Out, Groovie, Where It’s At—each magazine title vied to convince the straight audience it offered the most authentic flower power sex trip, complete with mind-bending graphics and all-natural hippie hotties. Along the way hippies joined in the production, since what could be groovier than earning bread in your birthday suit? At its height, psychedelic sex encompassed posters, tabloids, comics, and newsstand magazines, but the most far-out examples of all were the glossy magazines from California, center of both hippie culture and the budding American porn industry.
The life-changing effects of hallucinations - BBC Future As the music changes, the stripes I can see become waves. I start to see little white spots, like a universe of stars, swirling behind the coloured waves. Then the music changes and the colours follow. The scene now looks like a desert landscape – beiges and browns stretching off into the distance – except with dark tower blocks on the horizon which I am flying towards. I have no idea if the frequency of the strobing has changed, but the shapes I can see are continually in flux. "Nobody exactly knows quite how the Dreamachine works, we just know that it does," says Seth. "One of the most interesting focus groups was with visually impaired people – not totally retinally blind but people with severe visual issues – it was a really, profoundly moving experience," he says. Like in a dream, I have a sense that time is moving forwards, but I have no idea how long the machine has been running or how long is left. Colour vision is a fascinatingly subjective experience. A complex picture
Globe-views is everything you’d like to know about your dreams El fundamento de la psiconáutica Si un árbol cae en medio del bosque y no hay nadie ahí para escucharlo, ¿hace ruido? A partir de Aristóteles, y posteriormente y más profundamente a partir de Descartes, la filosofía y la ciencia occidental se han sustentado en la idea de que el sujeto, tal como es, está en condiciones de obtener el conocimiento total y verdadero de la realidad a partir de lo que es capaz de percibir y analizar, sin necesidad de que se deba operar en su percepción o en su consciencia transformación alguna. Esto ha sido el modo natural de concebir el conocimiento para la cultura occidental, al menos hasta el surgimiento de los distintas formas de relativismo posmoderno, desde la epistemología hasta la teoría lingüística, en las que todo lo que era denominado “verdad” para la modernidad comenzó a perder valor ontológico o sentido en sí mismo. Pero en términos más amplios, el concepto de “túnel de realidad” refiere a la estructura mental habitual desde la que nuestra percepción funciona.
[Free eBook] HERBARIUM DIABOLICUM - Illicit Shamanism For The Dark Adept - Official Announcements - Become A Living God [2PM Wed] LIVE CHAT: Transcending The Timewave — Magick To Warp Time Watch 2 PM-ET Wednesday - As physicists strive to comprehend the illusory nature of time, the black magician harnesses the magick phenomena of time loops, déjà vu, temporal distortions, and performing rituals to bend or stretch the experience of time itself. Bring your comments and concerns to hang out this Wednesday. • Join the YouTube channel membership to receive guaranteed answers in bimonthly live chats, secret “Vault” videos, demon sigil emojis & badges, and more: • Book the Witches’ Night Ritual with E.A. and N.D. Blackwood, a.k.a. Walpurgisnacht on April 30, and save 77% off.
DreamLookUp: Find Dream Meanings in Seconds Fenomenica e psicopatologia delle condizioni estatiche FENOMENICA E PSICOPATOLOGIA DELLE CONDIZIONI ESTATICHEdi Bruno Callieri Col termine "estasi" si comprendono e si indicano tutti quei fenomeni caratterizzati dalla perdita, più o meno prolungata, delle normali funzioni della coscienza e dei sensi, da un’alterata reazione agli stimoli esterni e da una specifica forma di esperienza percettiva, esterna ed interna. Nei più svariati contesti culturali lo stato di estasi viene inteso come avente una peculiare rilevanza religiosa, come momento di contatto diretto e personale col mondo sovrasensibile e con le sue potenze spirituali, prescindendo da quella che oggi domina incontrastata la scena delle scienze e che chiamiamo la mente neuronale. In molti sistemi religiosi, l'estasi si presenta e viene considerata come una delle forme più elevate di esperienza religiosa, come momento nodale del rapporto immediato dell'uomo con il divino, come momento ineffabile della sua unione con l’assoluto (unio mystica), di pienezza spirituale, di acme del Sé.