Phone Scoop Ask The Admin: Hack Attack: iPhone Root Password Revealed + SIM Here is the instructions for sim removal from howardforums Removing the SIM card “Insert the end of a small paper clip into the hole on the SIM tray. Press firmly and push it straight in until the tray pops out.” And Here is the whole “Consolidated Post” From with the juicy parts from the howard forums posts as well. We also now know after the phone is activated you can remove the sim and use the majority of its features. Official, Consolidated iPhone Hack Unlock Thread I have been bouncing around the internet, and here is some consolidated info about unlocking/hacking the iPhone. need skype and a windows box to host one. Consolidated iPhone Hacking Info: Removing the SIM card from Alright, I did some swapping this morning, and below is what I have found out. to work fine in unlocked and newer and older AT&T/Cingular phones that are locked. iPhone plans. AT&T/Cingular SIM cards will not work at all So, this phone has almost a double-lock on it.
com HTC Desire C Review Low-end smartphone by HTC: cheerful colors and attractive design, Android 4.0 and the latest Sense on board. What does it all look like? Spillikins №178. Lumia sales; Elop seeks protection; New names for Snapdragon, Feel UX Android UI by Sharp; SGS3 sales; A bunch of bad news for RIM; First Look. A few weeks ago we took a first look at a new low end phone from Sony, the ST21i Tipo, that is going to start a new year in the company's roadmap for low end devices. Harman/Kardon BT Bluetooth Headset Review One of the most interesting bluetooth headsets introduced lately. HTC One S Review A smartphone with middle-end specs but with a price close to that of a high-end device. Plantronics M55 bluetooth headset review Another low-cost headset by Plantronics from their new line: this kind of features set is normally found in more expensive solutions, and we get a car adapter in the package, too... First Look. iOS 6 Announced Apple in June: new MacBooks HTC Rhyme In Use Nokia 808
Freedom to Tinker » Blog Archive » Why Understanding Programs is Senator Sam Brownback has reportedly introduced a bill that would require the people rating videogames to play the games in their entirety before giving a rating. This reflects a misconception common among policymakers: that it’s possible to inspect a program and figure out what it’s going to do. It’s true that some programs can be completely characterized by inspection, but this is untrue for many programs, including some of the most interesting and useful ones. Here, for example, is a three-line Python program I just wrote: import sys, shah =[1]).digest()[:9]).digest()if h.startswith(“abcdefghij”): print “Drat” (If you don’t speak Python, here’s what the program does: it takes the input you give it, and performs some standard, complicated mathematical operations on the input to yield a character-string. Will this program ever print a four-letter word? Fair enough; but here’s a slightly more complicated program that might or might not print “Drat”.
infoSync - Reporting from the digital frontier How eyeglass frame is made - Background, History, Raw materials, Background American humorist Dorothy Parker (1893-1967) once wrote caustically that "Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses." Her comment tells as much about the eyeglass fashions available in her youth as about the customs of flirtation. Ms. Parker would be pleasantly surprised to visit any suburban shopping mall today and to see the wide variety of eyeglass frames now available. History The ancient Greeks made the first studies of vision and the workings of the eye. In 1257, the English friar Roger Bacon explored so many aspects of science that he was imprisoned by the monks of his Franciscan order who were suspicious of his knowledge. The invention of devices to keep spectacles on the nose took several more centuries. The most common frames held two lenses on a frame that rode on the lower part of the nose. In the Colonies, spectacles were imported and were very expensive until American glass-making skills improved enough to develop an eyeglass trade. Raw Materials Design
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