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Thèmes et auteurs/eures (pas forcément libertaires)

Thèmes et auteurs/eures (pas forcément libertaires)

Université Interdisciplinaire de Paris Présentation - Les renseignements généreux [BIBLIOLIB - Bibliothèque Libertaire en ligne] Du domaine public comme fondement du revenu de base (et réciproquement ?) J’ai déjà eu l’occasion de parler récemment du revenu de base, dans un billet consacré à la rémunération des amateurs, mais je voudrais aborder à nouveau la question en lien avec un autre sujet qui m’importe : le domaine public. A priori, il semble difficile de trouver un rapport entre le revenu de base et le domaine public, au sens de la propriété intellectuelle – à savoir l’ensemble des créations qui ne sont plus ou n’ont jamais été protégées par le droit d’auteur. Revenu de base, revenu de vie, revenu inconditionnel, dividende universel, salaire à vie, etc : ces différentes appellations renvoient (d’après Wikipedia) au concept d’un "revenu versé par une communauté politique à tous ses membres, sur une base individuelle, sans contrôle des ressources ni exigence de contrepartie", tout au long de leur existence. La mise en oeuvre d’un tel projet est susceptible d’entraîner des transformations très profondes du système économique, parce qu’il déconnecte le revenu et l’emploi. Paradis.

Department of Philosophy Home to a distinguished tradition of philosophical research and teaching, our department provides a comprehensive academic atmosphere for pursuing advanced study in a wide range of philosophical subjects and methods—systematic, analytic, and historical. Please follow the appropriate link on the navigation column on the left to learn more about our faculty, our graduate and undergraduate programs, our events, and more. In 2001, Columbia’s Philosophy Department was united with the Philosophy Department at Barnard College. Our department is also home to The Journal of Philosophy. Subtopia: The Automated Border If you’ve been reading Subtopia for the last year now you’d know that one aspect of urban militarization we’ve been paying close attention to is the evolution of the border fence. It seems in the last year alone several key features have emerged bringing some security planners’ defensive wet dreams that much closer to fruition. [Image: From a U.S. I’m talking about a completely futuristic border barrier where human personnel are entirely substituted by unmanned aerial vehicles, intelligent robots, networks of surveillance cameras and satellite-connected border posts, self-adjusting light systems, ground sensors – essentially, technology which potentially could eliminate the physical constructs of an actual fence altogether; invisible walls, hidden checkpoints, secret surveillance landscapes, border security that – for all visible intents and purposes – has been designed to not exist, or, rather to disappear.

Frankfurt School: Theism and Atheism by Max Horkheimer Max Horkheimer 1963 Source: Critique of Instrumental Reason. Max Horkheimer. Published by Continuum 1974;Transcribed: by Andy Blunden;Proofed: and corrected by Chris 2009. Crimes committed in the name of God are a recurrent theme in the history of Christian Europe. The ancients practiced torture and murder in war, on slaves (who were supplied by the wars) and as a form of entertainment: the circenses. Initially, when the Christians themselves were the persecuted, the divinity appeared to them as a guarantor of justice. Theology has always tried to reconcile the demands of the Gospels and of power. Scholasticism lived on its inheritance from classical philosophy. Theology was able to adapt itself to the triumphs of the new science and technology in the last few centuries.

Frankfurt School: Eros and Civilization by Herbert Marcuse Herbert Marcuse 1955 Written: 1955.Source: Eros and Civilization, A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud. Herbert Marcuse. With a New Preface by the Author, published by Beacon Press, Boston, 1966;Transcribed: by Andy Blunden;Proofed: and corrected by Chris Clayton 2006. Contents Prefaces Political Preface 1966 Preface to First EditionIntroduction Part I: Under the Rule of the Reality Principle 1. Part II: Beyond the Reality Principle ...Epilogue: Critique of Neo-Freudian Revisionism
