The Best Funny Videos To Help Teach Grammar – Help Me Find More Earlier today, I posted Weird Al Weird Al Yankovic’s new funny video teaching grammar (I’ve also posted it below). Then, Heather Wolpert-Gawron showed me another funny one, that’s also posted below. I figured there have got to be more out there, so I invite readers to contribute the ones you know about — I’ll post them here and, of course, give you full credit. These can certainly be useful in the classroom! Chana at GCFLearnFree shared their fun and corny videos that are probably more categorized as easily confused words than grammar-related, but I’m still adding the series to this list. You can see them all here. Here’s one of them, and I have the video set as a playlist so you can automatically see them all, too… Reader Cindy Conser suggested this nice video collection from Shmoop would be a good addition to The Best Funny Videos To Help Teach Grammar. This next video shows Sherlock teacher grammar to a murderer. Related Videos: More Fun & Corny Grammar Videos July 17, 2014 In "grammar"
Laborera med ord | Grammatikdagen I den här övningen ska du låta eleverna arbeta induktivt med grammatik – de får själv sorterar ord och tänka ut definitioner som du som lärare sedan kan modifiera och precisera samt definiera med riktiga termer. Skriv ut klippark med ord. Dela in eleverna i par eller grupper. Låt dem klippa ut orden och sortera dem i tre högar, så som de tycker att de hör ihop. Diskutera i klassen så att alla är överens om vad som ska finnas i de tre högarna. (Klipparket är konstruerat så att det praktiskt taget alltid blir de tre ordklasserna substantiv, adjektiv, verb).Be eleverna beskriva orden i varje hög. Nu kan de tre högarna användas under vidare arbete med ordklasserna: Substantiv Sortera substantiven i två högar, singular och plural.Använd pluralhögen för att få fram de olika pluraländelserna. Adjektiv Låt eleverna dra lappar ur adjektivhögen och skriva orden i alla tre komparationsformerna. Verb Låt eleverna plocka ut alla verb som står i infinitiv.
Tips inför skrivandet! När ni ska skriva era uppsatser har vi bl a pratat om hur viktigt det är att man först disponerar sin text genom att tänka till först. Det är första steget innan du börjar skriva. När du väl skriver är det bra om du känner till några saker som kan lyfta din text något mer. Jag går kort igenom vad här under. Vad är gestaltning? Det är också bra om man kan använda synonymer och variera sitt språk när man skriver så det inte låter så lika när man läser texten. En annan sak jag berättat för er och som ni också tränat en hel del på är att använda bildspråk. När du ska resonera är det viktigt att du kan göra det från flera olika perspektiv. När du skrivit klart är det viktigt att du strukturerar din text med styckeindelning, att du kontrollerar din stavning och ser om du kan byta ut några ord eller förklara något bättre som är otydligt. Jag såg nyligen denna film från Orka Plugga som förklarar det jag berättat för er ovan. Slutligen – har du koll på texttyperna?
Does grammar matter? - Andreea S. Calude Spoken language has been neglected and marginalized for much of our history on account of its perceived inferiority in comparison to written language. Written language was historically regarded as the language of the ‘learned,’ given that few people could read or write. It also had permanence (written records can be preserved for hundreds of years, and it is only recently that speech recordings became an achievable technology for most of us), and it was thought to be of a higher standard and quality (often summed up as having “better” or more “correct” grammar). We all know that languages differ with respect to their grammar – we have all tried to learn another language only to be baffled not just by new vocabulary but also by the order and other quirks of how that language organizes its vocabulary – but what can and what does actually vary? The person who pioneered the idea of a ‘language universal’ is Joseph Greenberg.
Cirkusen – ett skrivprojekt i åk 3 | Skola 365 Under hela vårterminen har det varit CIRKUS i treornas klassrum! På ett bra sätt! För många år sedan inspirerades jag och en äldre kollega av mellanstadiets sätt att arbeta med ”Huset” (Stråk av bildspråk). Vi ville också! Vi var olydiga. Sedan dess har många år gått och jag har hunnit med att arbeta med Cirkusen i flera treor. Under terminen har jag presenterat ett kapitel, med tillhörande bild, i taget. ”Det där kunde du ha utvecklat, Kristin!” ”Du hade inte så många egenskaper på Starke Adolf!” En dag kom frågan… ”Ska vi inte ändra lite i din text och skriva till det vi kom på nu?” Jo, självklart! När vi bearbetat min text får eleverna givna punkter att förhålla sig till i sitt eget skrivande. ”Är det någon som har en bra inledning att bjuda på?” ”Har någon ett bra tips på katastrof?” Många vill dela med sig av sitt skrivande och kommer fram för att plugga i sin dator till smartboarden. Vi har använt oss av en enkel modell för kamratbedömning, för att vidareutveckla texterna.
Two stars and one wish SVOMPT - word order in English SVOMPT rule is one of the most important rules in English. If students learn to follow this rule, their English will improve dramatically, and they will be understood. Once a student knows some words and follows the SVOMPT rule, we can say that he/she can speak English. I love Darren Crown’s explanation of the origin of the SVOMPT word order. In his humorous book “Angličtina na rovinu” he writes that English was first used by a primitive tribe whose members did not want to use their brain too much and thus they created a word order which is always the same – Subject, Verb, Object, adverbs of Manner, adverbs of Place and adverbs of Time. So let´s stop looking for some complicated explanations and let´s think like the primitive barbarians and stick with the SVOMPT word order. SVOMPT – games and quizzes At the moment you feel you understand the grammar it is time to put your knowledge into practice. If you want to play the quiz on the full screen, click on the button below.
Huset - skrivprojekt år 5 Nu ska du skriva en miniroman med flera kapitel! Syfte Kopplingar till läroplan Sv Syfte formulera sig och kommunicera i tal och skrift, Sv Syfte anpassa språket efter olika syften, mottagare och sammanhang, Sv Syfte urskilja språkliga strukturer och följa språkliga normer, och Centralt innehåll Sv 4-6 Läsa och skriva Strategier för att skriva olika typer av texter med anpassning till deras typiska uppbyggnad och språkliga drag. Undervisningens innehåll (arbetssätt och arbetsformer) Läraren läser kapitlen först sedan kommer arbetsuppgifterna. 1. 5. Kunskapskrav Sv E 6 Eleven kan skriva olika slags texter med begripligt innehåll, i huvudsak fungerande struktur och viss språklig variation. Bedömning Jag kommer att bedöma hur: Huset - skrivprojekt år 5
A Brief History of National Grammar Day National Grammar Day, which is celebrated on March 4, was established in 2008 by Martha Brockenbrough, the author of Things That Make Us [Sic] and founder of the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar (SPOGG). Former President George W. Bush sent a letter commemorating the day in its inaugural year. In an interview with Grammarly last year, Martha explained that she founded the day because she wanted to help her students with their grammar in a lively and positive way. As the National Grammar Day website states, “Language is something to be celebrated, and March 4 is the perfect day to do it. It’s not only a date, it’s an imperative: March forth on March 4 to speak well, write well, and help others do the same!” Some people celebrate National Grammar Day with blog posts and lessons dedicated to the subject. At Grammarly, we treat every day like it’s National Grammar Day by helping you to perfect your writing all year round.
Grammar - Basic sentence structure Basic Sentence Structure There are five basic patterns around which most English sentences are built.* They are as follows: At the heart of every English sentence is the Subject-Verb relationship. The following sentences are examples of the S-V pattern. Note: Any action verb can be used with this sentence pattern. The following sentences are examples of the S-V-O pattern. Note: Only transitive action verbs can be used with this sentence pattern. The following sentences are examples of the S-V-Adj pattern. Note: Only linking verbs can be used with this sentence pattern. The following sentences are examples of the S-V-Adv pattern: The following sentences are examples of the S-V-N pattern. *Other, less common structures are dealt with in another unit. Sentence Structure: Learn about the four types of sentences! Are You Ready To Learn About Sentence Structure? Thank goodness for sentences and sentence structure. Sentences are nice little packages of words that come together to express complete thoughts. Without sentences, we'd probably all be walking around like a bunch of babbling idiots. :) On this page, you're going to learn about simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, and compound-complex sentences. I'm also going to show you how to diagram those things because sentence diagramming is super-duper helpful when it comes to SEEING a sentence's structure. Quick Refresher In order to be a complete sentence, a group of words needs to contain a subject and a verb, and it needs to express a complete thought. If a group of words is missing any of that information, it's probably a sentence fragment. If you have a group of words containing two or more independent clauses that are not properly punctuated, it's probably a run-on sentence. The Four Sentence Structures I kicked the ball. Psst!
English Sentence Structure: 4 Types of English Sentences Simple Sentence A simple sentence contains one independent clause. What’s an “independent clause”? Examples of simple sentences: I‘m happy.Robert doesn’t eat meat.My brother and I went to the mall last night.This new laptop computer has already crashed twice. Notice that a “simple sentence” isn’t necessarily short. Compound Sentence A compound sentence has two independent clauses joined by a linking word (and, but, or, so, yet, however). Each independent clause could be a sentence by itself, but we connect them with a linking word: I‘m happy, but my kids are always complaining.Robert doesn’t eat meat, so Barbara made a special vegetarian dish for him.My brother and I went to the mall last night, but we didn’t buy anything.This new laptop computer has already crashed twice, and I have no idea why. Note that each sentence has TWO subjects and TWO verb phrases. Complex Sentence A complex sentence has one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. Compound-Complex Sentence
Games for Learning English, Vocabulary, Grammar Games, Activities, ESL