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Repères chronologiques pour les arts numériques

Repères chronologiques pour les arts numériques
1985Tony de Peltrie des québécois Philippe Bergeron, Daniel Langlois, Pierre Lachapelle et Pierre Robidoux. 1986Luxo Junior de John Lasseter qui deviendra l'emblème du Studio Pixar. 1990Panspermia, Karl Sims, animation fondée sur des algorithmes de vie artificielle. 1991Quarxs, Maurice Benayoun 1986Very Nervous System, de David Rokeby est une des premières installations interactives performatives ; le logiciel créé par Rokeby sera utilisé par d'autres artistes pour d'autres créations. 1988 La plume, Edmond Couchot et Michel Bret. 1989Legible City, Jeffrey Shaw 1995Beyond Pages, Masaki Fujihata La vie artificielle désigne une branche de la recherche en informatique qui crée et modélise des êtres numériques - réalistes ou inventés -, lesquels vont "vivre" et évoluer au sein de leur environnement numérique (informatique) qui constitue leur éco-système. 1992Interactive Plant Growing, Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, installation interactive en vie artificielle. 1995 Osmose, Char Davies

Alsagora Sur votre agenda : A Mulhouse, Terre des Nouveaux Possibles 2012 (17-25 novembre) Terre des Nouveaux Possibles : Le festival qui promeut l’audace entrepreneuriale et la culture de l'innovation via un vaste programme d’animations. Mulhouse, Terre des Nouveaux Possibles le festival de l'imagination entrepreneuriale et de l'innovation, en est à sa seconde édition. Dans cette ville post-industrielle innovante à fortes compétences numériques, l'ambition est de repousser les limites du quotidien des entreprises et des individus en explorant des voies nouvelles. Et ce, via un riche programme d'une vingtaine de rencontres proposées sur toute une semaine. Le TEDx Alsace ouvre le programme de la semaine Avec douze témoignages placés sous le signe de l'émotion, thème de cette année, le TEDx Alsace met d'emblée le public dans l'ambiance de la semaine qui suit en «ouvrant les possibles». Un salon de la création d’entreprise et des conférences marketing sont plus particulièrement destinés aux entreprises.

mr. div all in our heads // video 16,984 notes Kris Menace ‘The Entirety of Matter’ // Album art by Mr. Div Check out the first in a series of 'gif videos’ for the album here: Kris Menace - Mona 827 notes Social Networking Sites This page hasn't been completed yet. Do you know about social networking sites like Facebook, Linked in and others? Please contribute! Brief Description: (from Social Media Training):Social networks focus on online communities of people who share interests and activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. When to use: Create awareness. How to use: Tips for getting the best out of social networking sitesWhile there are quite a few sites that can be used to promote or publicize your activity, event or Center, it is wise to exercise restraint. Tips and Lessons Learnt (add yours) Examples & Stories Who can tell me more? (add your name/contact email) Michael Riggs (michael.riggs[at] Related Methods / Tools / Practices Resources (add yours) Tags Author(s) Meena Arivananthan (m.arivananthan[at] Nancy White Image credits:

Original Creators: Visionary Computer Animator John Whitney Sr Way before After Effects, before the annual Siggraph conference, before Pixar even, computer animation was around in its infant form. There were no feature films rendered entirely on a computer, no animated deconstructions of historic artworks. But there was someone who made all this possible and that man was John Whitney Sr. If you jumped in a time machine and kidnapped him from history to help you with a homework assignment and never returned him, the fate of computer animation may well go the way of the McFly clan in that disappearing photo from Back to the Future. Anyway, enough with the time-travel film metaphors. Whitney’s work stands out because not only was he an early, bold experimenter in the field of computer graphics, he was also explicitly using computers to create works of art. But perhaps his most famous and recognized work was his collaboration with Saul Bass on the title sequence for Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo in 1958. Mechanical Analogue Computers Catalog (1961)

Heritage science The heritage science domain[edit] In adopting the term heritage science,[1] heritage science was seen as "key to the long-term sustainability of heritage: it is about managing change and risk and maximising social, cultural and economic benefit not just today, but in such a way that we can pass on to future generations that which we have inherited." Domains of research, where heritage science makes a particular input were recognised to be museums, galleries, libraries and archives; the built historic environment and archaeology, by the United Kingdom National Heritage Science Strategy documents.[2] With this wide definition, heritage science spans an enormous variety of scientific activities. Heritage science is performed by researchers in heritage institutions and in the academia alike. Despite its diffuse character, heritage science is a very lively science domain. Development of ‘Heritage Science’[edit] Two international professional associations have heritage science groups:

vvvv - a multipurpose toolkit | vvvv Using strobe light to make water drops fall in slow motion We can make water droplets appear to fall in slow motion by pumping them out of a tube using a pump that pushes the droplets out at regular intervals. Many pumps operate at 60 Hz because AC power in the United States oscillates at 60 Hz. If we force droplets out of a tube at 60 Hz and illuminate the droplets with a 60 Hz strobe light, the droplets will appear to be essentially motionless. If you want to make one of these devices, here's what you need. A reciprocating pump. (9.8 m/s^2)*(1s/60)^2 = 0.27 cm so each pair of droplets will be separated by an additional 1/4 centimeter compared to the pair above it. It is possible to custom-tune the frequency of a low voltage pump to match the frame rate of either a strobe or a high-speed digital camera.

Records [iPhone, Sound]: Japanese independent record label | only on the iPhone Records is a Japanese independent record label brought to you by Delaware that only exists on iPhone/iPodTouch. Distributed via the AppStore, featuring now 6 apps (compilations), Re<ords apps are a new spin on distributing music. Instead of going via iTunes, Re<ords acknowledge opportunity to add value to music in the form of interactive experience or what I like to refer to as “designer apps” or collectables. Each app is individually designed and includes a spinning vinyl with custom designed label. Coming soon is also the zar+Mo Label, offering classical music, early jazz and other traditional sounds. Delaware is an art collective from Japan. Platform: iPhone Version: / Cost: $1.99 – $3.99 Developer: Delaware

The Evil Eye - Optical audio record by Indianen The Evil Eye project is the result of a residency by Belgium collective Indianen at the Frans Masereel Center, a center for printmaking in Kasterlee. The project investigates how printmaking could produce another kind of information, transforming material into an object with a new meaning. When you put “optical audio record” on the record player it passes the handheld electronic “eye” the team has built: a simple device with an LED and a light sensor. The rotating patterns create modulating light that is translated into an electric signal by the eye. This signal is fed into a guitar amplifier and comes out as the exact sound that is embedded in the prints. The app that generates the patters was made with Cocoa / Objective-C. The track editing view superimposes waves on top of each other and allows for adding tones, moving them around and changing their pitch and waveforms (square wave, sine, sawtooth, etc…). Indianen | Frans Masereel Center.

Bootleg : not another surf movie Des films de surf il y en a beaucoup. Quand un arrive à faire se rencontrer créativité artistique et qualité de glisse on ne peut que le signaler. C’est le cas de Bootleg, film né de la rencontre entre l’icône Joel Tudor et le réalisateur Georges Trimm. Capture d’écran du film “The Bootleg” Not another surf movie Joel Tudor est intemporel. Capture d’écran du film “Bootleg” Le film a été montré en avant première à Laguna Beach, non loin de Los Angeles, en septembre dernier. Bootleg : une esthétique du contre-pied Mais ne nous limitons pas à l’apparition d’une des stars de la surf culture alternative. Un assemblage éparse de séquences parfois mal dégrossies. Le charme de l’ancien Le charme de l’ancien. Antimoderne. Je veux recevoir plus de news !
