➽ Histoiredesarts.culture.fr
Sur votre agenda : A Mulhouse, Terre des Nouveaux Possibles 2012 (17-25 novembre) Terre des Nouveaux Possibles : Le festival qui promeut l’audace entrepreneuriale et la culture de l'innovation via un vaste programme d’animations. Mulhouse, Terre des Nouveaux Possibles le festival de l'imagination entrepreneuriale et de l'innovation, en est à sa seconde édition. Dans cette ville post-industrielle innovante à fortes compétences numériques, l'ambition est de repousser les limites du quotidien des entreprises et des individus en explorant des voies nouvelles. Et ce, via un riche programme d'une vingtaine de rencontres proposées sur toute une semaine. Le TEDx Alsace ouvre le programme de la semaine Avec douze témoignages placés sous le signe de l'émotion, thème de cette année, le TEDx Alsace met d'emblée le public dans l'ambiance de la semaine qui suit en «ouvrant les possibles». Un salon de la création d’entreprise et des conférences marketing sont plus particulièrement destinés aux entreprises.
mr. div
all in our heads // video 16,984 notes Kris Menace ‘The Entirety of Matter’ // Album art by Mr. Div www.entiretyofmatter.com Check out the first in a series of 'gif videos’ for the album here: Kris Menace - Mona 827 notes
➽ Perezartsplastiques.com
Social Networking Sites
This page hasn't been completed yet. Do you know about social networking sites like Facebook, Linked in and others? Please contribute! Brief Description: (from Social Media Training):Social networks focus on online communities of people who share interests and activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. When to use: Create awareness. How to use: Tips for getting the best out of social networking sitesWhile there are quite a few sites that can be used to promote or publicize your activity, event or Center, it is wise to exercise restraint. Tips and Lessons Learnt (add yours) Examples & Stories Who can tell me more? (add your name/contact email) Michael Riggs (michael.riggs[at]fao.org) Related Methods / Tools / Practices Resources (add yours) Tags Author(s) Meena Arivananthan (m.arivananthan[at]cgiar.org) Nancy White Image credits:
Original Creators: Visionary Computer Animator John Whitney Sr
Way before After Effects, before the annual Siggraph conference, before Pixar even, computer animation was around in its infant form. There were no feature films rendered entirely on a computer, no animated deconstructions of historic artworks. But there was someone who made all this possible and that man was John Whitney Sr. If you jumped in a time machine and kidnapped him from history to help you with a homework assignment and never returned him, the fate of computer animation may well go the way of the McFly clan in that disappearing photo from Back to the Future. Anyway, enough with the time-travel film metaphors. But perhaps his most famous and recognized work was his collaboration with Saul Bass on the title sequence for Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo in 1958. Mechanical Analogue Computers John Whitney Sr. and his brother James Catalog (1961) This was a demo reel which showcased the visual effects Whitney was able to create with his analogue machinery. Arabesque (1975) @stewart23rd
➽ commentcamarche.net
Heritage science
The heritage science domain[edit] In adopting the term heritage science,[1] heritage science was seen as "key to the long-term sustainability of heritage: it is about managing change and risk and maximising social, cultural and economic benefit not just today, but in such a way that we can pass on to future generations that which we have inherited." Domains of research, where heritage science makes a particular input were recognised to be museums, galleries, libraries and archives; the built historic environment and archaeology, by the United Kingdom National Heritage Science Strategy documents.[2] With this wide definition, heritage science spans an enormous variety of scientific activities. Heritage science is performed by researchers in heritage institutions and in the academia alike. Despite its diffuse character, heritage science is a very lively science domain. Development of ‘Heritage Science’[edit] Two international professional associations have heritage science groups:
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L'art numérique
L'ordinateur est un nouveau support artistique. Comme dans toute forme d'art, on y trouve de tout : des dessins mangas en 3D à des installations gigantesques qui consistent à projeter des images digitales sur des façades d'immeubles. Historique de l'art numérique Naissance dans les années 50 L'art numérique ou art digital concerne toute forme de création en langage numérisé, où la technologie prédomine largement. L'art numérique, dont l'émergence est admise dans les années 80, a pourtant vu le jour beaucoup plus tôt, dans les années 60, voire dès les années 50 avec l'apparition des premières tables de mixage dans les studios d'enregistrement. Essor dans les années 80 Le développement de l'art visuel, même s'il faisait ses premiers pas dans le numérique dès les années 50, prend quant à lui son essor un peu plus tard, au cours des années 80, où cette forme d'art reste encore marginale et confidentielle. Popularisation dans les années 90 Techniques Le problème de la conservation