Postcards Crim Crimea Tokyo London Rome Mexico Amsterdam Spain Wonderland India San-Marino Italy Berlin Russia Venice Gradara Prague Родион Китаев San Francisco Catalunya Norway Bruges New Orlean Praha Moscow Barcelona Saint-Petersburg Nootk Stockholm France Paris Kirovsk Columbia Австрия Helsinki Amerika Saint Petersburg Antarctics Hawaii Vienna Azores Egypt Cyprus Suomi Milano Český Krumlov Тайланд You go to the world Hong-Kong Денис Смирнов Cuba Гриша GK Longyearbyen, Norway Глеб Солнцев Bali
Les nuages de pop corn d'April Cakes - popavenue - Happy French Pop Blog popcorn clouds Photos © April Cakes Denver, colorado, USA Photographier le ciel est un de mes passe-temps favoris. Mais j'avoue que les nuages pop-corn d'April Cakes sont fabuleux ! Photographing the sky is one of my favorite pastimes. But I confess that the popcorn clouds by April Cakes are fabulous! Via : Photos sur Flickr : Animated Photography : stonetree Dream 1 Dream 2 Dream 3 Dream 4 Dream 5 Dream 6 Dream 7 In A World Without Words Focus sur la photographe coréenne Ina Jang basée à Brooklyn qui porte avec sa dernière série « In a World without Words » un véritable regard minimaliste et en deux-dimensions sur les sujets qu’elle capture. Des clichés figuratifs et étranges d’une grande beauté, à découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.
Haru and Mina Part II Après la diffusion de la première série de clichés et dans le cadre des Fubiz Awards, nous retrouvons le photographe japonais Hideaki Hamada avec de nouvelles mises en scène de ses enfants Haru et Mina. Des clichés toujours aussi réussis à découvrir dans la suite. Retrouvez davantage de photographies sur le site officiel d’Hideaki Hamada. IKONAMAG finally. | My Favourite Childhood Nightmares „My Favourite Childhood Nightmares“ not only deals with fears and dreams, the unconscious or the childhood, it is also an attempt to combine two traditional types of media and create something completely new. The project settles somewhere between the traditional still photography and the moving image – it is no longer just photography and not yet a movie. What emerges is an entirely new form of storytelling. „My Favourite Childhood Nightmares“ beschäftigt sich nicht nur mit Ängsten und Träumen, dem Unbewussten oder dem Kindsein, es ist außerdem der Versuch zwei traditionelle Medien miteinander zu vereinen und so etwas Neues zu erschaffen. Das Projekt bewegt sich im Nirgendwo zwischen der klassischen Still-Fotografie und dem bewegten Bild, nicht mehr als Fotografie und noch nicht als Film zu bezeichnen. Was entsteht ist eine gänzlich neue Form des Erzählens.
edouard beau : upcoming events highlighting interesting projects involving paper. Quilled Paper Alphabet by Dan Hoopert 19 year old Uk-based graphic designer Dan Hoopert has crafted an intricate 3D alphabet series out of swirled quilled tendrils of paper as a personal project. The ornate detail in each of the letters is absolutely remarkable! For creation of typography in the realm of paper, this definitely sets itself apart from the rest. One can only imagine the amount of hours it took to produce this piece. Snake-like Paper Sculpture Made From Thousands Of Lips You may remember the Swarm Pinned Skin Collage by David Adey comprised of thousands of clippings of various complexions from fashion magazines. Accumulation Paper Cut Sculptures Talented artist Christine Kim has delighted us in the past with her illustrations, which showcased the use of penciled collaged figures, incorporated with watercolor backdrops and paper cut imagery to produce beautiful motifs. Hermes Atlantis Paper Craft Window Display Origami Bench by blackLAB Architects
One day one place in China shut your mouth ART1 - Новости искусcтва, дизайна, архитектуры, фотографии : Irina Werning - Photographer