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Adobe Labs provides the latest prerelease software from Adobe. Available downloads are organized by solution/project type and include new product betas, plug-ins, and experimental technology previews. Downloads by Solution HTML and Web ColdFusion beta (February 19, 2014) Digital Imaging Plug-ins for Photoshop Lightroom preview 2 (Sep 12, 2013) Digital Video Enterprise Extending Creative Suite Configurator 4 release candidate (July 25, 2013) Adobe Exchange Panel preview (Jul 12, 2012) Adobe Extension Builder preview (August 1, 2013) Tutorial Builder preview (Jan 15, 2013) Flash and ActionScript Flash Player 13 beta (Apr 8, 2014) AIRĀ® 13 beta (Apr 8, 2014) SWF Investigator preview 5 (May 22, 2013) Squiggly preview 6 (June 20, 2011) Visual Size Report preview (Sep 21, 2011) Related: