8 Abandoned Theme Parks Abroad “Open” for Exploration Call it exoticism: theme parks outside the US seem just a smidgen creepier than those we grew up visiting. Safety guidelines are questionable, attractions are a bit lees planned-out, and themes are chosen with a decidedly laissez-faire attitude. Although these factors might be a detriment to theme parks while they’re still in business, they certainly increase foreign parks’ appeal to urban explorers with an eye for the bizarre once they’ve been abandoned. A former Cement Factory is now the workspace and residence of Ricardo Bofill Image Courtesy of Ricardo Bofill Architect: Ricardo BofillProgram: Architectural offices /archives /model laboratory /exhibition space /Bofill's-apartment /guest rooms /gardensLocation: Barcelona, SpainTotal floor area: 3,100 square meters and gardensHouse area: 500 square metersDate Completed: 1975 There is nothing as good as an aged bottle of wine; and in this case the aged bottle of wine is a project which was completed in 1975, but is still worth mentioning! First and foremost we would like to thank our friend and founder of Room Service design store in Greece, Katerina Xynogala for providing us with the necessary information regarding The Cement Factory, which is featured in the latest Room Service catalogue. The Cement Factory was discovered in 1973, it was an abandoned cement factory and partially in ruins, comprised of over 30 silos, underground galleries and huge engine rooms; Ricardo Bofill bought it and began renovation works. sources:
Chairs Made From Old Computers Offer Interactive Seating Photos via BRC Designs We've seen a lot of things made from computer parts but this might be the most elaborate. A series of furniture, including chairs and a table, have been fashioned from junked hardware... and they couldn't be more interesting. They're even interactive! Last week, Lloyd covered the Binary 01 chair and noted, "I do worry about the sharp edges, the toxic chemicals found in old circuit boards and components that might leach out, and how one might keep this clean, but other than those minor caveats, it looks like a wonderful repurposing of old electronics." I definitely agree -- this looks cool, but I'm not so sure about sitting directly on these old computer parts that have been busted up and refashioned together.
Becoming a Critical Thinker Ordering Information Topical Indexes Other Writings Other Resources From Abracadabra to Zombies 7 steps to creativity - how to have ideas A guest post by Simon Townley of WriteMindset As a writer, having ideas is one of the most important parts of your craft. But often it seems like one of the most difficult and challenging parts of the whole process. How do you keep ideas flowing? I’m obsessed with…THIS PIRATE BEDROOM! « blah blah blah… I’m obsessed with…THIS PIRATE BEDROOM! <——– Take a minute and *like* my page on Facebook! Thanks! :) I think we can all agree this is the COOLEST. BEDROOM. Cool design ideas #2 Some really cool design ideas: folding chairs, folding bath, cool light, pizza scissors,… Related articles: Cool design ideas, Cool inventions (15 pictures)
Book Beast Berlusconi’s So-Called Bunga-Bunga Life By Barbie Latza Nadeau In a new authorized biography, ‘My Way,’ there’s an ‘awestruck’ Putin, the sick joke he and Gaddafi made famous—and the Italian playboy PM who remains as slippery as ever. Keep Reading Books The Egg Author's Note: The Egg is also available in the following languages: The Egg By: Andy Weir You were on your way home when you died. It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but fatal nonetheless.
Most expensive apartment in the UK sold for $221 million dollars! « blah blah blah… Most expensive apartment in the UK sold for $221 million dollars! Got a quarter billion dollars laying around? You’re in luck. All-in-One Modular Fold Out Living Room Furniture Set This incredible all-in-one furniture set from Matroshka is still looking for funding – so if you want to have one you might need to become an investor. Named after Russian nesting dolls, this remarkable furniture collection packs down to just 13 square feet but includes: bookshelves, a double bed, corner couch, dinner table, four stools, working space, drawers, a wardrobe and additional storage. Whether or not these are ever mass-produced this great step-by-step furniture photo shoot should at least inspire do-it-yourselfers to think about how you can create your own highly portable and yet remarkably simple modular furniture sets to suit your own spatial needs:
How Viral PDFs Of A Naughty Bedtime Book Exploded The Old Publishing Model Amazon announced last week that it’s testing out a 30-hour workweek for "a few dozen" employees on some of its technical teams. Those employees, the Washington Post reports, will keep all the same benefits as full-time staff but earn 75% of the pay (Amazon already employs part-time workers with full benefits). Every member on those teams, including managers, will work 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday, with the remaining time on the clock made up of flex hours, and they’ll have the option to become full-time if they wish. According to the Post (which is owned by Amazon's CEO Jeff Bezos), Amazon sees the move as a response to rising demand for more flexible hours.
Traveling Lightly Through Life ‘A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.’ ~Lao Tzu Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Francine Jay of Miss Minimalist. I’m often asked what inspired me to become a minimalist.