Bad Science Chronomètre en ligne Inside the Human Body Recent Episodes Available for: ‘Inside the Human Body’ Inside the Human Body -1×4- Hostile World May 27th, 2011 | Author: admin | Add to watch list Inside the Human Body -1×3- Building Your Brain May 20th, 2011 | Add to watch list Inside the Human Body -1×2- First To Last May 15th, 2011 | Add to watch list Inside the Human Body -1×1- Creation May 6th, 2011 | Add to watch list
Tice 74 - Site des ressources pédagogiques TICE - Un time timer en classe pour TNI Il s’agit d’une simple déclinaison numérique du bien connu « time timer » afin de décompter le temps qui passe (pas besoin de savoir lire l’heure !). Utilisé dans de nombreuses classes, il peut maintenant être projeté via un TNI. Le visuel est très agréable. Très utile, notamment lors de temps de travail en autonomie ou lors de plan de travail car : il permet d’ apprendre la gestion du temps qui passe ; il permet à l’enfant de ’’ matérialiser » le temps qui passe et mieux le quantifier. cela permet de responsabiliser ses élèves ; le maître n’est plus le seul gardien du temps. 1 - Réglez le temps désiré 2 - visualisez le temps qui passe Utiliser : De nombreux autres modèles disponibles :
Bad Science Jokes Hello Scientists! I did want to let you all know that I will be putting ads on the blog. (The links that I’ve posted recently.) Thanks! JUNE UPDATE: New Science blogs added to the Big Science Blog List (92 new blogs!) shychemist: My big list of science blogs is now updated. Thank you for including us in this amazing list! Space Gifs! How things look in space!!! hazel-eyess: Is your plasma osmolality greater than 295 mOsm/kg because gurl you thirsty! Great Science Memes » Science!! If you’re following badsciencejokes, or like Bad Science,… Jokes…. The Best of Chemistry Cat!!!! A great collection of Chemistry Cat! Engaging the Reluctant Learner Through Making I am a teacher. If you had walked into my classroom a few weeks ago, you may have thought you were witnessing some sort of student uprising. Students were dashing around the room, furniture was overturned, trash was littering the tables and floor, and paper wads were being launched from a large slingshot with surprising speed and accuracy. However, with further observation you would have noticed smiles of happiness on the faces of the students, and a look of loving pride on the face of the teacher. Let me explain. So what was happening the day I let my students make a slingshot and turn the classroom into a scene of chaos? My class’ slingshot started with a student who was avoiding doing his work. Making and playing happened for the next hour as we constructed two more chair slingshots, and in case you don’t already know, beautiful things can happen as you engage in a making adventure. Version two, the most accurate Great re-use of materials The view you do NOT want to see View All Related
Make a URL “Pretty” When working with students I like to use Google Spreadsheets because my entire class can be on the same document at the same time. Because a spreadsheet is divided up into boxes (cells) each student can have their own spot without “stepping” on other students inputting information. If students create digital projects and you want them to view other students projects, try having students put their link into a collaborative Google Spreadsheet. Many URL’s are long and ugly. Use the formula =hyperlink(“URL”,”TEXT”) If my URL is I would instead enter =hyperlink(“ Notice the quotations marks around both the URL and around the text that will be displayed instead of the URL. It is probably unreasonable to have a student write that formula. In the 3rd column write the formula =hyperlink(B2,”Click Here for “&A2&”‘s project”).
The Learning Hub | Television New Zealand | Entertainment | TV One, TV2, U Meet the Locals: A classroom resource for teachers Mike Tapp Nic Vallance Meet the Locals 1 A classroom resource for teachers Meet the Locals 1 is a series of four-minute mini-documentaries filmed in partnership with TVNZ and the Department of Conservation. As teaching resources they match the vision for our young people as in the New Zealand Curriculum. The videos highlight the inspiring work of local communities, individuals and DOC staff as they strive to protect and enhance New Zealand's natural heritage. You'll find science units with a focus on our unique reptiles, insects, birds and sand dune environment. The units were written for Years 7 to 9 but teachers of younger or older students can easily adapt them and find them useful. Meet the video presenter Nic Vallance presents each Meet the Locals video. Mike hasn't swum with dolphins but he has mountain biked through huge swarms of sandflies, more than once. The units Brought to you in partnership with
Science Media Centre UPD8 - Antibiotic cockroaches - Type: Activity Learning Strategy: Data work Topic: Drugs Superbugs like MRSA are on the rampage, killing vulnerable hospital patients. What are scientists doing to combat antibiotic-resistant pathogens? Antibiotic Cockroaches is a sample from our new Crucial pack, building skills for better GCSE results. Note: this is a beta version, before final testing, and not the finished publication Published: 4th July 2011Reviews & Comments: 2 Learning objectives • Find out how harmful bacteria form antibiotic-resistant strains. • Discover why resistant strains spread rapidly. • Draw conclusions from evidence about new ways of treating infections. Try the activity You will need Acrobat Reader installed to open the activity sheets. This lesson addresses in particular, new content from AQA A Core GCSE, statement: B1.1.2j It also practises the skill of examining how well evidence supports a claim, for GCSE controlled assessment and written examinations. Running the activity Reviews & Comments Oct 28th, 2013