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Home Page - Directory of Open Access Repositories

Home Page - Directory of Open Access Repositories
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Journées d’étude sur les Archives Ouvertes Les archives ouvertes Une archive ouverte est un site où les documents sont en libre accès (Open access). Les chercheurs y déposent leurs articles en texte intégral dans le respect des droits d’auteur ou leurs références bibliographiques. L’expression « archive ouverte » traduite de l’anglais Open Archive, peut être employée au singulier ou au pluriel (Open Archives). On parle aussi souvent de « réservoir » ou d’« entrepôt de documents » (traduction de l’anglais Repository).Les archives ouvertes suivent le protocole d’échange des données OAI-PMH « The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting ». Le libre accès ne se limite pas aux archives ouvertes. HAL permet de « faire des collections », c’est-à-dire de sélectionner des documents qui seront déposés selon une démarche institutionnelle ou thématique. C’est un problème important. Les collections à l’EHESS sont en général gérées par les documentalistes/bibliothécaires.

Can LinkedIn and Enhance Access to Open Repositories? Reference: Kelly, B. and Delasalle, J., 2012. Can LinkedIn and Enhance Access to Open Repositories? Related documents: Related URLs: Abstract The deployment of institutional repository services has focussed on the development of services for managing content within the organisation or by a trusted agency. Export DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books Open access Open access för vetenskapliga publikationer ger ökad synlighet och tillgänglighet Open access – publicering av vetenskapliga resultat fritt på internet – skapar en ökad tillgänglighet för resultaten av dagens forskning och lägger en grund för framtida forskning. Open access är idag på väg att bli normen för att sprida vetenskaplig information på nätet. Vad är Kungliga bibliotekets program ska främja fri tillgänglighet på internet för de arbeten som produceras av svenska forskare, lärare och studenter. Programmet drivs av Kungliga biblioteket som en del av bibliotekets inflytandestruktur för samverkan med det svenska biblioteksväsendet och arbetet leds av KB:s Expertgrupp för och publiceringsfrågor. Kontakt

Quels nouveaux modèles pour les médias ? / Hommage à Umberto Eco Face à la crise de la presse, quels modèles résistent ? Le point autour d’un cas d'école : BuzzFeed, le site d'information américain débarqué en France en 2013. En ouverture, hommage à Umberto Eco, disparu vendredi. Actualité : Hommage à Umberto Eco, avec Stefano Montefiori, correspondant à Paris du Corriere della Sera ; par tél. : Teresa Cremisi, éditrice ; Julia Kristeva, écrivain ; Jean-Noël Schifano, traducteur Plateau : David Perrotin, journaliste à BuzzFeed FranceAlexandre Lacroix, auteur de Ce qui nous relie. Chroniqueuse : Marjorie Paillon (France24) Beginners Guide to Social Media for OR2012 » Open Repositories 2012 As the conference approaches, we’ve been doing everything we can to get ready – getting our words-per-minute up, building up a tolerance to caffeine, and getting you all excited. One of the things we really want out of OR2012 is a good conversation. That means networking in person, and using this internet thing – we hear it’s sticking around. We’ll be using several different tools during OR2012 and we want to make sure that everyone’s familiar with them so you’ll find a guide here to using Crowdvine; Twitter; Lanyrd; Flickr; and Live blogging - click “Read More” below to browse through all of our tips or click on the one you are most interested in. Once you’ve had a change to try these out – or if you’re already an expert – then you should also take a look at our Your Conference Needs You post! Crowdvine First up is Crowdvine – a social network just for the event. Fill in your name, email address and create a password. Twitter You might notice a hashtag in our updates. Lanyrd Flickr

OPENARCHIVES.IT | Des catalogues vers le web de données Beginners Guide to Social Media for OR2012 » Open Repositories 2012 As the conference approaches, we’ve been doing everything we can to get ready – getting our words-per-minute up, building up a tolerance to caffeine, and getting you all excited. One of the things we really want out of OR2012 is a good conversation. That means networking in person, and using this internet thing – we hear it’s sticking around. We’ll be using several different tools during OR2012 and we want to make sure that everyone’s familiar with them so you’ll find a guide here to using Crowdvine; Twitter; Lanyrd; Flickr; and Live blogging - click “Read More” below to browse through all of our tips or click on the one you are most interested in. Once you’ve had a change to try these out – or if you’re already an expert – then you should also take a look at our Your Conference Needs You post! Crowdvine First up is Crowdvine – a social network just for the event. Fill in your name, email address and create a password. Twitter You might notice a hashtag in our updates. Lanyrd Flickr SavoirsCom1 | Politiques des biens communs de la connaissance Open Repository Blog : ALA Midwinter 2012 BioMed Central’s Open Repository recently exhibited at the ALA Midwinter Conference in Dallas. Warm and sunny, it was a great change of scenery with excellent food! In a climate of stretched budgets, attendance at the conference seemed low. However it was great that our representatives: Bob Schatz and Nish Thiru were kept very busy at the booth. Bob Schatz presented a very well-received workshop entitled Institutional Repositories and the Open Repository Solution. If you would like to know more about how Open Repository could help your organization or receive a free demonstration of the service, please do get in touch.

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