Print Screen Capture Software with Special Effects, Annotation Tools and support for Windows 7, Vista and XP Alpha Transparency (Translucency). Create Annotated High-Fidelity Screen Shots... in Minutes, not Hours ! Make Your Screen Shots Stand Out, Impress Your Audience Have you ever wondered how to create screenshots such as this or this ? Most screen capture programs are fine if you just want to take an image of what's on your screen to include in your document or presentation. In SnapDraw Free, all the complicated annotation graphics such as Callouts and Magnifier Lens or nice looking effect such as 3D perspective and Reflections - are built-in tools. For more screenshots click here. It's a great tool - I've used it to make screenshots for my latest help file ( and it worked well with grabbing rounded windows and then it was easy and quick to make the balloons with text. - Dennis Volodomanov - I have looked for a program like Snap Draw for a long, long time without finding exactly what I had imagined. - Theresia Hoevel, Hoevel WebDesign - - Steve Horton, PCWorld - - Ahto Tanner, Moon Software -
Démocratie participative CristinaSkyBox TumbleBlog See on - Permamarks The value of quality curation is only going to increase exponentially. The trend will be to create long term value. People will want to keep their own record – from their Point of View. Permamarks's insight: Permamarks appreciates being included on our views for the future of curation for the new Curatti project! See on MentorMob - Learn What You Want, Teach What You Love - MentorMob Free Tutorials, Training and Courses in Software, Computers, Finance, Business, Certifications
Content-based image retrieval General scheme of content-based image retrieval Content-based image retrieval (CBIR), also known as query by image content (QBIC) and content-based visual information retrieval (CBVIR) is the application of computer vision techniques to the image retrieval problem, that is, the problem of searching for digital images in large databases (see this survey[1] for a recent scientific overview of the CBIR field). Content-based image retrieval is opposed to traditional concept-based approaches (see concept-based image indexing). History[edit] The term "content-based image retrieval" seems to have originated in 1992 when it was used by T. The earliest commercial CBIR system was developed by IBM and was called QBIC (Query by Image Content).[3] Technical progress[edit] The interest in CBIR has grown because of the limitations inherent in metadata-based systems, as well as the large range of possible uses for efficient image retrieval. CBIR techniques[edit] Query techniques[edit] Color[edit] Shape[edit]
Augmented Collective Intelligence Web Meeting, Document Sharing Free instant and fully synchronized sessions Quick Screen Capture tool. Take Screenshots, Edit and Share them Collective consciousness ePortfolios for Learning 9 OCR gratuits, en ligne et sans logiciel L’OCR c’est la reconnaissance optique des caractères. Si vous scannez un texte, le résultat vous arrivera sous forme de photo, il va donc falloir que vous passiez par un logiciel OCR qui transformera ces photos en texte. Ce texte pourra ensuite être modifié plus facilement via un logiciel de traitement de teste. Voilà une sélection de 12 sites OCR gratuits en ligne. (Billet mis à jour avec l’arrivée du service Ce service est réellement simple, rapide et surtout ne nécessite pas de création de compte, ni d’envoi par email. L’avantage du service OCR de google drive ou appelons le aussi Google doc, c’est qu’en plus de la reconnaissance de caractères, on vous propose de sauvegarder le fichier et ensuite, de pouvoir faire une recherche pour retrouver le document en question. Selon le blogue de il est possible de convertir les fichiers photos en texte via un le service skydrive. (simple) (sans fioriture) ocrterminal versions
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