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Gallery of Data Visualization The Best and Worst of Statistical Graphics

Gallery of Data Visualization The Best and Worst of Statistical Graphics
This Gallery of Data Visualization displays some examples of the Best and Worst of Statistical Graphics, with the view that the contrast may be useful, inform current practice, and provide some pointers to both historical and current work. We go from what is arguably the best statistical graphic ever drawn, to the current record-holder for the worst. Like good writing, good graphical displays of data communicate ideas with clarity, precision, and efficiency. Like poor writing, bad graphical displays distort or obscure the data, make it harder to understand or compare, or otherwise thwart the communicative effect which the graph should convey. [See the Bad Writing Contest for examples of The Best of Bad Writing. Do you know of other examples of the Best or Worst in Statistical Graphics on the Web? These pages are organized as a collection of images, along with a few of the 1000 words each may be worth and some links to original sources.

Francesco Franchi – Infographics Analisi Grafica Published every month on IL – Intelligence in lifestyle An information graphic has to be an intelligent representation. The effort of Analisi Grafica spread is to combine and organize data, select and choose how to display it in order to tell a story that can be an alternative to writing an article of ten thousand words or more. In this way an infographic is at the same time design but also narrative. Letteratura Grafica Published on IL – Intelligence in lifestyle Letteratura Grafica, through non-linear infographic language, aims to translate into two-dimensional spaces the relationships and connections between the characters and the elements of the story. Other infographics Published on IL – Intelligence in lifestyle and other magazines While words and sentences are part of the verbal communication system, images and graphical representations are the key elements for visual communication. All the infographics are available in higher resolution on my Flickr

Connecting Math to Our Lives | Collaboration Centre Connecting Math to Our Lives In this project students are invited to a) explore how math is used in their families and communities; and b) use math skills to investigate community or social concerns and then take action to promote greater equity in the world around them. Possible project/classroom activities: a) "What Math Means to Me" (Product: A math collage to share with a partner class) b) "Everyday Math in My Community" (Product: Report describing an interview. Or alternatively, student-written math story problems based on the ways their families use math.) c) Statistics and Society (Product: Analysis of a graph or chart showing statistical or numeric data on a social, political, scientific, or environmental issue. d) Promoting Equity at Our School Site or Service Learning in Our Community (Product: Report on the actions students have taken in their communities or schools to promote greater equity, including a brief summary of the data and analysis on which those actions were based.) Image gallery: 22 free tools for data visualization and analysis November 7, 2013 03:21 PM ET The chart below originally accompanied our story 22 free tools for data visualization and analysis (April 20, 2011). We're updating it as we cover additional tools, including 8 cool tools for data analysis, visualization and presentation (March 27, 2012) and Six useful JavaScript libraries for maps, charts and other data visualizations (March 6, 2013). Click through to those articles for full tool reviews. Features: You can sort the chart by clicking on any column header once to sort in ascending order and a second time to sort by descending (browser JavaScript required). Skill levels are represented as numbers from easiest to most difficult to learn and use: Users who are comfortable with basic spreadsheet tasks Users who are technically proficient enough not to be frightened off by spending a couple of hours learning a new applicationPower usersUsers with coding experience or specialized knowledge in a field like GIS or network analysis.

HyperStat Online: An Introductory Statistics Textbook and Online Tutorial for Help in Statistics Courses Click here for more cartoons by Ben Shabad. Other Sources NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods Stat Primer by Bud Gerstman of San Jose State University Statistical forecasting notes by Robert Nau of Duke University related: RegressIt Excel add-in by Robert Nau CADDIS Volume 4: Data Analysis (EPA) The little handbook of statistical practice by Gerard E. Stat Trek Tutorial Statistics at square 1 by T. Concepts and applications of inferential statistics by Richard Lowry of Vassar College CAST by W. SticiGui by P. The Athletics Statistics Page This page contains links to World Wide Web pages and other information concerning the statistics of the sport of Athletics (also known, in the United States, as Track and Field). Please send comments to: Jed Brickner My very own World Records for Lanes E-Mail Directory of Athletics Statisticians and Interesting Others List of Athletics Publications Athletics Photographs The T-and-F List Other Athletics Statistics Links Athletics Home Page from Petri Niininen. This is a terriffic page with world records, links to national records of many countries and other very useful links. Mika Perkiömäki's Home Page. Back to Jed Brickner's Home Page.

WWW SAMPLER - Java Demonstrations Section 4- JAVA Demonstrations The emergence of JAVA as a platform-independent web programming language has encouraged individuals to develop interactive demonstration software that can be accessed via any JAVA-capable browser. Some of our favorite individual JAVA applets (selected from the sites listed below): Guessing Correlations - a neat "game" to show the relationship between correlations and scatterplots - ten minutes should get the ideas across to almost any student. Part of the CUWU Statistical Program at Illinois-Champaign-Urbana. The sites below contain collections of JAVA applets or links to applets at various locations which are relevant to statistics instruction. Globally Accessible Statistical Procedures (GASP) collected at the Univ. of South Carolina. Statistics Packages available as JAVA applications over the Web: EXAMPLE: Here's modest course webpage with links to a few applets for students to explore. Move on to Section 5: Electronic Journals Back to main outline of paper.
