Turn an Email Address into a Social Profile. / Flowtown Discover and Share Best Content Marketing Strategies They say content is king, with the plethora of publishing outlets we now have at our fingertips. From blogs and video, to Instagram and LinkedIn, most of us have published something at some point. For brands, having online content is pretty much a must today. But if content is king, how exactly do you go about ruling your kingdom so that you carry the torch, so to speak? In the meantime, check out what experts have already published — and share your own advice, too! Upload it to our page, or tag it “contentstrategy.” <<View all Content Strategy decks, and upload yours, too>> Why do you need a content strategy? Hubspot co-founder Dharmesh Shah says content marketing only works if “it’s about providing value, instead of pushing your way in.” Which brands have the best content strategies? <<View all Content Strategy decks, and share yours, too>> Read More: All Things Apple: Learn and Share What Makes the Tech Titan Tick Photo: iQoncept/Shutterstock Related Posts
Video "Les Nouveaux défis Du Brand Content" De Thomas JAMET Thomas Jamet apporte ici sa vision du Brand Content et de son utilité stratégique pour une marque. Pour lui, dans la nouvelle configuration où tout est média, il faut savoir communiquer au bon endroit, au bon moment, multiplier les points de contact et intéresser les consommateurs qui ont maintenant la possibilité d’ignorer la publicité. Dans cette vidéo, le Brand Content est définit notamment comme de la bonne publicité, un outil stratégique lié à la stratégie média, à la création de contenus et qui devient essentiel à l’expression de l’ADN de la marque. L’auteur conclut que le Brand Content n’est pas synonyme d’opérations anecdotiques et qu’il lui faut créer un socle solide et des outils pour le rendre stratégique. Dans cet épisode, Thomas Jamet répond aux questions suivantes : Est-ce que le Brand Content est un phénomène de mode ? Qu’est ce que le Brand Content ?
Convert Your Blog RSS to Email Newsletters Broadcast From All Major Blogs No matter what blog software you use - we got you covered! Integrate with your blog to send posts as emails Choose between sending individual posts or weekly summaries RSS to email is available for any blog with an RSS feed More AWeber Features Check out some of our other awesome features! Email Newsletters Use AWeber to create, send and track your newsletters.Learn More Collect Subscribers You can collect, manage and import subscribers with our easy to use tools.Learn More Email Templates Need a well designed email template? Autoresponders
Fazendo marketing de jogos sem dinheiro 235 Flares Twitter 4 Facebook 226 Google+ 5 Email -- Email to a friend 235 Flares × Emmy Jonassen é uma profissional de marketing que possui mais de 10 anos de experiência em agências e com clientes. Há uns anos, percebeu que vários desenvolvedores independentes eram muito talentosos, mas não obtinham sucesso. Depois de estudar os desafios do marketing para desenvolvedores, hoje colabora com eles para ajudá-los a se tornarem bem sucedidos. Hoje em dia, sua filosofia é que os jogos indie bem sucedidos possuem um ótimo design e uma boa estratégia de marketing. Este artigo é baseado em sua palestra na Konsoll 2013. Ser um desenvolvedor indie com sucesso é muito difícil. Estatísticas mostram que é muito difícil ser bem sucedido nesta área. No mundo do iOS, os números melhoram um pouco, mas ainda é ruim: apenas 25% dos desenvolvedores indie de iOS fazem mais de $30.000 durante sua vida inteira. Não se assuste com estes números. O marketing é um terço da sua chance para o sucesso.” Monkey Labour
Growth Hacking Pricing & Plans / Flowtown This post was written by Jenny Urbano, our Social Media Manager. Here at Demandforce, we love seeing and celebrating your ideas! And more than that, we love to hear from YOU. We want to bridge the gap between us and you, so that’s why we’re offering a once in a lifetime opportunity to win a trip to San Francisco, sightsee in this amazing city, visit Demandforce headquarters and share your ideas with us! 6 winners, and a guest of their choice will be flown out to San Francisco, California on March 12-14th, 2014, where they will stay in Union Square, spend a day at Demandforce, have dinner with the team, and explore the lovely City by the Bay! For contest rules, and how to enter, please visit our post in the Generation Demandforce Community here. Good luck!
Felipe Venetiglio : Anatomia de um hoax: como e por que eu pus o Selton Mello em Game of Thrones e o que dá pra aprender com isso How to Deal With Email Overload Ari Meisel is co-founder at Less Doing, where he works on making every task in life and business more efficient. You can follow him on Twitter @liontex and read his blog at arimeisel.com. People spend a lot of time on email — way too much for their own good and productivity. Email has addictive qualities. To free you from email burden, try these simple techniques. 1. To optimize email, you need less of it. Try aggregating. Next comes organization. Become a filtering ninja. Answer questions ahead of time. Finally, use WiseStamp to generate nice little icons that link to your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and blog. Include a sentence in your email signature stating that you only check your email once a day, but if the matter is urgent, the sender can use AwayFind. Now that you’ve optimized your emails, you’ll need to get better at "processing" them. If you really want to geek out, go to Read Fast, which trains you, little by little, to speed read. 2. Another great plugin is Boomerang. 3.
7 Hand Gestures That Make You Look Like a Real Intellectual | Wired Design You’ve definitely seen it at some point. Maybe it was in a lecture in college. Maybe it was in a TED talk you watched recently. Alice May Williams and Jasmine Johnson observed “the full complement” of these gestures in the process of earning their MFA at Goldsmiths College in London. Throughout their courses, Williams and Johnson saw the gestures repeated so frequently that “it became hard not to notice them spreading from academics to students and back again,” they explain–a sort of vicious cycle of performative thinking. Click to Open Overlay Gallery Their virtual manual includes nine gestures in all. On the more advanced end, you have something like “The Shelf Sweep,” a two handed maneuver that involves pushing aside the contents of an imaginary bookcase and then quickly sweeping aside the contents of the shelf below it in an opposite direction. After a measure of viral success, Williams and Johnson brought their materials into the real world. Go Back to Top.
If you don't want to get email ...don't send email. If you send a note to 100 or 1000 customers/clients/prospects/shippers/parents (whatever), be sure to give people a way to reply! I think this is especially important for small organizations or small subsets of lists... Amazon and eBay and others get a bit of a pass. If it's important enough for you to send to me, it may be important enough for me to write back. I know it's horribly expensive and inconvenient to work your way through the replies, but aren't the replies exactly what you need to see? Email is medium all onto itself. Here's what you do: 1. 2. 3. 4. O guia completo para fazer imagens com qualidade para o Facebook! O guia completo para fazer imagens com qualidade para o Facebook! Neste post você encontrará dicas essenciais para criar imagens com qualidade para o facebook. Se você é dono de alguma fanpage ou simplesmente alimenta […] Neste post você encontrará dicas essenciais para criar imagens com qualidade para o facebook. Se você é dono de alguma fanpage ou simplesmente alimenta seu perfil com imagens sobre seu trabalho, é importante ter consciência de que suas postagens refletem o profissional que você é, ou seja, quanto melhor e bem executado for seu conteúdo, mais credibilidade você passará para seus usuários. E não é necessário ser um mestre em Photoshop para fazer imagens bonitas e de qualidade, basta ter um olhar crítico, bom senso e seguir as dicas que eu dou neste post. Fontes para você usar nas suas imagens Fiz uma lista com algumas fontes que costumo utilizar e que são ótimas para a leitura em diferentes tamanhos. Open Sans Source Sans Pro Roboto Tamanho das fontes Cores Cores complementares 1.
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