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Just a study Etes-vous prêts à avoir des enfants? | French Girl In London - Waterfox Bon je suis tombée sur ce test par hasard sur le site du Daily Mail et je dois avouer qu’il m’a bien fait rire alors je traduis – vite fait bien(?) fait – et je partage avec vous. Je préviens il y a pas mal de clichés et c’est du concentré de petites galères parentales mais … on s’y retrouve quand même , enfin je crois Test 1: Préparation Femmes: préparation à la grossesse 1. Hommes: préparation à la paternité. 1. Test 2: Connaissance Rendez visite à un couple d’amis parents. Test 3: NuitsEntrainnez-vous: 1. Test 4: Habillez les bébés / enfants 1. Test 5: Voitures 1. Test 6: Sortiesa. Test 7: Conversations avec des enfants Répétez tout ce que vous dites au moins 5 fois. Test 8: Les courses 1. Test 9: Nourrir un enfant d’un an 1. Test 10: TV 1. Test 11: Rangement 1. Test 12: Longs voyages avec enfants en bas âge 1. Test 13: Conversations avec un adulte 1. Test 14: Se préparer pour le travail 1. Alors vous vous y êtes retrouvé un peu, beaucoup, passionnément ou pas du tout?!

20 Badass Famous Last Words - StumbleUpon Some of the grandest, most controversial men in history have ended their lives with a poignant, biting farewell. Some laugh at death, others laugh at their killers, still others offer a culminating statement of wisdom. These colorful individuals ensured their fateful last words eloquently summarized their existences. 1. Caesar Augustus was the first ruler of the Roman Empire, leading Rome for 41 years. “Have I played the part well? 2. The author of The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx’s ideas, words, and writings would go on to influence generations. “Go on – get out. 3. Up to his dying moment, Che Guevara proved his legacy as being worthy of gracing so many t-shirts. “I know you’ve come to kill me. 4. Tom Ketchum was a hole-in-the-wall gang member and notorious train robber. “I’ll be in hell before you start breakfast – let her rip!” 5. Television reporter Christine Chubbuck was frustrated with her job. 6. “I wish I’d drunk more champagne.” 7. “Hurrah for anarchy! 8. “More weight!” 9. 10.

Blogging Seems To Have Peaked, Says Pew Report The Pew Internet and American Life Project released its latest report today documenting how different generations use the Internet, and most of the findings won't come as a surprise. Across generations and almost across the board, we're spending more time engaged in online activities, as watching videos, listening to music, and reading the news, for example, become inceasingly popular. The one notable exception: a decline in blogging among teens, with only half as many blogging today as did in 2006. Blogging also declined slightly among adults aged 18-33. Wired's Ryan Singel has a great analysis on whether or not we've reached "peak blogging."

30 comportements qu’il faudrait cesser d’avoir sur Facebook | Mes Prétentions de Sagesse - Waterfox COMPORTEMENT 1: Être vague dans un statut… Et le rester! En faisant un statut délibérément nébuleux, cette personne le sait bien que ça va attirer l’attention, et surtout les questions. Alors quand elle nous fait le coup de répondre "J’ai pas vraiment envie d’en parler!", ça frustre. COMPORTEMENT 2: Écrire ses statuts avec le CAPS LOCK enfoncé: Ça fait depuis qu’Internet existe que les utilisateurs savent que les majuscules, c’est l’équivalent de crier. COMPORTEMENT 3: Sermonner ses contacts en comparant des trucs anodins à la pire misère qui soit: Sensibiliser les gens sur un problème, ou bien faire un appel à l’aide pour une cause, c’est acceptable. COMPORTEMENT 4: Mettre au défi (et en doute) l’amitié de tes contacts: C’est ironique que l’on puisse demander des preuves d’amitié sincère aux autres, en les forçant à le faire d’une façon aussi pénible. COMPORTEMENT 5: Ne rien faire à part mettre des LIKE et dire des LOL partout: En réponse à des trucs amusants, d’accord. En janvier, c’est :

25 Hilarious YouTube Comments to Tickle Your Funny Bone YouTube is one of the largest video-sharing websites, which was created by three former Paypal employees in February 2005, on which users can upload, view and share videos. We can safely assume that most of you are frequent visitors of the famed video site, and the greater majority of you may have noticed and participted in the discussion at comment section. As most of you will notice, the majority of users who comment on these videos either get into heated debates amongst themselves over the video in question, or end up bantering one another over topics which do not even involve the video itself. Here at Fungagz we conducted a quest and explored several YouTube videos with their slew of outrageous comments, and collected these “25 Hilarious YouTube video Comments” that will definitely tickle your funny bone and make you laugh with wonder at the type of feedback users tend to post on the famed vid-site. Enjoy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

The Difference Between Friends, Fans and Followers With every day that passes, brand managers are learning the value of presence in social networks. The extent to which new media permeates a company’s fabric depends on where in the world the company is based, as well as the prevailing culture of its organization. What’s clear however, is that brands are paying attention. Social media and our understanding of its promise are raw. It starts with how we visualize the opportunity that lies before us in new media. There is no one audience. At any one moment, social consumers are – Influencers – Decision Makers – Peers – Advisers – Idea Generators – Adversaries – Advocates – Customers If we are designing our engagement strategies and social presences around the varying, yet important roles of the social consumer, we are missing our true opportunities to cultivate more meaningful communities online and in the real world. The future of business is tied to how the 3F’s convert into the 4A’s, action, advisor, affinity, and advocacy, regardless of network.

Prénoms à la con I Do Not Want Mercy, I Want You To Join Me Tim DeChristopher, who was sentenced Tuesday to two years in federal prison and a $10,000 fine for 'disrupting' a Bureau of Land Management auction in 2008, had an opportunity to address the court and the judge immediately before his sentence was announced. This is his statement: "… those who write the rules are those who profit from the status quo. If we want to change that status quo, we might have to work outside of those rules because the legal pathways available to us have been structured precisely to make sure we don’t make any substantial change." (Portrait by Robert Shetterly - Used with Permission) Thank you for the opportunity to speak before the court. Mr. There are alternating characterizations that Mr Huber would like you to believe about me. In nearly every paragraph, the government’s memorandum uses the words lie, lied, lying, liar. Mr Huber also makes grand assumptions about my level of respect for the rule of law.

Actual Pokemons - Waterfox La Naegleria fowleri ou Amibe mangeuse de cerveau Cette bestiole de quelques micro-mètres est responsable de l’infection de 128 Américains depuis 1962 (un seul a survécu) . Ce qui ressemble à un sourire est un amoebastome, une sorte de suçoir grâce auquel elle engloutit les bactéries et parfois même ses propres congénères ! Elle peut se trouver dans les lacs et les eaux saumâtres ou même dans les piscines mal entretenues. Cette amibe pénètre dans le nez des nageurs et remonte jusqu’à leur cerveau où elle dévore les neurones, il lui faut alors entre 1 et 5 jours pour provoquer migraines, fièvres et vomissements. Il n’existe aucun traitement et les chances de s’en sortir sont inférieurs à 3%. Source: Le magazine Ça m’intéresse - Les mystères du corps en 250 questions.

Pin Ups – Antes e Depois | | Everything Design Algumas fotos que ajudaram na criação de todos aqueles desenhos de Pin-Ups que vocês tanto gostam. Aqui dá para ver o Antes e Depois dessas ilustrações de um jeito bem legal. Veja mais no: pin ups before and after – Imgur via Quipsologies: Vol. 52 | No. 50 Comentários
