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Quest - Write text adventure games and interactive stories

Quest - Write text adventure games and interactive stories
Quest lets you make interactive story games. Text adventure games like Zork and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Gamebooks like the Choose Your Own Adventure and Fighting Fantasy books. You don't need to know how to program. Watch a quick screencast ...and you're free No restrictions. This means you can download and modify the Quest source code, and do whatever you want with it. You can sell the games you make with Quest. You don't need to ask for permission - you already have it. Get started quickly You don't need to know how to program to use Quest. Everything about your game is displayed in plain English, but the source code to your game is also viewable and editable for the more technically minded. A full tutorial is included, and help is always available on our forums. Ever wanted to... Ever wanted to create your own game, but were put off by complicated programming languages? Want to get into game writing, or prototype game narrative before turning it into something bigger? Related:  MUS 226

Peer Editing | LitLearnAct At this time in the school year, I find that my students and I need to regroup and discuss the role of a peer editor in writing workshop. My students have made a lot of progress with peer editing, however, we need to regroup and talk about what is going well and what can be improved. This helps recharge and refresh everyone’s understanding of peer editing. I started this conversation with this simple chart. I asked my students: “What’s helpful?” My students wrote their thoughts on sticky notes, and we reviewed the ideas together. We had an open conversation about what was going well with peer editing and what needed improvement. My students and I agreed that it was best to offer a “Feedback Sandwich” when doing peer edits. An example is: 1) Compliment- “You have a good start to your story! 2) Constructive Criticism- “Parts of the story move slowly and I am confused about who the characters are.” 3) Suggestions- “Perhaps you could add some dialogue and action to make it move faster?

Jay is Games - Indie Games, Browser Games and Casual Game reviews, walkthroughs, room escape games, point and click games, puzzle games and more! Interactive Fiction - Auch heute noch ein Spaß Die Ältere unter den Leser können sich vielleicht noch an die Bücher erinnern die es dem Leser ermöglichten selbst zu entscheiden wie die Geschichte weitergehen soll. Dazu musste er nur auf einer bestimmten Seite weiterlesen und die Geschichte ging in einer von ihm gewählten Richtung weitergeht. Weitgehend ist das als IF bzw. Solche Bücher feierten in den späten 80ern und frühen 90ern in Form von Text-Adventures ihre Renaissance. Jeder der Zork gespielt hat weiß wie spannend so ein Spiel sein kann. Während Text-Adventures typischerweise nur aus Text bestehen, trifft das auf IF nicht zu. Vor zwei Jahren hatte ich mich auch ein wenig mit Text-Adventures beschäftigt. Dann habe ich mich natürlich auf den Klassiker himself gestürzt: Z-Machine bzw. den Interpreter der für Zork verwendet wurde. Warum schreibe ich aber diesen Text? Das schöne an dem Tool ist aber, dass es das Ziel hat die Spiele im Browser spielbar zu machen in dem es den Autoren erlaubt die Spiele hochzuladen.

Curriculum Mapping: Forming Essential Questions for Elementary Music Class - Music & Technology -MusTech.NetMusic & Technology -MusTech.Net This week, I started updating my curriculum maps because 1) it was time, 2) the curriculum format had changed, and 3) the standards had recently changed in the past two years. The newest item in the mapping program was to add essential questions to each unit. What is an essential question? An essential question is one that cannot be answered with one answer. An essential question has several different answers that change over time. It also does not need to be answered in one lesson since the question can be an overarching question. What is a melody? How should I address them during the lesson? Elementary music educators use a variety of methods to address essential questions in their lessons. Where can I find examples of essential questions for music classes? Recently, I performed a google search about this topic and found many websites where music educators have listed their essential questions that they are addressing throughout the school year. Amy M.

The Official Rube Goldberg Website : Home Creative Reuse Transforms Asheville Community In Asheville, N.C., a small city in the Appalachian mountains, creativity abounds, and so does the need for community transformations. With its beautiful mountain setting and vibrant downtown, Asheville has quickly become a popular destination, drawing visitors and new residents from all over the country and the world. People are drawn to the creative energy flowing through the city's music, art and food. A recent post about grassroots creativity effectively highlighted the need for a "hidden catalyst," embedding artistic values within local communities to help cities place themselves competitively in the global context. Yet true grassroots creativity should go beyond helping a city compete globally; it should activate and cultivate local resources. In Asheville, the concept of "local" is all the rage, whether it is eating, buying, growing or building. The Peace Garden has been transformed through the hard work and energy of local youth. Luke W. + share

Flush with Funding, Flocabulary Will Let Students Write Their Own Rhymes When y=mx+b, b is the y-intercept, you’ll see. M is the slope, the rise over run. They’ll wait until we stop, but that day will never come. That’s a line from “ Linear Equations,” from Flocabulary, a New York City-based startup that makes catchy educational hip-hop videos. The music video maker will debut the Lyric Lab, a feature that will allow students to write and record their own educational hip-hop songs for class, at this year’s International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) conference. “Kids learn from each other through creating and sharing, so we eventually want to create a community,” Rappaport said, “but we want to take privacy super seriously and nurture that slowly. Building a community of users isn’t the only long-term goal, however. “We’ve been a front-of-the-classroom tool for five years,” Rappaport said. “Without providing these activities on the other side of the video, we’re leaving too much on the table,” Rappaport said.

Webonauts Internet Academy Come play again later! Come play again tomorrow! polis: Creative Reuse Transforms Asheville Community Newer posts are loading. You are at the newest post.Click here to check if anything new just came in. polis: Creative Reuse Transforms Asheville Community "…true grassroots creativity should go beyond helping a city compete globally; it should activate and cultivate local resources… In 2011, with North Carolina State University as a partner, the ADC developed a 10-week summer design-build studio to provide physical spaces that meet the needs of partner communities. The inaugural project was an interactive teaching and learning space in the Burton Street Peace Garden.

Effective Lesson Planning for the Secondary Choral Director - National Association for Music Education (NAfME) Effective Lesson Planning for the Secondary Choral Director By NAfME member Roland Wilson The Understanding by Design (UbD) framework (also known as backward planning) includes processes and methods that are fundamental to the choral ensemble educator. We have often heard the phrase “beginning with the end in mind.” Every choir director worth his salt commonly engages in this practice. One perk of music education is that we have the opportunity, as well as the responsibility to steer our students toward needed learning that is framed by curriculum, but not constricted by compulsory yearly testing. The UbD Framework The key elements of the Understanding by Design (UbD) learning model (Jay McTighe and Grant Wigginson) include: Identify Desired Results (Begin with the end sound in mind)Determine Acceptable Evidence(s) (What benchmarks are desirable along the way)Create the Learning Plans (Structure rehearsals and learning experiences to reach the final goal(s)). Writing essential questions
