Om Mani Padme Hum Meaning and Benefits [Article] Om-Mani-Padme-Hum Om Mani Padme Hum Meaning and Benefits Spiritual Development, Chanting Mantras, Symbols and Signs, meditation Meaning and Benefits of Om and Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra for Achieving Buddhahood A Mantra is a word or sound that is repeated, during meditation. The Buddha leads us to enlightenment manifesting in the form of the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum... Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra for Achieving Buddhahood It is said that all the teachings of the Buddha are within this mantra. Your ordinary body, speech and mind are purified and transform into, Buddha's holy body, holy speech and holy mind (symbolically represented by AUM). 'Thus the six syllables, OM MANI PADME HUM, mean that by the practice of a path which is an indivisible union of method and wisdom, you can transform your impure body, speech, and mind into the pure exalted body, speech, and mind of a Buddha.' OM MANI PADME HUM HH the Dalai Lama Om Mani Padme Hum in Tibet Video What is the Meaning of OM MANI PADME HUM? or
Spiritual Symbolism of Spiral and its Cosmic Rhythms [Article] Seashell Spirit Wish Spiritual Symbolism of Spiral and its Cosmic Rhythms Spiritual Poems, Spiritual Quotes, Symbols and Signs Spiral Symbolism Spiral is mystical, spiral is magical, spiral is an ancient symbol of Divine. Embedded within the Universal pattern of Galaxies and also engraved within each tiny shell, it fascinated many from the beginning of times. The spiral is within the strands of our DNA, flower petals, the branching of trees, a spiral shell, and the shape of our galaxy. Spiral and Golden Ratio The Golden Ratio, roughly equal to 1.618, was first formally introduced by Pythagoras. The Golden ratio, the Fibonacci sequence runs 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13... The pattern can be found in the placement of the leaves on most plants, in a pine cone, in the shape of our DNA, in distant galaxies reflecting the magic interconnectedness of our micro and macro cosmos. Leonardo da Vinci's 'Vitruvian Man' (1487) illustrates the Golden ratio. Ancient Spiral and its Cosmic Symbolism Spiral Quotes
How to Properly Meditate Quotes by Gurus and Sages [Article] Spiritual Quotes, meditation How to Meditate Properly ‘It is simply sitting silently, witnessing the thoughts, passing before you. Just witnessing, not interfering not even judging, because the moment you judge you have lost the pure witness. The moment you say “this is good, this is bad,” you have already jumped onto the thought process.' 'It takes a little time to create a gap between the witness and the mind. And this process of watching is the very alchemy of real religion. That’s the moment of enlightenment. Osho Rajneesh about Meditation and Observing Thoughts ‘You exist in time, but you belong to eternity. Krishnamurti about Meditation and Soul ‘We carry about us the burden of what thousands of people have said and the memories of all our misfortunes. Krishnamurti about Mind that is Innocent and Pure ‘The soil in which the meditative mind can begin is the soil of everyday life, the strife, the pain, and the fleeting joy. Krishnamurti about Meditation and Life ‘I meditate My entire being
Mantras for Meditation [Article] Chanting Mantras, meditation Mantras for Meditation Magic of Mantras Singing mantras is an ancient spiritual practice of singing to God, repeating vibrational sounds and words. Singing mantras that have a meaning of infinite love, or Cosmic ideation, we shift our focus into Cosmic, into Universal, into Divine and start to resonate with peace and contentment. Mantras and Meditation within Various Spiritual Practices The word meditation comes from ‘meditari’ (Latin), meaning ‘to concentrate’. Buddhism Meditation and Mantras Buddhists pursue meditation as a spiritual tool within their path toward Enlightenment and Nirvana Buddhist meditation techniques include breath meditation, meditations for developing mindfulness and concentration. Buddhism Mantra Singing Singing mantras is a major part of Buddhist meditative practices. Christian Meditation Christian meditation is the process of contemplation of the Bible’s scenes or a simple silent ‘merge’ with Christ or God. Hinduist Meditation Gayatri Mantra
Meditation Symbols and their Meaning [Article] Meditation Symbols Symbols for Meditation and their Meanings Symbols and Signs, meditation Meditation Spiritual and Occult Symbols During the spiritual training a meditator can use visual images, mantras or words, or feelings and sensations (such as compassion, love, peace) as a focus of a meditation. Thousands of years of spiritual practice short-listed a number of sacred occult symbols of meditation that affect the soul in a special way when it withdraws all attention from the outer world, and focusses on an image, mantra or a feeling. How to Meditate on Symbols During the Meditation on Symbols, one focus on a symbol allowing different ideas and impressions into the mind. During the meditation, helped by Rythmical Breathing, we silence the mind and allow our soul to become one with the symbol within the silence. Meditation Symbols in Buddhism Buddha Eyes or Wisdom Eyes According to Buddhism all beings have the Buddha nature. Dharma Wheel Meditation on Buddha Hindu Meditations and Yantras
Mandala Meaning from Aztecs to Jung [Article] Mandala Meaning What is the Meaning of Mandala Spiritual Development, Alchemy of Love, Symbols and Signs, meditation Mandala Meaning Mandala as a Holy Circle Mandala is a circle that represents Wholeness, that represents Divine, our relation to the Infinite, the world within our body and mind and the world outside. The mandala is used in many spiritual traditions all around the world. Mandala Meaning with Native American Indians Native American Indians have medicine wheels and sand mandalas. The Medicine Wheel or the Sacred Hoop, is a Healing Wheel. Mandala Meaning and Aztecs Circular Aztec calendar is in a form of a Mandala The sacred calendar of the Aztecs of Mexico consisted of a 365-day calendar cycle and a 260-day ritual cycle. The Aztec sacred calendar called 'xiuhpohualli' divides the days and rituals between the Gods. The Aztec calendar can be imagined as two wheels connected to each other. Each day-sign respects a God or an Elemental Force, the provider of the Life Energy for that day.
Most Important Short and Long Term Benefits of Meditation [Article] Meditation Benefits Most Important Short and Long Term Meditation Benefits Self-Development, Spiritual Development, meditation Main Benefits of Meditation Why do we meditate? Through the practice of meditation, we enter a world of soul and spirit, and with patience and training we start yielding results. Meditation Benefits: Short Term So, why do we meditate? Is it for the bliss we feel during an amazing meditation or for the results that we experience after some years of training? Benefits of Meditation and Thinking Process Have you noticed that within the thinking process, a thought weaves into another thought, seeking the other. It is as though the thoughts are already present when our soul surrenders to their flow and re-create them anew within. Some thoughts that are inspiring, or moving, act within us like living entities. Long Term Benefits of Meditation Through a proper self development training of: We awake amazing capacities of our Soul: Benefits of Meditation: Strong Willpower
What is Alchemy? Alchemy Symbols and Their Meaning [Article] What is Alchemy Alchemy Symbols and Signs Spiritual Development, Symbols and Signs, meditation What is Alchemy? Alchemy Symbols and Meanings Secret Art of the Land of Khem 'Khem is an ancient name for the land of Egypt, and alchemy is one of the two oldest sciences known to the world. Manly P. According to an old Rabbi legend, an angel gave Adam the mysteries and secrets of Kabbalah and of Alchemy, promising that when the human race understand these inspired arts, the curse of the forbidden fruit would be removed and man will again enter into the Garden of Eden. Alchemy Symbols, Alchemy Signs The earthly body of alchemy symbols is chemistry. The Phoenicians, and Babylonians were familiar with alchemy. What is Alchemy and Nature Alchemy is based upon the natural phenomenon of growth. Alchemy Symbols and Kabbalistic Tarot painted by Oswald Wirth: Read More within Symbolism of Numbers The Tarot cards are an Alchemical Formula of manifestation. What is Alchemy Q&A What is intelligence? Chinese Alchemy
Meditation: Guided Love Meditation [Article] Love Meditation Guided Love and Compassion Meditation meditation Love and Compassion Meditation Our Mind is constantly active. Seeking stillness within the Mind that is in motion is impossible if we do not use the motion itself. Love is Divine That is the extraordinary thing about love: it is the only quality that brings a total comprehension of the whole of existence... Krishnamurti Quotes on Love, 1980 Chemistry of Love and How to Train Unconditional Love Check Also Meditation Symbols Love and Training Virtues Training virtues through the development of qualities such as truthfulness, openness, love, honesty, compassion to all living beings is found as a spiritual tool of all the major religions. Do not Harm Do not harm yourself or others physically, mentally or emotionally. Living Love Chosing to love, chosing to be open, chosing to be happy in every single day situations we gain Freedom to Be. Freedom is Waiting, the Art of 4 Elements Poem Freedom of expression, thoughts, words Check also:
What is your tree sign? Spiritual Meanings from an Ancient Slav Zodiac [Article] What is Your Tree Sign Ancient Slavic Astrology Spiritual Development, Alchemy of Love, Symbols and Signs What is your Tree Sign Tree Magic Trees were respected since the beginning of time. Druids were priests of an ancient Celtic religious order. The Pagans used the Yew tree as the focus of their worship. The Greeks and Romans decorated their dwellings with ivy, taking evergreen plants into their houses acknowledging their magical qualities. The Christmas tree is a symbol adopted by Christian tradition, referring to the salvation that Jesus brought to the world by his birth. Ancient Slav Zodiac According to the Ancient Slav Zodiac we all have our Tree Signs. Oak Tree: 21.March An Oak Tree is respected as a sacred tree amongst many cultures. If you are born under the protection of this tree you are born to be a leader, a protector, and a guide. Hazelnut tree 22. - 30. A magic fruit tree. A lot of energy follows the people born under the protection of the hazelnut tree. Walnut tree. 21. - 30.
Schumann Resonance Meditation Ancient Sound Healing [Article] Schumann Resonance Meditation Healing Schumann Resonance 7.8Hz and What is 528Hz Divine Frequency Symbols and Signs, meditation Schumann Resonance Earth Breathing and Alpha Brainwaves The earth is surrounded by air, and the ionosphere, and it is a wonderfully resonant system. Alfa Brainwaves and Meditative States When a person is meditating, praying or deeply relaxed his brain resonates within Alpha and Theta rhythms range of 4-8 Hz. Schumann Resonance and Healers For a decade, Dr Robert Beck from US researched the brain wave activity of healers from various backgrounds. Schumann Resonance and Spiritual Practices Various spiritual practices and spiritual_paths and rituals are designed to allow this magic meditative Alpha range to rain. Alpha to Delta Brainwaves Alpha waves (7-13 cycles per second) are present during dreaming, deep relaxation, and meditation. Beta is a 'fast' activity, present when we are alert while Gamma relates to integrated thoughts, information rich task processing. Dr.
Spiritual Symbols: Light as symbol of Divine [Article] Now Imagine White Light Light as Symbol of Divine Spiritual Poems, Spiritual Quotes, Symbols and Signs Light and Divine Like bees and butterflies around a candle light during a dark night, our bodies, minds and souls get attracted to the ‘light’. We use words like: ‘divine light’, ‘clear light’, ‘enlightenment’, ‘pure light’, ‘light body’, ‘astral light’ to express our highest meditative states, prayer contemplations, and our overall connection with what we call ‘Divine’. Symbolism of Light Even though we see God as encompassing, omnipotent and omnipresent, we prefer to meet Him or Her diving into the qualities of ‘light’ rather than ‘darkness’. The symbolism of ‘light’ all across the cultures connects us with consciousness, wisdom, moral purity, intelligence, angels, beauty. Light and Various Religious Practices The worship of light in the form of sun worship or fire worship is one of the earliest form of worships. Pythagoras also belived that two antagonistic principles rule the creation.
Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies By Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf THE HUMAN DNA IS A BIOLOGICAL INTERNET and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more. Only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of the DNA. One can simply use words and sentences of the human language! This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, autogenous training, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects on humans and their bodies. Garjajev’s research group succeeded in proving that with this method chromosomes damaged by x-rays for example can be repaired. References:
Spiritual Meaning of Numbers [Article] Symbols Numbers Spiritual Meaning of Numbers Symbols and Signs Spiritual Meaning of Numbers ‘Numbers and numerical proportions have a certain meaning for the cosmos and the world. Rudolf Steiner, Occult Signs and Symbols The Symbolism of Zero 0 It took Europe relatively long to accept the concept of zero. Zero is associated with nil, non-being, nothingness, emptiness, and with zero defining non-quantitative as non-existent, everything non-quantifiable could now be defined as non-existent - including God. Accepting zero led to the invention of relative numbers, negative quantities, infinite decimal points, abstract and irrational, imaginary numbers. 0 is symbolised by the Tarot card called: Fool, the Element of Air Represented by the HEBREW LETTER: Aleph = Bull or Ox. Spiritual Meaning of Number One 1 1 is represented by the Tarot Card called The Juggler, the Hebrew letter Beth = House represented by Mercury that is action in all forms. Tree of Life, Tarot and Number 1 ‘Energy sent forth.