Aproximación al Estudio de los Restos Momificados * Estudiante de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Ciencias Antropológicas - Orientación Arqueológica. ** Estudiante de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Ciencias Antropológicas - Orientación Sociocultural. ÁREA TEMÁTICA: BIOARQUEOLOGIA Palabras Clave: Momificación - Estudio - Conservación - Metodología Introducción: Se entiende por MOMIA a todo cadáver bien conservado, en el cual se observan presentes tejidos blandos, músculos, cabellos, piel, etc. La palabra Momia es originaria de Persia y deriva de la palabra MUMMEIA o MUM, que significa asfalto o piche, sustancia empleada para tratar los cuerpos. 6 Things You Won’t Believe Got Banned By Modern Governments As much as we love thinking of ourselves as the rebellious kids fighting against an oppressive society run by unreasonable old men, the truth is that most things that are illegal are illegal for a reason. Society just doesn't enjoy your public urination as much as you do. But sometimes, the grownups get it wrong. Hilariously wrong, in fact. #6. Good old 1998. Via canceledmodillionKah! We're talking about Furbies, some kind of nightmarish mechanical rabbit with a beak that quickly became the must-have toy for Christmas in 1998 and 1999. Via Chris FritzBecause Fridays are only "Bring your Cabbage Patch Kid into Work Day." In 1999, an internal memo was sent out officially banning Furbies from the NSA's headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland because officials were worried that people would take them home, and that the spiritual predecessor to Tickle Me Elmo would overhear, and proceed to talk about classified information. But, it's easy to see how the NSA wouldn't know that. #5. #4.
6 Things That Shouldn't Explode (But Did Anyway) Michael Bay is right: Somewhere, right now, something is exploding. And we're not talking bombs and tankers either. As it turns out, there are objects all over the place that will suddenly explode the shit out of themselves for absolutely no reason at all, and often when you least expect it. Things like... Imagine this scene: You sleep through your alarm and have to skip a shower to make the bus on time, only the elevator to your apartment jams and you miss the bus anyway and have to take a cab. Basically you are Peter Parker. Utterly defeated, you sink into your ergonomically designed desk chair, which then blows the fuck up like Danny Glover's toilet in Lethal Weapon 2. Sound like John Woo's Office Space? "I heard a sonic boom and suddenly my asshole was pregnant." How worried should you be? We suppose that should make us feel better, but all we can think of is if it happens tomorrow, we'll have the added bonus of going down as the first person in history to die from anal chair rape.
5 Amazing Abandoned Wastelands ... Within Walking Distance Abandoned places have a certain exotic appeal. There's something in these haunting images that speaks to us about the crumbling of society's facades, the fleeting nature of civilization, the implacable will of nature and the ability to throw bottles at shit without The Man giving you guff. But short of something horrible, like a major apocalyptic disaster or a mid-length hike, how could you ever get to see the post-apocalyptic world of tomorrow, today? Well, hell, son: These things are all around you. Some of the craziest abandoned places in the world are here in the cities we live in, in some cases literally right beneath your feet at this very moment. #5. North Brother Island is a 20-acre plot of land in New York that lies completely empty. In the 19th century, a hospital for infectious diseases was housed on North Brother Island. "Triple" is perhaps aiming a tad low. Unfortunately for breathless blue-eyed vixens everywhere, the public is not allowed to visit the island. #4. #3.
Grand prismatic spring (8 votes, average: 4.50 out of 5) Loading ... Posted in Images on August 1st, 2008 by egosumnemo | Report This Post | Add to favoritesTags: Nature, Science! The vivid colors in the spring are the result of pigmented bacteria in the microbial mats that grow around the edges of the mineral-rich water. The deep blue color of the water in the center of the pool results from a light-absorbing overtone of the hydroxy stretch of water.[6] Though this effect is responsible for making all large bodies of water blue, it is particularly intense in Grand Prismatic Spring because of the high purity and depth of the water in the middle of the spring. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Prismatic_Spring
The 6 Most Childish Things Ever Done in Congress As an institution, you can't get much less respect from the public than the U.S. Congress does. Ask people why and they'll talk about under-the-table deals, lobbyists and in general not doing a whole lot to fix everyday problems of the working man. And we're talking "drunken bar brawl" ridiculous here. Congressman Lyon Yields the Floor with Congressman Griswold's face There's a lot of tough talk on the floor of the House of Representatives, but how often do these loudmouths actually back it up with their fists? This brings us to the skirmish between congressmen Roger Griswold of Connecticut and Matthew Lyon of Vermont on Feb. 15, 1798. "Yes, as a matter of fact, and I'll thank you not to make a fuss of it." Defending your manhood was a big deal on the floor of Congress back in those days, so Lyon replied that he had been in many a fight with people from Griswold's state. It was on. The dude in the armchair appears to be having the time of his life. Strom Thurmond and the Piss Bucket
6 Ridiculous Sex Myths (That Are Actually True) The only thing more awesome than an urban legend turning out to be true is if that same legend involves some sort of nefarious sex or groin related hilarity. Luckily, all of these qualify. The Legend: "Dude, I can totally tell he's gay! Look at his fingers!" This sounds like one of those playground urban myths that adolescent males use as an excuse to punch each other. Yeah, right. The Truth: Incredibly, this is a real thing. Apparently if you have a longer ring finger, it means you got more testosterone as a fetus and are more likely to be hyperactive, aggressive and disgusted by anything featuring Hugh Grant. A longer index finger, on the other hand, means more estrogen, making you more neurotic and sensitive. Actually, no. So... how far into this entry did you get before you stopped to look at your fingers? The Dong Stuck in a Pool Filter So you're swimming around the pool and you pass by the humming filter, sucking debris out of the water. "I bet I'll never have to touch some dude's dong."
7 (Thankfully) Extinct Giant Versions of Modern Animals The animal kingdom is loaded with some pretty formidable creatures, a few of which we as humans are only barely able to keep in line even with modern technology. As it turns out, many of these species are the diminutive descendents of giants so mind bogglingly huge and terrifying that they could probably take over the entire world with minimal effort. Meganeura, The Giant Dragonfly Meganeura were enormous dragonfly-like insects with wingspans the length of an average toddler, making them among the largest flying predatory insects in the history of the world. Their diet consisted mainly of other insects, small amphibians and the dreams of children. Some scientists think that Meganeura were actually too big to be able to survive in the current atmosphere, citing the higher oxygen concentration in the prehistoric world as the only way an insect its size would be able to breathe in enough to support its massive body. Why it's a Good Thing They're Dead: That. Did we mention the claws? Exhibit A.
Making the Dead Beautiful: Mummies as Art November is the Month of the Dead. The deceased were removed from their graves, redressed with rich garments and feathers. They gave the dead food and drink. The people danced and sang with the dead, parading them around the streets. Missionaries working in Peru following the Spanish conquest were disgusted by the Inka's worshiping the mummified remains of their ancestors. The Inka were the last in a long line of Andean peoples to preserve and display the remains of their forebears that began with the Chinchorro, a little known fisherfolk who inhabited a 400-mile stretch of South American coast--from Ilo in southern Peru to Antofagasta in northern Chile--more than 7,000 years ago. The earliest known mummy, that of a child from a site in the Camarones Valley, 60 miles south of Arica, dates to ca. 5050 B.C. The black style (ca. 5050-2500 B.C.), was by far the most complex. About 2500 B.C., black went out of fashion, perhaps reflecting a change in ideology. Bernardo T. Further Reading Share
The 4 Most Important Things to Know as a Gamer Parent The exact moment I knew I was a gamer parent -- that is, a gamer who happens to have kids, and not just the parent of kids who play games -- was when I heard my nine year-old son Drew proclaim, "They won't let you kill kids in this game? That's a bunch of bullcrap," and immediately realized I was going to have to have a conversation with him about it. He was playing Fable II. One of my games. "Father, let us murder virtual children... together." Knowing what to do in these situations is harder than it sounds. I'm one of those. It's Not Easy Keeping Adult Games Away from the Kids Let's look at my experience with Fable II. I left it laying out in a household with three children because, well, it was a pink game with the word "Fable" on the cover and a guy dressed like Link. Now, some of you reading this are already snickering, or perhaps dialing a hotline for child protective services, because you've played Fable II and know what's coming. Then, an hour later: "Dad? "A used condom. Nothing.
11 Everyday Things That Are Terrifying Under a Microscope As human beings, we go about our day-to-day lives, completely oblivious to the microscopic world around us. And that ignorance is great, because most of that microscopic world is scary as hell. Cracked has touched on some of these horrors before, but like the Leprechaun movies, the terror could not be confined to just one installment. #11. At Normal Size: Odds are there's at least one pillow lying on your bed right now, but here's a picture anyway: GettyEveryone on board so far? You rest your head on one almost every night (excepting those instances where you wake up in a daze on bloodied tile/pavement with a racketeer's jawbone in your vest pocket). But Up Close ... You couldn't be more wrong. Unseen Companions via Apartment Therapy"We're just waiting for an ear to crawl into." Those are common house dust mites. #10. Hydrothermal vent worms are so tiny that you can't see them. Oh, they're in there. FEIRun, Kevin Bacon, run! #9. Getty Your tongue is that thing sitting in your mouth right now: