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Extensive List Of Easy DIY Cleaning Products

Extensive List Of Easy DIY Cleaning Products
Make a Frugal Living By Making Your Own! This is my extensive list of simple and easy home-made household products recipes...with a seasoning of frugal living advice, and an occasional dash of scientific explaination. Besides being fun to make, these do-it-yourself recipes will help you save hundreds or thousands of dollars per year. These may improve your health too (a good example is the Homemade Deodorant Recipe below). Click here to jump down to the home made recipes index. Mixing up these recipes will also give you the satisfaction of becoming more self-sufficient - which is one of the corner stones of making a frugal living. You will find many of these simple home-made alternatives to be much safer and more effective than their store-bought toxic alternatives. You can choose a product category from the menu below or use the search box to find more recipes. Frugal Mad Scientist At Your Service I enjoy reverse engineering products to create cheaper and safer alternatives. Less Debt. Related:  Receipes

CD3WD Archives The Info Necessary To Rebuild Society @Eric Geller: It reminds me of the OLPC project, straight from the ivory tower of MIT. It lacks a sense of priority... where the industrialized Western world thinks that so called 'third world' countries will do ok if tech is thrown at them. Imo it's an arrogant attitude, and an attitude that says that if we give them tech first, then everything else will follow. "So you're infrastructure is down and disorder is everywhere and there's no food or fuel.... @Eric Geller: More like a monetary problem. I don't know about that. Technology can be used as a multiplier to better utilize the resources that already exist. Think of this as the lifehacker for the rest of the world. Chickens in the Road | Author Suzanne McMinn

Pierogi o niskim indeksie glikemicznym z mięsem i kiszoną kapustą z jesienną zupą Zapraszam na klasyczne danie w nowoczesnej odsłonie - pierogi w wersji bezglutenowej i o niskim indeksie glikemicznym. Ciasto na mące z ciecierzycy jest nieco bardziej wymagające jeśli chodzi o lepienie, ale jest to jedno z lepszych ciast na pierogi, jeśli chodzi o kategorię ciasta bez mąki pszennej. Smakują rewelacyjnie, w szczególności z sosem pesto przygotowanym w polskim wydaniu - na bazie oleju rzepakowego i natki pietruszki. Dla osób, które nie stosują tak bardzo rygorystycznie diety niskoindeksowej polecam podać pierożki z zupą z brukwi. Brukiew to obok dyni hokkaido moje najukochańsze warzywo, a w zupie jest rewelacyjna. Przepis bierze udział w konkursie #OlejKonwenanse z Olejem Wielkopolskim. Pierogi o niskim indeksie glikemicznym z mięsem i kiszoną kapustą z jesienną zupą/ Ciasto pierogowe na mące z ciecierzycy Farsz: Wywar zagotowujemy, dodajemy liście laurowe i ziele angielskie. Na patelni na odrobinie oleju smażymy posiekaną kapustę kiszoną. Ciasto: Na pesto Na zupę:

The Half-Acre Homestead: Tools In conjunction with a talk I'm doing at the Bay Area Makers Faire in San Mateo, Calif, and at The Mother Earth News Faire in Puyallup, Washington - titled "The Half-Acre Homestead in the 21st Century" - I picked some time-tested tools that we use in our daily lives. -Lloyd Kahn Listen to Lloyd's Half-Acre Homestead podcast. See Lloyd's two articles in The Mother Earth News related to homesteading: Coping with Critters Protect your home and garden from termites, skunks, gophers, hawks, mice and more The Truth About Septic Systems Vested interests are making on-site wastewater disposal more costly than it needs to be.

Pioneer Thinking - Reflexion de Pionnier - Pensamiento de Pionero Chocolate Chickpea Muffins (or Cupcakes for Breakfast!) | All Ways Delicious This post was sponsored by S&W Beans. All opinions expressed in my post are my own. I love garbanzo beans. These delicious breakfast-worthy treats are made with 1 can of S&W 50% Less Sodium Garbanzo Beans, flavored with unsweetened cocoa powder, and sweetened with honey and banana. I want to take a minute to talk about those S&W Beans. I love having an assortment of S&W’s canned bean varieties on hand . But back to what we’re here for: Healthy chocolate muffins!? Oh, and did I mention that they are also gluten-free and dairy-free? Now through December 31, 2017, S&W Beans is offering $1 off 2 cans of S&W Beans. Print Description With protein and fiber from a can of chickpeas/garbanzo beans and sweetened with honey and banana, these rich, chocolatey muffins are so healthy that you really can enjoy them for breakfast guilt-free. Ingredients Instructions Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Bake for 18 to 20 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Notes Save Like this: Related

15 DIY crafts you need to make right now It's cold, it's raining and quite frankly, it's utterly miserable outside at the moment. So stay in! But then it hits you. It's not that great inside either. You're young, so you haven't got all of that furniture and all of the little decorative trinkets that accumulate over time, and if you have, you haven't got nearly enough. Instead of spending your time sitting around moaning about the weather, why not spend your time doing something useful? Why not spend your time crafting some of these? Freshers Fields is back for 2013! 1. Source Stick your button collection around a balloon (and importantly) to each other. 2. Source Glue, buttons, cardboard and a bit of artistic ingenuity and you'll have yourself a great sign for your bedroom door (assuming you use the first letter of your first name). 3. Simply wash out a screw top spirit bottle, find a screw top soap dispenser and put it together. 4. Source Blank glass tumblers, paint, and cotton wool buds are all you need for this one. 5. 6. Source 7.

Encouragement for Moms Rick Bayless | Garlic Mojo There's always a container of mojo in my refrigerator. I use it to season chicken, steaks, fish, vegetables, just about anything. In fact, in Season 7 of "Mexico-One Plate at a Time" Rick will be using it for several recipes including as a seasoning for popcorn. Ingredients Instructions Heat the oven to 325˚. Break the heads of garlic apart, then mash each clove (a fist against the side of a knife is what I do) to release the clove from its papery skin; if using already-peeled garlic, scoop the cloves into a heavy recloseable plastic bag and use a rolling pin to mash them slightly. Stir together the garlic, oil and salt in an 8x8-inch pan (make sure all the garlic is submerged), slide it into the oven and bake until the garlic is soft and lightly brown, about 45 to 55 minutes. Using an old-fashioned potato masher or large fork, mash the garlic into a coarse puree.

How to cut glass I posted a picture about 1 week ago on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter of me cutting glass using just string. I got LOT’S of requests for a tutorial on how I DID THIS! So here it is. FINALLY! You will be able to learn how to cut glass. I want to warn you. It’s best to triple your yarn because it will burn longer! Soak it GOOD! I like to tie my yarn where I want my glass to “cut” then quickly pour polish remover over the string again. Get a big bowl with ice and water ready. VERY IMPORTANT! Slowly turn your bottle. You can’t let the flame go OUT then dunk it in the ice water. YAY!!! I reallly hope you enjoyed this tutorial because I had ALOT of requests for it! © Copyright jaderbombllc, All rights Reserved.

Frugal Granola
