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KAMRA - Deja Vu - Artifitial Intelligence PICTOMAT – Passport photos like those days in the photo booth. Play - Create / We are all made of stars Project: We are all made of stars WebGL demo using HTML5 and webcam. Note this piece requires a modern browser that supports native webcam access, such as Chrome or Firefox, and WebGL. This is a piece that I've wanted to do in WebGL for a long time. (It requires texture sampling in the vertex shader - not just the fragment shader) I knocked this up over the past week, and given that it is almost fireworks-night (November 5th) here in the UK, I thought it an apt time to post it. I would imagine this piece would look fantastic projected in a large format, so if any of my museum/gallery friends fancy it, let me know... I have left the source un-minified, so if you are interested you can see exactly how it works. See for up-to-date news and comment on digital art and design. InstructionThis piece requires a webcam. FormatHTML5 / WebGL.

One World One Face
