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Stock Footage for Free

WorldClips.TV - Now It's Free www.WorldClips.TV is now offering 5000 broadcast quality stock footage video clips from 50 world location by direct download totally Free. The business model has been changed to an advertiser sponsored website. WorldClips.TV has provided stock footage for Oprah, The Late Late Show, 48 Hours, Wheel of Fortune and hundreds of other program and video producers. Tubac, AZ, February 11, 2010 --( A Revolution In The Stock Footage Business-Free Video Clips After eleven years of selling high quality video stock footage to producers of network programs, commercials and marketing videos, WorldClips.TV has reinvented itself and maybe the way millions of people will use stock footage.

Mapping Festival 2012 - VJ Contest - Day 1 Report Mapping Festival 2012 VJ Contest 18th May @ Spoutnik Cinema, Geneva. One of the highlights at this year’s Mapping Festival was the VJ contest, where the best visual artists from around the world battled it out to be crowned Mapping Festival VJ Champion 2012. This year’s selection showcased so many different styles, techniques and new technology that there was never a dull moment. Back at the official home of the Mapping Festival VJ Contest, the old Spoutnik Cinema in Usine, downtown Geneva, you couldn’t ask for a more perfect venue to host what proved be a very close and eclectic VJ face off. The event was hosted by the one and only DJ Schnautzi and Gertrude Tuning AKA Jessica Champlaine. As well as some amazing software, hardware and other great prizes, this year the top five finalists got the chance to play a 2hr live mix back2back at Spoutnik Cinema, on the last night of the Mapping festival.

The only film making advice you really need — Cinema Advanced Cinema Advanced Yesterday, I told you how Listening to ’so called’ experts could destroy your film career before it even starts . Today I’m going to share with you the few principles you really need to know. If you’ve ever dreamed about being a director, then this post is a must read for you. The 9 things you need to do if you really want to be a film maker. Shoot the damn thing – Stop obsessing over what gear you need, stop worrying about raising money, stop obsessing over every little detail. If you can’t raise the money you need, then figure out how to do it with less money. Neo's Clip Archive Beeple is Mike Winkelmann; he is a graphic designer who has created a number of high definition video clips that focus on the visualization of music through video. While his clips were originally intended as source material for VJ's and other motion graphics designers, he has kindly allow the Clip Archive to offer downloads of Movie Maker friendly versions of those clips. All of his clips (including the ones you download from the Clip Archive) have been released under a Creative Commons license and can be used for both commercial and non-commercial work in any form. To create Movie Maker friendly versions of his original clips (which were in mov format), they were converted to wmv format using the Freemake video converter.

★ audiocommander Ars Electronica: Physarum Polycephalum 2013-08-31, Saturday @ 9:25Articles in English | Arts/Kunst | Works/Werke I am very proud to show a new project at this year’s Ars Electronica in Linz. Bodymetries / “Physarum Polycephalum” is a collaborative work with Theresa Schubert and Moritz Dreßler. The installation by Theresa Schubert (DE), Moritz Dreßler (DE) and Michael Markert (DE) invites those who behold it to interact with a computer simulation that assigns configurations of human moles to the protoplasmic tissue of an acellular slime mold (Physarum polycephalum) …

Starting a Video Production Business If you're thinking about getting into the video business, think hard. This month's column is for folks who make videos for fun, but feel that it might be more fun to make videos for money. Making the jump from hobbyist to pro can be fun, rewarding, and more than a little scary, depending in which direction you jump. You could work for someone else who has an established video business. This is how I got into video. While still in college, I went to the public TV station and said, "I'll work for peanuts, I'll work any time you need me, I'll come in to work on a moment's notice and I'll work my tail off when I'm here."

Neo's Clip Archive Beachfront is a member of the Movie Maker forums who has made a number of high definition video clips available for download on his blog and here at the Clip Archive. His original clips were in mp4 format; but, they were converted to wmv format by the Clip Archive in order to create more Movie Maker friendly versions. All of his clips (including the ones you download from the Clip Archive) are available free of charge to the general public. To preview an individual clip before downloading, click on the image below for that clip. This will open a small window that provides a low resolution preview of the clip you selected. Uni Weimar: Media Few other universities in Germany attach greater importance to the scientific and artistic consideration of media than the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Founded in 1996, the Faculty of Media brings together economists and experts from the humanities, scientists and information technologists and artists and designers. Together they contribute towards the growing importance and transformation of the media.

Starting a Production Company: What You Need to Know Starting a production company, whether video editing or full video production, is not for the weak or faint of heart. You'll need to do research first... lots of it. Then you'll have to take into consideration things like: How knowledgeable are you about production? 14 Free Stock Footage and Green Screen Plate Resources I know it is hard to shoot your own green screen plates sometimes to practice on, or perhaps you don't have a good camera to mess around with for 3D tracking, or integrating CG with live action. Well I have found a bunch of different resources from around the interwebz to help you to get some footage on your screen, so let the experiments begin. Video Copilot's TutorialsSome tutorials online offer their material used within the tutorial for download, out of all those, Video Copilot stands above the rest in that respect. For almost all the tutorials on the website, you can download the source files to work along with Andrew, or just use it for your own projects.Visit Video Copilot's Tutorial SectionArtbeatsArtbeats is one of the leaders in royalty-free stock footage distribution, and kind of set the standard when it comes to the similar sites littered throughout the net (some seen below). If you enjoyed this post, please give it a vote on Digg or a stumble to say thanks!

Quartz Composer Examples - Tutorial About To start making a Music Visualizer is incredibly easy in Quartz Composer. All you have to do is open up Quartz Composer, click on the File menu and select New from Template. This will open up the Template dialog box from which you can select the Music visualizer template. This will create a new music visualizer based upon that template. The default composition opens a Viewer and Editor window showing the Root Macro Patch and the visualization in a Custom ratio view. One of the great features of Quartz Composer is just how elastic its rendering space can be.In Custom Ratio mode you are able to set the composition to alomost any rectangualr relationship.
