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Code School - Try jQuery MIT App Inventor Get Started Follow these simple directions to build your first app! Tutorials Step-by-step guides show you how to create even more apps. Teach Find out about curriculum and resources for teachers. Forums Join community forums to get answers to your questions. Prêt à jeter Mardi 24 janvier 2012 à 20h35 Un produit usé = un produit vendu ! Dans les années 1920, des industriels américains ont trouvé la formule magique pour soutenir la consommation : l’obsolescence programmée. Fini les bas en nylon qui résistent à tout et les ampoules qui durent cent ans, un bon produit est un produit jetable. Tourné aux quatre coins du monde, Prêt à Jeter est une enquête sur les bases de notre économie moderne - consommation, gaspillage et pollution. © Article Z Insolite :Prêt à jeter raconte également l’histoire de la Centennial Light. Dans une société où la croissance est tirée par la consommation, les produits durables sont une catastrophe ! Pour rentabiliser les machines et soutenir la consommation, on a contraint les ingénieurs à réduire la durée de vie des produits. "À l'époque, le développement durable n'était pas au centre des préoccupations", rappelle Warner Philips, arrière-petit-fils des fondateurs de la marque du même nom.

Learn Web Development in 2019 | Web Dev Tutorials - Level Up Coding Start a career in web development by learning to code online — no degree in computer science required 🤓 The demand for software engineers has exploded, and there are resources available enabling anyone to find a job as a developer. With the free and paid tutorials available online, you are able to learn to code regardless of your background — I personally don’t have a CS degree along with countless other devs that I have worked with. This article is your roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2019. This article is divided into 7 sections: If you are new programming or still learning the basics, you should begin with the “Getting Started” section to solidify core coding principles. Web development is typically divided into two disciplines — the frontend and the backend. I strongly recommend being at least comfortable with both the frontend and backend because having knowledge of the full stack is incredibly valuable and makes your skill set much more appealing.

8 free sites that teach you how to program Developed in 2011, the main focus of Code Academy is to teach you how to code so that you can transform your career. It features a number of success stories from individuals who knew little to nothing about coding and went on to have fruitful careers as programmers. Code Academy covers a lot of ground, including how to make interactive websites. You can take courses in Rails, Angularjs, Rails Auth, The Command Line, HTML & CSS, JavaScript, iQuery, PHP, Python and Ruby. They are constantly adding new programs as well, so if nothing piques your interest now, you can always check back in a few months to see what they have added to their course load. The courses on Code Academy are free and it has become a well-known and respected resource for anyone yearning to learn how to code.

30 Best Websites to Learn Design and Development Some of the benefits of online education are really focused on money, personal time management, pace and real fun projects and active communities. Recently I have published an interview with Matt Loszak who learnt iOS development himself and quit his day job to pursue entrepreneurial success. Affordability While most of the courses, studies and special workshops cost hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars online education is the way to get demandable knowledge and skills and start working for any tech company or starting your own service-based business or creating products yourself. Immersive communities Learning with community is much more fun and efficient. Learn at your own pace You have a family, full time job and not much spare time. Build something real While learning you shouldn’t learn just for the sake of learning, try to solve problem and your learning project might evolve into a business. Lets get started! Treehouse Tuts+ Premium Lynda Codeacademy Code School Udemy Udacity Ruby Monk

CodeMonkey 50 Excellent Adobe After Effect Tutorials Adobe After Effects is a digital motion graphics and compositing software. Its main purpose is for film and video post-production. With Adobe After Effects it’s possible to create so great looking visual effects as in “Hollywood style” movies. Adobe After Effects is mainly used to create visual effects for commercials and movies but you can also create image slide-shows, some small videos, transition effects for websites and stuff like that. It is not difficult to learn by your own. For beginners Introduction to Adobe After Effects | Andrew Kramer Basic effects | Andrew KramerLearn to create some basic effects using After Effects. Animation | Andrew KramerNow you can learn how to create an animation. Trim Paths | Aharon RabinowitzLearn how to create simple trim paths. Simple Reflection Techniques | Aharon RabinowitzVery simple but cool technique creating reflections. Web 2.0 Glossy Text | Matt EvansLearn to create a glossy text. Rendering | Shoaib KhanLearn about rendering your video.

How browser rendering works — behind the scenes Sending & receiving information This is not supposed to be a computer science networks class, but you may remember that data is sent over the internet as “packets” sized in bytes. The point I’m trying to make is that when you write some HTML, CSS and JS, and attempt to open the HTML file in your browser, the browser reads the raw bytes of HTML from your hard disk (or network). Got that? Let’s move on. The browser receives the bytes of data but it can’t really do anything with it. The raw bytes of data must be converted to a form it understands. This is the first step. From raw bytes of HTML to DOM What the browser object needs to work with is a Document Object Model (DOM) object. So, how is the DOM object derived? Well, pretty simple. Firstly, the raw bytes of data are converted into characters. You may see this with the characters of code you have written. At this point, the browser’s gone from raw bytes of data to the actual characters in the file. So, what are these tokens? But wait. Why? Yes!

12 Sites That Will Teach You Coding for Free Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. There was a time when knowing how to program was for the geekiest of geeks. That's not exactly the case today. You don't even need to shell out a ton of money or put yourself in debt to learn how to code, either. 1. One of the most popular free places to learn coding is Codeacademy. Related: Want to Take Your Business to the Next Level? 2. Founded in 2012, Coursera has grown into a major for-profit educational-technology company that has offered more than 1,000 courses from 119 institutions. 3. edX EdX is another leading online-learning platform that is open source instead of for-profit. 4. Founded in 2010, Udemy is an online learning platform that can be used as a way to improve or learn job skills. 5. AGupieWare is an independent app developer that surveyed computer-science programs from some of the leading institutions in the U.S. 6. Sometimes, you need to recall a reference book when you're stuck on a problem. 7. 8. 9. | Collecting all the cheat sheets Gamestar Mechanic How to stop DNS leakage while using a VPN | Privacy Lover The DNS leakage problem explained Whenever you type a domain name, your Internet browser contacts a DNS server and makes a DNS Query. Most Virtual Private Network providers fail to mention that while your connexion is encrypted using a VPN there is a high chance that a DNS leak will occur and your ISP will still be able to see what you are doing over the internet. The problem occurs primarily when routers and computers are set to use automatic DHCP, this can force name lookups to bypass the name server supplied by the active VPN connection and instead use the one supplied by your ISP which allows them to see the websites you visit. DNS leak test If you want to check if you suffer from DNS leakage, connect to your usual VPN/proxy and visit After you click on Test my DNS you should ignore everything and look only on top of the page where it says DNS Resolver(s) tested. Solving DNS leakage List of free public DNS providers: Comodo public DNS Google public DNS

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