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Sustainable Communities Infographic

One The Event - Social Architecture "12 Pillars of Human Endeavor" Origins Originally designed by futurist & social architect, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Founder of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution, the 12 Pillars shown here (above) match & advance Barbara's popular12 point Wheel of Co-Creation (right) based on the Model of the Peace Room, which focuses on a world that works for all. Barbara along with many others including officials in Washington DC saw this wheel as an open-source tool that would help us define and bridge us from old hierarchical systems to ones based in co-creation and bridging resources and needs in evolutionary ways. How we use it Each pillar is self explanatory. Embracing Whole-System(s): Beyond the Pillars While the Pillars cover the WHAT (solutions, impact areas, and issues); facilitating meaningful collaboration also requires coherence, trust and synergy. More about the 12 Pillar Model & its Purpose

Small West Yorkshire town aims to be first town with food self-sufficiency by growing all its own vegetables (NaturalNews) Different local authorities throughout the USA have been harassing homeowners for growing veggies or herbs in their front lawns. But in the small town of Todmorden, England, a grass-roots food movement has been started by one woman who grew veggies in her front yard and let neighbors pick them free. It took six months before neighbors and passers-by got the notion that Mary Clear's lowered fence and signs encouraging people to pick veggies from her lawn was for real. Mary, a 56 year old grandmother, kicked off a scheme thought up with local Bear Cafe owner Pam Warhurst and others to engage in local guerrilla agriculture. Soon, others joined in and they called the movement Incredible Edible. Even the Todmorden police station has a few of those beds on its premises. Mary and Pam realize that Incredible Edible isn't up to feeding all 15,000 residents of Todmorden yet. An updated UN report on agro-ecology and the right to food is available on pdf here (

SOLAR CITIES Eco Village International Network
