Toms Deutschseite - Hilfestellung beim Erlernen der deutschen Sprache
Deut(sch)lich – Deutsch lernen macht Spaß!
Nancy Thuleen
Free Language Tutorials: Basic Phrases, Vocabulary, Grammar, and Pronunciation in 20 Languages • Learn French • Learn Spanish • Learn Italian • Learn German • Learn Swedish
Currently, twenty languages are available: 17 Indo-European and 3 non-Indo-European. There are also Foreign Service Institute (FSI) courses available in HTML format as well as two comparative tutorials for those who want to learn two languages simultaneously. Lists of vocabulary and verb conjugations are available for some Romance and Germanic languages, as well as other helpful ideas, resources and links for learning foreign languages. Some of the tutorials also include audio resources and online exercises, indicated by the headphones and notebooks below. The following pages are not language-specific tutorials, but instead focus on learning languages in general: Realia Resources Scans and photos of train tickets, brochures, receipts, menus, etc. French Language Tutorial 2nd edition is now available! Language Hacking Guide by Benny Lewis, the Irish Polyglot From "The Language Hacking Guide explains exactly what you need to do to speak a language quickly.