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One Laptop per Child Global Health, Local Knowledge Global mapping of technology for transparency and accountability | Transparency & Accountability Initiative As internet and mobile phone use increases, technology is transforming the field of transparency and accountability making it an increasingly dynamic space across the globe. Technology is helping to improve citizen participation in decision-making and producing new ways of identifying public service challenges through processes such as ‘data mashing’. This paper documents current trends in the way technology is being used to promote transparency in different parts of the world. It reviews over 100 projects from across Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America, examining how new technologies are re-energising traditional methods. In particular, it focuses on how these new technologies are helping to engage different actors from citizens, media, authorities and the private sector. Our research finds promising success stories alongside less accomplished examples. The paper includes a summary of the key findings and recommendations for further research in key areas of this field.

FR:WikiProject Haiti Haïti est un pays en Amérique du Nord à la latitude 18° 53′ 24″ Nord et la longitude 72° 49′ 48″ Ouest. Le 12 janvier 2010, un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7.0 a frappé la ville de Port-au-Prince à Haïti. L'Épidémie de choléra en octobre 2010, fait également ressortir la problématique de l'eau potable et la vulnérabilité des personnes vivant dans des camps. La communauté OpenStreetMap peut aider la réponse humanitaire en cartographiant à partir de l'imagerie satellitaire (ou d'autres sources) et en collectant et centralisant les référentiels cartographiques existants. Si vous êtes un néophyte d'OSM, consultez le Un guide pour débuter. Si vous venez juste de rejoindre les efforts pour cartographier Haïti, consultez la page New Mapper (en) où vous trouverez des conseils. Pour les participants confirmés, consultez la page de coordination cartographique (en) pour obtenir des informations sur la coordination des efforts. Aller au sommaire Osmecum Le Vademecum de l'OSMeur. Discussions Statut Course Materials - Crisis Mapping, Politics & New Media Dear community, I am developing a new course: Political Science 397: Crisis Mapping, Politics & New Media. As the course progresses I will post materials here for your review. Please feel free to use any portion of the materials posted here for your own course development. Follow us on twitter: #CMClass New Resources for the Fall 2011 Course: Grassroots mapping using kites and balloons on JCU’s campus Links to material from my Spring 2011 course: Information for instructors: visualization and analysis: Past Activities Open Street Maps Exercise What can we learn about maps & difficulties of making space/time maps from mapping our daily routine? Thanks for any input or comments! If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood & assign them tasks & work, rather, teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea. ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ~ HT: @PatrickMeier Many thanks to the Department of Political Science at JCU for your encouragement, and your coffee.

OpenStreetMap Foundation | Supporting the OpenStreetMap project An International Conference on Digital Disease Detection We hope that the Rapid Fire Talks prove to be an entertaining and engaging way to share research and experiences in digital disease detection. Below are some guidelines and helpful hints for a successful Rapid Fire Talk. Please note that abstract submissions for Rapid Fire Talks are due on July 17th. Once the Rapid Fire Talk schedule has been finalized, we will send PowerPoint templates to speakers onto which they will upload the content for their talks. Guidelines for Rapid Fire Talks5 minutes long 15 seconds per slide (20 slides total) Slides advance automaticallyHelpful HintsConsider using more images than words 1 to 2 big ideas per slide Make slides that are flexible so that if you fall behind the slides, the presentation will still make sense See examples from last year

Crowdmap What Exactly Is Crowdmap? Crowdmap is designed and built by the people behind Ushahidi, a platform that was originally built to crowdsource crisis information. As the platform has evolved, so have its uses. Crowdmap allows you to set up your own map of Ushahidi without having to install it on your own web server. What Can I Do With Crowdmap? Monitor Elections Use the power of the crowd to monitor and visualize what went right, and what went wrong, in an election.
