StoryMapJS: narrare con le mappe | APPrenderò – La scuola verso il futuro StoryMapJS è una web-app gratuita per raccontare storie a partire da luoghi. Viaggi, gite, vite di personaggi famosi, storie che abbiano alla base dei luoghi e degli spostamenti. Si tratta della app “sorella” di TimeLineJS che diversamente permette una narrazione più cronologica basata su una sequenza di eventi nel tempo. La community che ha sviluppato le due app è infatti la stessa e si tratta di Knightlab (un gruppo di lavoro della NorthWestern University specializzato in software per il mondo del giornalismo online). Ma scopriamo innanzitutto come funziona con una breve guida. 1 – StoryMapJS non prevede una vera e propria registrazione in quanto si avvale del tuo account Google. 2 – La prima schermata che viene proposta è quella relativa alla creazione di una slide di copertina (una slide numero zero). a) Headline. 3 – Creazione delle altre slide. 5 – Nella creazione di ogni slide è bene tenere presente che ogni risorsa mediale utilizzata va “censita”. 8 – Preview.
HC-05 Bluetooth - JMoon Technologies Wiki Overview The HC-05 Bluetooth Module [Product link] can be used in a Master or Slave configuration, making it a great solution for wireless communication.You can use it simply for a serial port replacement to establish connection between MCU and GPS, PC to your embedded project, etc. Features Protocol: Bluetooth Specification v2.0+EDRFrequency: 2.4GHz ISM bandModulation: GFSKEmission power: ≤4dBm, Class 2Sensitivity: ≤-84dBm at 0.1% BERSpeed: Asynchronous: 2.1Mbps(Max) / 160 kbps, Synchronous: 1Mbps/1MbpsSecurity: Authentication and encryptionProfiles: Bluetooth serial portPower supply: +3.3VDC 50mAWorking temperature: -20 ~ +75 Centigrade Description The HC-05 Bluetooth Module has 6 pins- Vcc, GND, TX, RX, Key, and LED. The major difference between Master and Slave modes is that, in Slave mode the Bluetooth module cannot initiate a connection, it can however accept incoming connections. The range for Bluetooth communication is usually 30m or less. Pin Connections Arduino Downloads 1.
Taper les caractères espagnols Malheureusement, le clavier français n'a pas été prévu pour taper des caractères étrangers. Il y a néanmoins quelques façons d'arriver à taper les caractères espagnols: I) A LA SOURIS C'est le plus facile. Sélectionnez un caractère dans le tableau puis tirez-le avec le bouton gauche (sans le relâcher) dans une zone de saisie. Appuyez sur la touche ALT à gauche de la touche espace, puis SANS RELACHER ALT, tapez le code numéroté indiqué. -> Sur un ordinateur de bureau :J'appuie sur ALT (à gauche de la touche espace). -> Si j'ai un ordinateur portable : J'appuie sur la touche VERROUILLAGE NUMERIQUE (Verr num). Sur les ordinateurs mac, utilisez POMME à la place de ALT. -> Sur les téléphones portables et les tablettes : laissez votre doigt appuyé sur une touche qui devrait être accentuée (par exemple, un 'e'). Windows est équipé d'un clavier virtuel qui reste en permanence à l'écran : N'oubliez pas de revenir en français, après utilisation, sinon, vous allez rester sur le clavier espagnol.
Teach Students about Online Safety with These Excellent Video Tutorials from Google April 27, 2016 The web provides limitless opportunities for learning, creating, sharing, and exploring the depths of human knowledge. But it is also an unsafe arena where one needs to be equipped with the needed tools and know-how to better stay safe and browse the net securely. As parents and teachers, we need to teach our students about the basics of staying safe online and luckily there are several resources to help you do that. Google Safety Centre is one of the best of them. Google Safety Centre provides teachers, parents and public users with a plethora of materials, tools and tips to help you manage the security and privacy of your personal data and keep you safe while using the net. 2- Protect your stuff 3- Know and use your settings 4- Avoid scams 5- Be positive
Make Your Lessons Memorable with the Texting Story App - The Techie Teacher Are you constantly trying to jazz up your lessons and engage your students? I know I am always on the hunt for new, innovative ideas to bring to the classroom that will excite learners of all levels. ANYWAY...Catherine mentions how teachers can use the iFake Text Generator for:Morning Meeting MessagesReading JournalsIntroduce/Review Vocabulary So fun! After seeing Catherine's post, I did a lesson with a 2nd grade class who used the iFakeText Generator to write a conversation between George Washington and Abraham Lincoln as if they were alive today. THEN..last week..I saw a Facebook post from TechChef4u that was advertising the FREE app, Texting Story. Not only does this app generate text messages, it turns your work into a text conversation MOVIE. If you are interested in creating a conversation that plays continuously so you don't have to keep pressing play, upload the saved video into the app GifToaster and turn it into a GIF that you can embed in a Google Doc/Slide, blog or website!
Patatap Keevi. Enregistrer son écran et sa webcam pour pouvoir les partager Keevi est un autre outil en ligne pour enregistrer facilement l’écran de son ordinateur pour pouvoir ensuite le partager. Keevi permet d’enregistrer son écran seul ou avec sa webcam. Un outil très simple à utiliser qui se prête à des besoins occasionnels. Il va vous faciliter la vie si vous souhaiter expliquer avec une petite vidéo une manipulation à l’écran d’un logiciel ou d’un site. Un enregistreur d’écran gratuit et sans inscription Keevi simplifie la capture d’écran. Vous pouvez utiliser cet utilitaire de capture d’écran sans même avoir besoin de vous enregistrer ce qui est très pratique. Une fois votre modèle d’enregistrement choisi, il ne vous reste plus qu’à appuyer sur le bouton rouge enregistrer. Partager les captures d’écran réalisées facilement Keevi là encore a opté pour la simplicité. Ce service de capture vidéo est proposé gratuitement par Keevi. Ces services déjà présentés sur Outils Tice vous intéresseront sans doute si vous cherchez d’autres outils de capture d’écran,
Pearltrees - Collect & Share Review Save bookmarks, documents, files, ebooks, PDF, photos, notes and more. Organize them into beautiful collections. Explore and share millions of contents on your favorite topics. With Pearltrees, access all your interests anywhere, anytime! Pearltrees can be useful in many situations: Personal life: Tech enthusiast? Work: On Pearltrees you can collaborate with your colleagues to manage knowledge efficiently, mutualize best practices, and share notes across your entire company. Education: Pearltrees is now one of the most used tools by teachers and students.
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