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Concepts in Biochemistry - Interactive Animations

Concepts in Biochemistry - Interactive Animations

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Interactive Animal and Plant Cells Nucleolus: The prominent structure in the nucleus is the nucleolus. The nucleolus produces ribosomes, which move out of the nucleus and take positions on the rough endoplasmic reticulum where they are critical in protein synthesis. Cytosol: The cytosol is the "soup" within which all the other cell organelles reside and where most of the cellular metabolism occurs. Though mostly water, the cytosol is full of proteins that control cell metabolism including signal transduction pathways, glycolysis, intracellular receptors, and transcription factors. Cytoplasm: This is a collective term for the cytosol plus the organelles suspended within the cytosol. Centrosome: The centrosome, or MICROTUBULE ORGANIZING CENTER (MTOC), is an area in the cell where microtubules are produced. During animal cell division, the centrioles replicate (make new copies) and the centrosome divides. Centriole (animal cells only): Each centriole is a ring of nine groups of fused microtubules.

Microscope Imaging Station. Stem Cells: Cells with Potential. What are stem cells? Your body contains over 200 types of cells, each with a specific job: blood cells carry oxygen; muscle cells contract so that you can move; nerve cells transmit chemical signals. The job of a stem cell is to make new cells. It does this by undergoing an amazing process—differentiating, or changing into another type of cell. Each time a stem cell divides, one of the new cells might remain a stem cell while the other turns into a heart, blood, brain, or other type of cell. In fact, stem cells are able to divide to replenish themselves and other cells without any apparent limit. Stem cells are the source, or “stem,” for all of the specialized cells that form our organs and tissues. Next: Why invest so much in studying stem cells?

Interactive Cell Model Best Teacher I Ever Had Best Teacher I Ever Had by David Owen Extracted from Reader's Digest (Asian Edition), April 1991, pp. 47-48. Mr. Whitson taught sixth-grade science. On the first day of class, he gave us a lecture about a creature called the cattywampus, an ill-adapted nocturnal animal that was wiped out during the Ice Age. When he returned my paper, I was shocked. Very simple, Mr. Needless to say, we were outraged. We should have figured it out, Mr. Mr. Every class was an adventure with Mr. We carried our brand-new skepticism into all our classes. If I'm ever asked to propose a solution to the problems in our schools, it will be Mr. Not everyone sees the value in this.

A Science Odyssey: You Try It: DNA Workshop An embryonic cell divides again and again. Where there was one cell there are two, then four, then eight,... Each holds all the genetic information needed to create a human being. How, exactly, do these cells make copies of themselves? Hair grows from your head, nonstop, day in and day out. The answers to these questions are DNA replication and protein synthesis. Knowledge of the structure of DNA began with the discovery of nucleic acids in 1869. The activity in this section places you within the cell, involving you with the processes of DNA replication and protein synthesis. If you're interested in finding out more about DNA and protein synthesis, check out the other sections. Related People and Discoveries entries

Cells Proyecto Biosfera El Universo, la Vía Láctea y el Sistema Solar. La observación del Universo: planetas, estrellas y galaxias. Evolución histórica del conocimiento del Universo. La Vía Láctea y el Sistema Solar. 21 Brilliant Productivity Tools Every College Student Must Use: Get Degrees If you ask a college student about productivity, he won't have much to say. And you really can't blame him. He leads a dynamic life where academics and fun go hand in hand, with the latter becoming a more important activity most of the times. However, with the advent of internet and web 2.0, a college student now has access to so many amazing tools that he could finish up his work as well as enjoy life to the fullest without the guilt. Research and Taking Notes 1.Questia Questia is an excellent online research tool which features a huge web based library of magazines, books, journals, papers, articles and much more. Although you need to pay about $19.95 per month for its membership, you could save on books and magazines you buy if you subscribe to it. 2.Free Book Notes Free Book Notes, as the name suggests is a collection of free book notes, summaries, study guides and similar material aggregated from the internet. 3.Wikipedia 4.Notely 5.Evernote 6.Google Docs 7. 8.Noodletools Communication

Evolution 100 Best (Free) Science Documentaries Online No matter how much you know, there is always something new to learn about science. While your college courses may cover the basics, you can get a more in-depth look at a wide variety of topics from Internet resources such as these great documentaries. These selections will help you explore everything from the inner reaches of the human mind to the outer areas of our universe and just about everything else in between. Better yet, they’re all free to watch online so you can learn more without spending a dime. Health and Medicine These documentaries cover topics like health care, diseases, nutrition, nursing, and more so you can get great insights into health and medicine. Super Size Me: In this movie, filmmaker Morgan Spurlock attempts to subsist on only a diet of McDonald’s for a full month. Drugs Learn how drugs impact the brain and the variety of legal restrictions imposed upon them from these documentaries. Genetics Evolution and Biological History Physics The Quantum Revolution: Dr. Geology

Cofrin Center for Biodiversity Next NAS Seminar is Friday, April 11, 2014 How do scientists study how molten rock intrusionsgrows? Dr. Social @ 3:15 pm in ES 317 -- Lecture @ 3:45 pm in ES 301, note time change. Save the Date for the Heirloom Plant Sale Seed catalogs have arrived and we are busy planning for this year's sale to be held on May 17th 9-3 in the Lab Sciences Greenhouse. A new tool for measuring forest health! Biodiversity data manager Erin Giese, along with NAS faculty, and TNC staff have developed a a new rigorous, transparent tool for measuring forest health in northern mesic forests of the western Great Lakes region based on local breeding bird assemblages. We are looking for Volunteers! Are you looking to gain valuable field or lab experience to build your resume?
