What it’s about – discordia I’ve moved to Edmonton. In a way this was good for me. Nobody knows who I am, my reputation hasn’t reached outside of Sweden. It’s nice to be nobody again. The reason I write this, is because the gaming culture took another blow a few days ago. In her closing post, she speaks of some things that I find important to emphasize. Being a woman who speaks about equality and diversity in a still very unequal and non-diverse space will have an impact on your professional life. What I’m being told is clear enough, though. This might seem like a really bleak thing to say, discouraging even. There’s also a mental cost. Zoe Quinn has said it, Anita Sarkeesian has said it. As preparation for the honorary doctorate I received a while back, I spent several hours online enabling various protective measures just about everywhere I have an account. Real talk: the gaming community is misogynist. It is heavy, fighting for something that should be so obvious. We’re not human enough to be heroes.
We tested Apple's Siri, Amazon Echo's Alexa, Microsoft's Cortana, and Google's Google Home to see which personal assistant bots stand up for themselves in the face of sexual harassment — Quartz Some 2,000 years ago, the Ancient Greek scholar Hippocrates argued that all ailments, including mental illnesses such as melancholia, could be explained by imbalances in the four bodily fluids, or “humors.” Today, most of us like to think we know better: Depression—our term for melancholia—is caused by an imbalance, sure, but a chemical imbalance, in the brain. This explanation, widely cited as empirical truth, is false. Prozac, approved by the US Food and Drug Administration 30 years ago today, on Dec. 29, 1987, marked the first in a wave of widely prescribed antidepressants that built on and capitalized off this theory. The theory fits in with psychiatry’s attempt, over the past half century, to portray depression as a disease of the brain, instead of an illness of the mind. In the three decades since Prozac went on the market, antidepressants have propagated, which has further fed into the myths and false narratives we tell about mental illnesses.
A dad took 12 photos of his daughter as history-making women, and they are incredible. What better way to learn about important women in history than with 12 beautiful photos starring an adorable 5-year-old girl? Photographer Marc Bushelle, who's also the proud father of his subject, Lily, created this photo series, called "The Heroines Project," because he both wanted to spend quality family time with his wife and daughter and teach his daughter about strong heroines in history. "I thought this also could be a great way to build her confidence and sense of self worth," Bushelle told Upworthy. "This series was inspired by another photographer who did something similar with her daughter." In addition to viewing his work on his website above, be sure to like his Facebook page. Bushelle's wife, Janine Harper, wrote each photo description below. Here's Lily striking a powerful pose as ballerina Misty Copeland. Image by Marc Bushelle/Marc Bushelle Photography. Here's Lily looking smart as Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison. Image by Marc Bushelle/Marc Bushelle Photography. "Dr.
Something Classy — Every woman in every Disney/Pixar movie in the... Anna Nilsson om hatet och hoten efter sina avsexualiserade bilder | Spela Illustratören Anna Nilsson, 27, skapade sina egna, avsexualiserade varianter av kända kvinnliga spelkaraktärer. Det gjorde henne till en av veckans största snackisar inom spelvärlden – samt föremål för både hot och hyllningar. – Det är helt absurt att man inte kan lägga upp något så oskyldigt utan att få så mycket skit, säger Anna till Spela. Fightingspelen är – förutom hårda smockor och hadoukens – kända för att vara fyllda av överdimensionerade bröst, klänningslitsar som börjar vid halsen och kvinnliga karaktärer som fullkomligt osar av sex. Till slut fick den svenska illustratören och konstnären Anna Nilsson från Båstad nog av genrens kvinnobild. – Jag ville kritisera. Utsattes för hot Reaktionerna lät inte vänta på sig. Men Annas feministiska ställningstagande har också mötts av negativa reaktioner. Vissa har även gått så långt som att ta till hot. – Jag började ganska tidigt reagera på hur vissa spelstudior porträtterar kvinnor i spel, säger Anna Nilsson till Spela. ”Rent överjävligt”
Nerd Entitlement Lets Men Ignore Racism and Sexism | The New Republic A few people have forwarded me MIT professor Scott Aaronson’s post about nerd trauma and male privilege (link here). It's part of a larger discussion about sexism in STEM subjects, and its essence is simple. Aaronson's position on feminism is supportive, but he can’t get entirely behind it because of his experiences growing up, which he details with painful honesty. Much as I try to understand other people’s perspectives, the first reference to my 'male privilege'—my privilege! I know them feels, Scott. As a child and a teenager, I was shy, and nerdy, and had crippling anxiety. Like Aaronson, I was terrified of making my desires known—to anyone. I do not intend for a moment to minimize Aaronson's suffering. And this, for me, is the root and tragedy both of nerd entitlement and the disaster of heterosexuality. I have a profound political belief that we all deserve a break. Ok, let’s do this. These are curious times. (And you ask me, where were those girls when you were growing up?
Artist Proves that Men’s Faces Aren’t Much Different than Women’s It’s long been said that the devil is in the details. Is it also safe to say, at least visually, that masculinity is in the minutiae? A photographic series created by French-Canadian artist and photographer Ulric Collette provokes fascinating questions about the nuances in men and women’s faces that we interpret as gender. Collette, in his series “Genetic Portraits,” digitally composited photographs of pairs of genetic relatives (two sisters’ faces, two cousins’ faces, a father’s face with his son’s face) to make up a single face. While each edited photograph in his series is fascinating in its own right, the most glaringly interesting (or surprising, depending on your perspective) is how naturally a man’s face blends with a woman’s face. Twin brother and sister: Alex and Sandrine, age 20. Sister and brother: Karine, 29 and Danny, 25 Cousins: Justine, 29 and Ulric, 29 Daughter and Father: Ariane, 13 and Andre, 55 Father and Daughter: Daniel, 60 and Isabelle, 32 Help spread visual literacy.
Not Male or Female? Here’s Your 50 Gender Options on Facebook: Facebook Gives More Gender Options Facebook recently added a new twist to its gender options on user profile pages: there are more options than being either male or female. In fact, there are now more than fifty different gender options on Facebook! Strange as it may sound to those who aren’t well-versed in gender studies, many people don’t identify themselves within the typical male-female binary. And Facebook decided it wanted to accommodate those perspectives. According to CNN, Facebook executives worked with “a group of leading lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocacy organizations to come up with the new gender categories.” According to many professionals in psychology and pundits in gender research and equality, gender is not something you are born with. Whether you agree with these ideas or not, it’s at least worth learning how a growing number of people identify themselves. In Facebook’s profile options under “gender,” you can now choose the option to “customize.”
Tak świat traktuje kobiety: ogólnie lepiej, ale wciąż gorzej niż mężczyzn Poniższa mapa przedstawia, jak sytuacja kobiet zmieniała się (albo nie) w poszczególnych krajach od 2006 r. Wystarczy wybrać interesujący nas rejon, żeby otrzymać komplet danych: Doroczny raport Światowego Forum Ekonomicznego (The Global Gender Gap Report) porównuje sytuację kobiet i mężczyzn w 142 państwach świata na czterech płaszczyznach: jakości i długości życia, dostępu do edukacji, udziału w gospodarce kraju i zaangażowania w politykę. W analizach uwzględnia się wyłącznie twarde, publicznie dostępne dane (np. Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia, Międzynarodowej Organizacji Pracy itp.). Jeśli brać pod uwagę wszystkie uśrednione wyniki, najbardziej uderza jeden wniosek: nigdzie na świecie kobiety nie zarabiają lepiej niż mężczyźni. Badanie jest przeprowadzane rokrocznie od 2006 r., ma więc charakter podłużny i pozwala ocenić, w których rejonach świata można mówić o postępie (czyli stopniowym wyrównywaniu szans kobiet i mężczyzn), a przed którymi jeszcze daleka droga. 1. 132.
I've Been Forced Out Of My Home And Am Living In Constant Fear Because Of Relentless Death Threats From Gamergate - xoJane They threatened the wrong woman this time. I am the Godzilla of bitches. I have a backbone of pure adamantium, and I’m sick of seeing them abuse my friends. The misogynists and the bullies and the sadist trolls of patriarchal gaming culture threatened to murder me and rape my corpse, and I did not back down. The BBC called me “Defiant,” in a caption. My name is Brianna Wu. Today, I’m being targeted by a delusional mob called “Gamergate.” If you don’t know what Gamergate is, my God do I envy you. It started two months ago, when my friend Zoe Quinn dated Eron Gjoni. If Zoe had been a man, the blog would have been laughed off as the work of a jilted lover. But, no. It tells you everything you need to know about Gamergate that this mob went after Zoe and not the journalist. The Gamergate mob isn’t a new thing, though it’s only recently been named. They ran through their playbook. It’s a playbook that works. What was my crime? I loled. I have to be honest. There’s no easy way to say this.