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Dan North & Associates

Dan North & Associates
[This article has been translated into Korean by HongJoo Lee, French by Philippe Poumaroux, Spanish by Adrian Moya, Russian by Denis Oleynik, and German by Julia Kadauke.] Behaviour-driven development is an “outside-in” methodology. It starts at the outside by identifying business outcomes, and then drills down into the feature set that will achieve those outcomes. Each feature is captured as a “story”, which defines the scope of the feature along with its acceptance criteria. This article introduces the BDD approach to defining and identifying stories and their acceptance criteria. Introduction Software delivery is about writing software to achieve business outcomes. Usually, the business outcomes are too coarse-grained to be used to directly write software (where do you start coding when the outcome is “save 5% of my operating costs”?) This, then, is the role of a Story. The structure of a story BDD provides a structure for a story. Telling the story The characteristics of a good story 1. Related:  Estimating

Qu’est-ce qu’un storyboard ? Votre scénario est rédigé et vous souhaitez maintenant passer à l’étape supérieure ? Inutile de vous précipiter sur votre caméra immédiatement. De nombreux détails sont à régler avant de passer à l’action sur le tournage. Une préparation sérieuse est nécessaire. Pour cela, il existe un outil pour faciliter le tournage de votre prochain film : le storyboard. D’ailleurs, les plus grands cinéastes comme Ridley Scott ou Hitchcock sont de véritables adeptes de cet outil de travail. Envie de bien vous préparer avant le tournage de votre film ? Georges Mélies, un magicien, s’intéresse de près aux techniques de l’animation et de l’image à l’époque des frères Lumière vers la fin du 19e siècle. À l’origine des premiers effets spéciaux au cinéma (fondus, surimpression, etc), Georges Mélies a l’idée d’utiliser des dessins pour préparer ses films. Savez-vous que Hitchcok était un vrai manique pour l’organisation de ses tournages. À première vue, cela ressemble à une ébauche de Bande dessiné.

Top 10 Websites to Learn Coding (Interactively) Online Gone are the days when programming languages could only be mastered programmers like Bill Gates, who later got to dominate the world by storm. Now everyone holds the same potential, and the chance to learn and even master programming language easily. Today, we will show you 10 interactive websites that will help you do that. That’s right, forget about complicated setups and black, cold command prompts that make you want to quit before you start, and say hi to 10 educational websites with instant and interactive lessons that teach you programming languages like HTML, CSS, PHP, Ruby and even iOS. Pick up tips, screencasts and even best practices from industry professionals. Recommended Reading: Getting A College Degree Or Self-Learning? Kickstart the beginning of your new path into programming today! Codecademy Codecademy is indisputably the most famous website to teach you to code interactively, thanks to its helpful interface and well-structured courses. Code Avengers Code School Treehouse

Java Behavior-Driven Development with JBehave This video explains how to do Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) with JBehave in a Java software development context. In BDD, Product Owners and team members focus on the problem domain and develop a common language for expressing a product’s desired behavior as stories and acceptance test criteria. Developers can then map the stories and criteria on their test code to verify application behavior. The video presents the concept of BDD and how to write user stories. Video Producer: San Francisco Java User Group Video source and presentation slides Related Posts: How To Implement Scrum in 10 Easy Steps When I first encountered agile development, I found it hard to understand. Okay, I might not be the brightest person you’ve ever met! But I’m not stupid either, I think :-) There’s a myriad of different approaches, principles, methods and terms, all of which are characterised as ‘Agile’. For this reason, I favour the Scrum agile methodology. Sure, it’s great to have a deep understanding of the underlying values and principles of agile development. Sure, it’s great to have a thorough understanding of why Scrum works. Sure, it’s great to know lots of case studies where Scrum has been applied and try to relate them to your own individual situation. But, fundamentally, I believe you can implement Scrum without all this knowledge. In these 10 posts, I outline specifically how to implement Scrum in 10 easy steps: – Step #1: Get your backlog in order! Kelly. See also:‘Implementing Scrum’ PowerPoint Presentation10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development

Drawing Lessons In 1988, an extraordinary thing happened in the world of animation. The film "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"( Directed by Robert Zemekis, animation directed by Richard Williams) was released. The film gleefully celebrated the kind of imaginative slapstick cartoon violence that was the staple of the most popular short cartoon classics that were made during the period from around 1940 till the decline in the year that the film takes place,1947. It was also in 1988 that I became associated with the Joe Kubert School of Cartoon Art in Dover, New Jersey. The next year, Milt left the school, but I stayed on as an animation instructor and have since been teaching a course in what the school lists as "life drawing". What follows are the notes for my class. So, are we ready to start drawing? Click on page 1 below!

Pseudocode Standard Pseudocode is a kind of structured english for describing algorithms. It allows the designer to focus on the logic of the algorithm without being distracted by details of language syntax. At the same time, the pseudocode needs to be complete. In general the vocabulary used in the pseudocode should be the vocabulary of the problem domain, not of the implementation domain. Extract the next word from the line (good) set word to get next token (poor) Append the file extension to the name (good) name = name + extension (poor) FOR all the characters in the name (good) FOR character = first to last (ok) Note that the logic must be decomposed to the level of a single loop or decision. Each textbook and each individual designer may have their own personal style of pseudocode. The "structured" part of pseudocode is a notation for representing six specific structured programming constructs: SEQUENCE, WHILE, IF-THEN-ELSE, REPEAT-UNTIL, FOR, and CASE. Example (non-computer) Example sequence 1

Is there a test case management solution which supports BDD? Hi Everyone, I have been digging all over the web for 2 weeks now and I have yet to find any information on this topic. I come from a more traditional model of software testing. Example: using a tool like HP Quality Center, we would import requirements, then write and link test cases to all requirements. These test cases would then be grouped into test suites then at the time of test execution we would create a test run then pull in X number of the test suites we wanted to run. Then of course each test would have a Pass or Fail, any detected bugs would be logged and the Fix-Build-Test process would loop multiple times time the product was ready to ship. From this perspective, to me BDD really breaks this whole traditional design. If all the "test" are now written in feature files and user story acceptance criteria, NOT inside a test management tool. Using the BDD process, I cannot get an understanding on how I can do this. We are a .Net shop so I want to use a tool like SpecFlow. Thank you,

promisedata - Data for reusable SE experiments What is PROMISE? PROMISE= PRedictOr Models In Software Engineering. Mantra= Software management decisions should be based on well-understood and well-supported predictive models. Collecting data from real world software engineering projects is problematic. Since the data is difficult to attain, we need to make better use of the whatever data is available. Hence, this site. Frequently asked questions: FAQ1: How to reference this data? T. FAQ2: How to view the data? Just read the on-line files. FAQ3: This repo reports "Sorry, truncated results. View the data via the simpler web-based Subversion interface. e.g. see FAQ4: How to read/write comments on the data? Go to the on-line wiki. FAQ5: How to report a bug with the data? Add an issue. FAQ6: How to contribute new data? Place it on-line somewhere then report new data. FAQ7: How to meet the PROMISE community? Come along to the annual conference on predictive models in SE 2012: co-located with ESEM'12

BANAHA | africacultural 1- Escucha y canta con el nombre de las notas la melodía de está canción siguiendo el pentagrama de la flauta. Ten cuidado con los signos de repetición es muy importante que los respetes. 2- Analiza la partitura teniendo en cuenta: Indicador de compás. 3- Ahora practícala con la flauta. 4- Forma grupos de 3 compañeros para tocarla en canon, cada uno deberá comenzar según corresponda. Muy importante: seguid todos el mismo pulso!! 5-Por último os propongo un reto. 1- Escucha y canta con el nombre de las notas la melodía de está canción siguiendo el pentagrama de la flauta. 2- Analiza la partitura teniendo en cuenta: Indicador de compás. 3- Ahora practícala con la flauta. 4- Forma grupos de 3 compañeros para tocarla en canon, cada uno deberá comenzar según corresponda. Muy importante: seguid todos el mismo pulso!! 5-Por último os propongo un reto.
