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Holy Grail of eCommerce Conversion Optimization - 91 Point Checklist and Infographic

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How to Create Good Infographics Quickly & Cheaply Everyone is building infographics, why not me? I actually asked myself this question the other day, and my initial answer was, "Because I have absolutely no graphic design ability at all." Well, honestly that answer kind of pissed me off. I'm a smart girl, I can figure this out without paying a fortune, right? Learn Adobe Bridge CS5 - Creating Image Galleries with Adobe Bridge Share this Episode Please select a language: Autoplay 20 Powerful Infographic Design Kits Infograpics have become so popular these days and as a result more and more high quality infographic design kits are made available to help designers. Infographics can be used very effectively to present complex data in a nice visual and powerful way. It is done using hand-picked design elements that relate to the data they represent e.g. demographic data can be effectively illustrated using small carefully colored human icons as overlay on a simplified map. Online marketers love infographics for their ability to go viral on social networks and often they are offered as easy to embed code making it fast and simple for e.g. bloggers to share them in posts… very useful value oriented way to build links and online presence. Infograpics designs are also used commercially in information products.

30 Free Web Design UI Kit Resources 30 Free Web Design UI Kit Resources Details Category: Web Development Created on Wednesday, 09 June 2010 09:28 Hits: 39292 How to Make a Landing Page That C.O.N.V.E.R.T.S. - Conversion Tips and Examples So you’ve got your marketing all set. You have paid search ads going, your pages are well optimized and generating good natural search, your Facebook ads are working, and you’re getting lots of traffic. (I know, this probably is a fantasy situation, but let’s go with it.) People are visiting your site, but for some reason, you’re not seeing your other numbers move at all.

The Ultimate Mac Setup for Web Designers (60 Apps) – Mac.AppStor There’s little doubt that OS X is a popular platform for web designers – it offers an enormous range of software for designing, managing, developing and publishing websites. Whether you prefer to use an all-in-one environment for designing websites or a range of different applications, there’s a tool to suit you perfectly. This article will round up 60 different web design apps for every different conceivable need. And don’t worry if design isn’t your area of expertise; much of the software covered is fairly multi-purpose, suited to a variety of tasks. Client & Project Management Billings – An excellent tool for managing the details of clients, billing, and tracking payments and receipts.iCal – Bundled with OS X, iCal can offer a simple and inexpensive method to track projects and deadlines.

Trello uses an icon font and so can you! Inspired by Github’s Octicons and a desire to clean up our kludgy icon code, I set out to convert to use an icon font. Previously, we used an image sprite method. We used a single 750×145 pixel image that contained 6 versions of each icon (two sizes and three states). We offset each icon with CSS background-image and background-position. We also loaded a sprite at double the resolution and served it to higher DPI devices via media queries. The sprite image looked like this:

Media Queries for Standard Devices If you think responsive's simple, I feel bad for you son. We got 99 viewports, but the iPhone's just one. —Josh Brewer, March 10, 2010 A major component of responsive design is creating the right experience for the right device. With a gazillion different devices on the market, this can be a tall task. We've rounded up media queries that can be used to target designs for many standard and popular devices that is certainly worth a read. The Art of the Email Sign-up: 18 Dos and Don’ts Despite the shiny glory of Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and the Facebook, email is not dead. According to Marketing Sherpa, email is consumers’ preferred method of communication with business, eclipsing social media. Research by Econsultancy cites 20% of sales can be attributed to the email channel, and McKinsey found email is once, twice, forty-times as effective as Facebook or Twitter. Building an email opt-in list and optimizing your call-to-action and capture process is just as important as ever. But how are today’s top online retailers doing?

How to Create a Great Timeline Cover Photo for Your Brand Sep 12 2012 Facebook’s latest enhancements for both individuals and brands have changed the way to interact on the network. Besides lots of remarkable features like Timeline for brands, they also introduced Cover Photo, which is the first image a user sees after reaching the page. Cover Photo is the place where, for many, creativity begins. It is kind of a visual status update, which determines the voice and theme of the brand’s page. It is perfect to use this area for announcing new upcomings.

Responsive Web Design Formula for Percentage - Easy Calculator It's actually pretty easy with "the magic formula". target ÷ context = result We just enhance the formula with percentage, as follows (target / context) x 100 = result % You get the result in percentage, ex:- (900 / 960) x 100 = 93.75% Note:- decimal numbers acording to maijor browsers
