- Locate, Contribute to and Sponsor an Open Device Lab (ODL) The Metallica Guide to Building a Global Audience of Ravenous Fans Note from Jon: Bands and bloggers have more in common than you might think. We’re searching for an audience, struggling to find our voice, and trying to commercialize our art without “selling out.” If you’re serious about your craft, it’s worth taking the time to study the rise of popular bands, and who better to help you draw connections than Mark Hermann? In addition to being a talented blogger in his own right, he’s lived and breathed rock and roll for much of his career. Let’s see what he has to say… Quick question. When I say the word Metallica do you… Immediately shudder, wrinkle your nose and think, “Ummm… No? It’s fairly polarizing, right? On one extreme you have the 1%. Then there’s the other 99%. That’s you, right? Conventional wisdom would suggest it’s obvious why the 1% sit on their exalted thrones. Conventional wisdom would say they obviously studied their asses off researching the mechanics of blogging. But conventional wisdom isn’t always right. Here’s how: 1. Be different. 2.
E-commerce: 5 bonnes pratiques ... Les six premiers mois de l’année 2012 du e-commerce ont connu une croissance de l’ordre de 22 %. Un marché en pleine expansion qui attire, quotidiennement, de nombreux candidats. Mais l’on ne devient pas Amazon du jour au lendemain ! Les tendances avançant à vitesse grand V, il est temps de faire un point sur les quelques pratiques à adopter pour réussir en e-commerce et optimiser son taux de transformation… 1 – Le menu riche, en organisateur du e-commerce Vous disposez d’un nombre important de produits à vendre, ou en tous les cas de nombreuses familles de produits, il est important de structurer vos contenus et de ne pas perdre vos utilisateurs, et cela pour plusieurs raisons: Le menu riche permet de solutionner ce problème de contenus ! Si vous passez la souris sur la rubrique « Nouveautés », vous trouverez un sous-menu en 3 colonnes « Nouveauté homme », « Nouveauté femme », « Nouveauté enfant ». 2 – Le zoom et les photos, pour lutter contre le web-stress du e-commerce Ça y est !
How to Create Good Infographics Quickly & Cheaply Everyone is building infographics, why not me? I actually asked myself this question the other day, and my initial answer was, "Because I have absolutely no graphic design ability at all." Well, honestly that answer kind of pissed me off. I'm a smart girl, I can figure this out without paying a fortune, right? Who Cares About Your Infographic? Now, no infographic post is complete without the requisite section where we talk about the "Who Cares?" Is your Idea going to be too long? Create your ideas and content with these questions in mind. The Search for an Infographic Solution My search began for a web-based program that can help me. Free or nearly freeNo annual commitmentsWeb basedEasy to use, drag and drop, and no Photoshop required I found a few that fit the criteria, and tried them out. Google Docs After doing some queries, I found that you can build a simple infographic with Google Docs. is in beta, and registration is free. Paid Solutions Summary
Turning Tears into Gold: How to Create A Personal Marketing Success out of Pure Despair Dylan and Rita were at their wits’ end when I met them at the World Internet Summit . By this point in their lives, they were supposed to be successful. They were supposed to be vrooming around in flaming red Ferraris, living the plush life and knocking back champagne on the harbour. Hah! They should be so lucky. After two whole years of heartbreak, they were just as lost as they’d ever been. Yet there was just one teensy-weensy problem. They had no product. They’d scraped their shins dabbling in real estate. And unlike most, they didn’t just sit around doing nothing. And they were still struggling. Despondent and weary, they wondered how this Internet Seminar they were attending would help them. Because it’s there for all the world to see. And if they had a chance to do it all over again, they’d know exactly what they’d skip and what they’d stick to. Now stop and look around at the landscape. So here’s the plan Dylan and Rita could put together a tiny booklet. Failure? Thassit! Or was she?
E-commerce : 14 leviers pour booster son taux de conversion Web-to-store, showrooming, comparateurs, avis des internautes, indice de confiance… Si l’achat en ligne a engendré une mutation profonde de notre manière de consommer, les e-commerçants doivent sans cesse renouveler d’ingéniosité. Avec des milliers de sites e-commerce et des internautes versatiles, la génération d’un volume de trafic sur son site est nécessaire et convertir ces visiteurs en clients est stratégique. Quand on sait que le taux de conversion moyen d’un site eCommerce est de 2,5 % (source FEVAD 2012), le potentiel de progression est considérable.Développer ses ventes relève d’une juste combinaison de leviers mêlant expérience du web, connaissance de votre visiteur et vos produits mais aussi audace. Comment améliorer vos performances digitales ? Conseil N°1. Assurez vos bases On la néglige trop souvent : la baseline. Conseil N°2. Assurément, vos métas tags doivent être efficaces et votre site GOOGLE friendly. Conseil N°3. N’hésitez pas à repenser l’organisation de votre site.
20 Powerful Infographic Design Kits Infograpics have become so popular these days and as a result more and more high quality infographic design kits are made available to help designers. Infographics can be used very effectively to present complex data in a nice visual and powerful way. It is done using hand-picked design elements that relate to the data they represent e.g. demographic data can be effectively illustrated using small carefully colored human icons as overlay on a simplified map. Online marketers love infographics for their ability to go viral on social networks and often they are offered as easy to embed code making it fast and simple for e.g. bloggers to share them in posts… very useful value oriented way to build links and online presence. Infograpics designs are also used commercially in information products. Gartner Groups Hype Cycle is a well known example of an infographic (at least in the enterprise IT space) that deliver high value data in a delicious and branded way. Infographics Design Elements
The Power of Why: Your Psychological Ally To Marketing Success! - Marketing - Psychotactics - Big and Small Business Ideas Here’s why ‘WHY’ is such a profit-making marketing trigger. “Stop taking two and three plates of food,” my mother said to me angrily. I was at a wedding and seven years old. Back then, at a lot of the weddings we used to go to, the food would be pre-served on a plate. I could never get enough of those calorie-ridden platters. Waylaying different waiters, (so I would not be recognised), I’d polish 3-4 plates without blinking an eye. Mum wasn’t impressed, and told me to stop and desist. “Why?” My question remained unchanged. “If you invite a hundred people to a wedding, how many would you cater for?” Dad Made Sense. Dad understood psychology. Why ‘Why?’ Let’s examine the six honest men. Let’s assume you needed to go to the supermarket. Why Does 90% of Advertising and Marketing Communication Go Down the Drain? Simple. Dump the cotton woolly fluff. Be an Accountant, Do an Audit Look at your communication. I could go on, but I suspect you get the message. Be merciless. All.
6 idées simples de contenu pour votre page « À propos » Si vous êtes comme la plupart des écrivains, il vous est toujours difficile de parler de vous. Quel que soit le temps que vous passez à fixer votre page blanche, le simple fait de penser à écrire à propos de vous-même suffit à vous faire perdre toute inspiration. C’est probablement pour cela que votre page À propos n’a jamais été finalisée… jusqu’à présent. Nous partageons aujourd’hui 6 idées de contenu simples qui vous aideront à rédiger votre page À propos. 1. Pour commencer, le plus simple consiste à raconter l’histoire de votre boutique. Si vous venez de lancer votre boutique en ligne, n’inventez pas son historique. 2. Posez-vous les questions suivantes : « Qu’est-ce que j’aime dans ce que je fais ? Au fond, vous savez déjà pourquoi vous aimez ce que vous faites ; cette page vous permet de partager votre enthousiasme avec vos clients. En partageant ce qui vous a inspiré, vous rendrez l’expérience d’achat de vos clients plus agréable. 3. 4. 5. Vous ne disposez d’aucun témoignage ?
How to Make a Landing Page That C.O.N.V.E.R.T.S. - Conversion Tips and Examples So you’ve got your marketing all set. You have paid search ads going, your pages are well optimized and generating good natural search, your Facebook ads are working, and you’re getting lots of traffic. (I know, this probably is a fantasy situation, but let’s go with it.) People are visiting your site, but for some reason, you’re not seeing your other numbers move at all. Should you throw up your hands and conclude that your marketing doesn’t work? Not yet. You don’t want people to just visit your page. C = Clear Call to ActionO = OfferN = Narrow FocusV = VIA: Very Important AttributesE = Effective HeadlineR = Resolution-Savvy LayoutT = Tidy VisualsS = Social Proof In a famous scene from Glengarry Glen Ross, the man sent to train the hapless salesmen sums up his sales mantra – ABC: Always Be Closing. The call to action (CTA) is what you want visitors to do: Shop Now. Whatever it is you’ve decided will move people further along your conversion funnel. Considerations for strategy Pocket.
Facebook Ads - Secrets of Headlines & Ad Copy That Get People to Click - Rick Mulready Facebook Ads – Secrets of Headlines & Ad Copy That Get People to Click Posted on February 6, 2012 by Rick Mulready Signing you up! Enter your email below to get your free quick start guide