A Collection of the 25 Greatest Unscripted Scenes in Movies by Ethan Anderton August 15, 2011Source: YouTube While much of the greatness of any given film begins with the words on the pages of a screenplay, there are still plenty of amazing moments in cinema that come from actors' improvisation. While many associate the idea of improv with comedy, even great dramas have sublime moments of spontaneity that make certain scenes truly memorable. Thankfully, YouTube user Mewlists (via Movies.com) has made a video chronicling what they believe to be the 25 Greatest Unscripted Scenes in Films. It's not definitive as there are certainly some great ones that didn't make the cut, but this really is a fine collection of great improvisation. Here's the Greatest Unscripted Scenes video, which originally comes from Reddit: You may have some disputes with some of these, but as I said, this isn't meant to be a definitive list, more of a video for fun. Find more posts: Cool Stuff, To Watch
The Jedi Path book presentation box Its silver vault doors sport an embossed image of two moons setting over the rounded edge of a nearby planet and two hands clutching a lightsabre... Press the button on the bottom and, in a wash of blue light and sound effects, the doors slowly open and the book within rises on a platform. Yes, folks it's the packaging for The Jedi Path, a limited edition book, created collaboratively by print production company Imago, publisher becker&mayer! "The biggest challenge for us was that George Lucas (no relation to CR's Gavin) did not want the opening mechanism to be activated electronically," explains John Hine at Imago. The book itself is no simple production. It sports an embossed, pseudo leather cover that's soft to the touch, there are hand torn pages and no fewer than eight removable "artifacts" within the pages that include a coin-like charm, a material patch and even a drink-stained napkin. Above, the vault complete with belly band, as packaged. COMPETITION GIVE AWAY! 323 Comments or
Las nuevas reglas de la creatividad Estoy obsesionado con la creatividad, con el proceso que tiene lugar en la mente de cara a obtener ideas innovadoras, y sobretodo con la forma de potenciarlo para que se engrane en otros procesos innovadores como por ejemplo el tecnológico (tecnocreatividad). Por eso me ha encantado este artículo de Wired: The new rules of Creativity. En él se describen nueve reglas para potenciar la creatividad, sin duda alguna uno de los diferenciales que buscamos en compañeros de equipo o de cara a nuevas incorporaciones laborales. Antes de meternos en faena vamos a recorrer un poco el universo que rodea la creatividad. Creatividad e inspiración La creatividad consiste en la generación de nuevas ideas y conceptos, que terminan o deberían terminar en soluciones concretas y originales, desde aplicaciones hasta esculturas, basadas en ideas y conceptos ya conocidos. Hay características que suelen ser comunes a los perfiles creativos, aunque algunas estén más potenciadas y otras se noten menos. 1. 1. 2.
Michelle Jenneke 'Creeper' Is Everyone On The Internet Right Now While the innocence of 19-year-old Australian hurdler Michelle Jenneke's warm-up routine is debatable, there's no two ways about the slow-motion re-cut of it that went viral last week. Yes, her milkshake brought all the boys to the Web. And now that collective leer has its own avatar: the Creeper. Digitom Productions posted a spoof in which a lad (that's Canadian for "bro," right?) Like millions of other people -- members of the sports blogosphere definitely included -- he's shameless, gross and totally predictable. But that's why it's funny, isn't it? The spoof, which contains some key moments from Jenneke's now famous IAAF World Junior Championships women's 100-meter hurdle heat, has been viewed more than 1.1 million times since it debuted on YouTube on July 21. Judging by the rest of the Digitom's YouTube offerings, this kind of thing is basically their wheelhouse.
Pop-Up Books Get the Magical Movie Treatment [Video] | Co. Design Intricate papercraft designs are mindblowing enough. But what happens when you add elements of film, puppet theater, pop-up books, and interactive light projection? "The Ice Book," a spellbinding traveling show by Davy and Kristin McGuire. Which sounds hard to grasp, but watch the video: The husband-and-wife team says they "always had the dream of creating a theatre performance that opened up like a pop-up book." images © Davy & Kristin McGuire In addition to pop-up books and theater, the designers took inspiration from pre-cinematic illusions like zoetropes and magic lantern shows. Kristin took care of meticulously designing and cutting the pop-up paper scenes; Davy created the animations from a combination of live-action footage (shot with a Canon 5D Mark II) and Adobe AfterEffects. How the live-action portions were filmed and animated. Testing the back-projection. The McGuires are touring with The Ice Book now. [Read more at www.theicebook.com]
TecnoCreatividad, the next generation El viernes pasado impartí un taller en Valencia sobre la TecnoCreatividad, un término muy nuevo que está comenzando a sonar. La verdad es que fue muy curioso porque la invitación para darlo vino a través de The College of Everything, una escuela tecnocreativa (que viene del mundo creativo), y yo dirijo Digital Noise, una agencia tecnocreativa (que viene del mundo tecnológico) centrada en el desarrollo de aplicaciones sociales e I+D+i, y de la que os hablaré dentro de poco. Juntos generamos una buena convocatoria, un buen ambiente y creo que un buen contenido, por lo menos práctico, y la gente salió con fuerzas de querer indagar en este fascinante mundo que aúna la tecnología con la creatividad. Fue un curso privado (¡que se repetirá seguro!) y además de cuatro horas de duración, por lo que no voy a poder compartirlo pero sí despuntar algunos pequeños detalles (muchos de ellos fueron publicados por Twitter) del taller. Tecnocreatividad. Cross Media. Internet de las cosas. Talking trees
Johnny Carson Upload Subscription preferences Loading... Working... Johnny Carson Johnny Carson's Official YouTube Channel 45,722 views 4 months ago Johnny Carson's Official YouTube Channel is at Read more Full Episodes of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson Play "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" has released full episodes of the show on Johnny Carson's official YouTube channel, for the first time. Celebrities Playlist on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show Celebrity guest appearances on "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" between 1962 and 1992 including Jim Carrey, Steve Martin, Arnold Schwarzenegger, EllenDegeneres, Robin Williams, Jonathan Winters, Whoopi Goldberg, Kirstie Alley, Eddie Murphy, Jimmy Stewart, Jane Fonda, Michael J. Comedians on "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" Uploads Play Impressions on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show Impressions of Elvis Presley, Poltergeist, Foreign Man, and more on the Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. Popular uploads
20 Entertaining Examples of Motion Graphics Motion graphics are graphics that use video footage and/or animation technology to create the illusion of motion or rotation, graphics are usually combined with audio for use in multimedia projects. Motion graphics are usually displayed via electronic media technology, but may be displayed via manual powered technology (e.g. thaumatrope, phenakistoscope, stroboscope, zoetrope, praxinoscope, flip book) as well. The term is useful for distinguishing still graphics from graphics with a transforming appearance over time without over-specifying the form. Motion graphics extend beyond the most commonly used methods of frame-by-frame footage and animation. Computers are capable of calculating and randomizing changes in imagery to create the illusion of motion and transformation. Not only are the following videos are inspiring, there are also very entertaining. The Forty Story How to Train Your Dragon – Live Projections Vodalabs – The Digital Alchemists CS6 Stinger ilovedust showreel 2012 Spherikal
10 tips for editing video in a thoughtful, compelling way By Kari Mulholland One of TED’s video editors, Kari Mulholland, hard at work. Below, her editing advice. Photo: Biljana Labovic The techniques that video editors use to shape their content reveal a lot about how people create meaning in the world. The TED Talk editing toolkit is small when compared to ones used to cut a narrative feature or documentary. Now, compare that to the same excerpt edited competently. What made the first excerpt so uncomfortable to watch was that the edits were unmotivated; every edit was random. Choose the best camera angles for each moment. Now the “um” is edited out, by cutting between two shots during an action-filled moment. Think about who’s speaking and who’s listening. Now let’s watch the same excerpt edited like a TED Talk. The edits are motivated by the words spoken by both Chris and Bill. All of a sudden, the point of view of the interview shifts. Take some space from your edit. Hope that these tips have been helpful.