Apps That Rise to the Top: Tested and Approved By Teachers With the thousands of educational apps vying for the attention of busy teachers, it can be hard to sift for the gold. Michelle Luhtala, a savvy librarian from New Canaan High School in Connecticut has crowd-sourced the best, most extensive list of apps voted on by educators around the country. “I wanted to make sure we had some flexibility because there’s no one app that’s better than all the others,” Luhtala said. 30Hands allows a user to make pictures, annotate them, record a voice explainer and then packages it all into a video. Adobe Voice is a recently released education product from Adobe that allows students to narrate a story over an array of digital images. Book Creator is only available for iPads, allowing kids to easily create their own iBook by importing images, multimedia, text, and audio. Tellagami is a tool to share quick animated messages. ExplainEverything is another tool for creating video like tutorials. Koma Koma is a simple stop-motion animation tool.
Remove Image Backgrounds Free & Fast - Background Burner - Bonanza QR Code Generator - QR Stuff Free QR Code Generator And Creator. Glogster. Créer un poster multimédia Glogster est un outil tice complet qui permet de créer très facilement des posters multimédia en ligne. Glogster est un outil déjà ancien qui pourtant n’a pas pris une ride. Bien au contraire. Le service qui propose une version dédiée à l’éducation vient même de lancer une version mobile pour iPad avec une application gratuite à tout point de vue remarquable. Glogster c’est un outil qui permet à un enseignant mais aussi et surtout à un groupe d’élèves de créer en ligne un poster ou une affiche multimédia. Une façon originale de présenter une leçon, une idée ou un travail de recherche en combinant sur une même page textes, sons, graphiques, vidéos et liens. L’utilisation et la prise en main sont simples. Tout se fait par glisser déposer de manière assez ludique. On utilise Glogster en ligne à partir de n’importe quel navigateur récent ( connexion Internet obligatoire). Un excellent outil de création pour tous publics. Lien: Glogster Sur le même thème
Create Sudoku Puzzles I hesitate to tell you how to create Sudoku puzzles for yourself. You may never visit Sudoku Essentials again. That will make me sad. Then again, when you see that it isn't all that easy to make Sudoku puzzles by hand with single solutions, you may be happy to return again. If you want this inside knowledge to create a Sudoku computer program, then take it from me, there is a lot of competition. So it is win - win. Step 1: Create Sudoku Solution Yes, the first step is to create your puzzle's solution. Each row, column, and 3x3 grid must contain the numbers one through nine without duplicates. If you are creating your puzzle by hand, I suggest that you use my blank sudoku grid (or grille if you prefer) for a worksheet. A faster way is to enter the solution on a new blank puzzle grid in Sudoku Dragon. Anytime that you encounter a duplicate number, you must redo your grid, removing some or all of your numbers. Then start over again. Done with it? Step 2: Remove Mirror Pairs Programming Sudoku
Wikispaces Essediquadro: Sommario è uno strumento online molto semplice e di utilizzo immediato, per costruire mappe mentali, schemi, diagrammi in maniera collaborativa; permette di lavorare all'interno di una lavagna virtuale e di invitare altri a collaborare sullo stesso progetto, consentendo in tal modo ad elaborare idee e contenuti lavorando in gruppo. Sketchboard, è un ambiente aperto. Nasce allo scopo di utilizzare il disegno come forma di comunicazione, avvalendosi sia di elementi grafici predeterminati sia di linee e forme disegnate e mano libera con il mouse. Sul sito è sufficiente aprire una sessione di lavoro e condividere l'indirizzo URL con gli altri utenti che potranno interagire sulla "lavagna virtuale" senza alcun limite, in tempo reale. L'account free consente di realizzare una sola mappa "privata", mentre tutte le altre vengono salvate in un repository "pubblico" visionabile da tutti senza limiti.
LearningApps Classe Capovolta - FC e EAS - Apps Skip to main content Make the most out of any wiki by using our free sister product, Blendspace by TES, to create interactive lessons and presentations! guest Join | Help | Sign In Classe Capovolta - FC e EAS Home guest| Join | Help | Sign In Turn off "Getting Started" Loading...