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Home – Atlas of Living Australia

Home – Atlas of Living Australia

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Brian Eno's John Peel Lecture - The Music Show John Peel was one of the BBC’s best-loved broadcasters. He started as a disc jockey, in pirate radio, and in 1967 was part of a roster of presenters when the BBC began its own pop station Radio One. His range of enthusiasms was far wider than those of all the other DJs at Radio 1 put together. The UK has Peel to thank for giving early exposure to progressive rock, reggae, punk, metal, hip hop and dance music. He discovered talent, too, and one of the bands he helped, in the early 70s, was Roxy Music. It's their former keyboard player- Brian Peter George St. Entomology Australia Insects@School The following links are provided to help teachers increase their knowledge of insects and create awareness of the resources available for teaching. More links will be added as we become aware of them. General Information Visual Key to the invertebrates - a very helpful and easy key to use to help you identify insects and invertebrates to Order.

Citizen Science - University of South Australia - quality university study and education in Australia Citizen science research Find out about Citizen Science research at the Barbara Hardy Institute. To see our latest project and register for citizen science updates, please click here. What is citizen science? Citizen science is gaining in popularity as a method of research, and for many good reasons. As the term suggests, Citizen science involves the participation of the wider community in scientific projects. Top 10 Mac keyboard shortcuts everyone should know Mastering a few crucial Mac keyboard shortcuts will make using your Apple computer easier and much more efficient. Cutting your reliance on your mouse will help you work more quickly, and you’ll undoubtedly impress your family, friends and co-workers to no end. You might end up becoming the go-to Mac person in your office, and we all know how wonderful that will be.

Atlas of Living Australia See also: What is FieldData? FieldData (also known as the BDRS, Biological Data Recording System) was developed by Gaia Resources on behalf of the Atlas of Living Australia (Atlas) to help individuals, researchers, community groups and natural resource management groups collect and manage biodiversity data. Atlas of Living Australia What is ‘citizen science’? The OpenScientist website offers this definition of citizen science: ‘The systematic collection and analysis of data; development of technology; testing of natural phenomena; and the dissemination of these activities by researchers on a primarily avocational basis.’ Role of citizen science in the Atlas For the Atlas, citizen science is a very important source of data about biodiversity. Data and insights gained through the efforts of citizen scientists can be as valuable as that obtained by scientists working in academia, natural history collections, government agencies and business.

The Precious First Few Minutes Of Class The Precious First Few Minutes Of Class by Suzy Pepper Rollins Students file into class. “Your warm-up is on the board,” we announce. Blendspace - Create lessons with digital content in 5 minutes Make mobile learning awesome! Student creation Share materials Free! Get our new app! Save time by using free lessons & activities created by educators worldwide! Live and Learn Are you paid what you’re worth? Let’s see . . . you’ll probably compare the salary and benefits that you receive with the value that you provide to your organization. Right?

YouthLearn Regardless of what topic you're teaching or the age of the kids you're working with, you'll want to make certain teaching techniques a standard part of your routine. By internalizing these fundamentals until you don't even have to think about them, you'll become a better coach, leader and teacher. Perhaps most important is that you understand and master sound modeling techniques. Kids learn much more by watching you than from anything you say. Good teaching is intentional, and it should be reflected in every thing you say and do. Some other techniques described in this section include activities to do every day to reinforce learning objectives and create continuity; pointers for reading aloud and sharing ideas; and advice on using journals, a tool we find extremely helpful for kids of all ages.

5 Ways to Help Your Students Become Better Questioners The humble question is an indispensable tool: the spade that helps us dig for truth, or the flashlight that illuminates surrounding darkness. Questioning helps us learn, explore the unknown, and adapt to change. That makes it a most precious “app” today, in a world where everything is changing and so much is unknown. And yet, we don’t seem to value questioning as much as we should. For the most part, in our workplaces as well as our classrooms, it is the answers we reward -- while the questions are barely tolerated.

10 Qualities Every Human Being Should Have “I decided, very early on, just to accept life unconditionally; I never expected it to do anything special for me, yet I seemed to accomplish far more than I had ever hoped. Most of the time it just happened to me without my ever seeking it.” ~ Audrey Hepburn If you ask me, there are certain qualities each and every human being should have. Qualities that have the power to help each and every one of us to connect with our own selves and the world around us at a deeper level. 6 Steps to Help Students Find Order in Their Thinking Like magic, the fish turn into birds and then back into fish. M.C. Escher's tessellations have a way of grabbing your attention and forcing your mind to make sense of the impossible figures on the paper. The Merriam dictionary describes tessellations as, "a covering of an infinite geometric plane without gaps or overlaps by congruent plane figures of one type or a few types."
