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Settings Manager - Website Storage Settings panel

Settings Manager - Website Storage Settings panel
Note: The Settings Manager that you see above is not an image; it is the actual Settings Manager. Click the tabs to see different panels, and click the options in the panels to change your Adobe Flash Player settings. The list of websites above is stored on your computer only, so that you can view or change your local storage settings. Use this panel to specify storage settings for any or all of the websites that you have visited. The name of the website The amount of disk space the website has used to store information on your computer The maximum amount of disk space the website can use before requesting additional space In this panel, you can change storage settings for a website or delete the website so that, if you visit it again, it will use your global settings instead of any individual settings you may have set. Change storage settings To specify storage settings for a website, select the website in the Visited Websites list, and then change its storage settings as desired.

A Hash Function for Hash Table Lookup Abstract I offer you a new hash function for hash table lookup that is faster and more thorough than the one you are using now. I also give you a way to verify that it is more thorough. All the text in this color wasn't in the 1997 Dr Dobbs article. The code given here are all public domain. The Hash Over the past two years I've built a general hash function for hash table lookup. These old hashes defined my requirements: The keys are unaligned variable-length byte arrays. Without further ado, here's the fastest hash I've been able to design that meets all the requirements. Update: I'm leaving the old hash in the text below, but it's obsolete, I have faster and more thorough hashes now. (2006) is about 2 cycles/byte, works well on 32-bit platforms, and can produce a 32 or 64 bit hash. Most hashes can be modeled like this: In the new hash, mix() takes 3n of the 6n+35 instructions needed to hash n bytes. Three tricks promote speed: How do we test that?

Hyperbole and a Half Nvidia Optimus unveiled: Switchable laptop graphics on the fly | Some ideas are so obvious that when announced, one's first reaction is to ask, "Wait, weren't we already doing it that way?" Such is the case with laptops featuring both integrated and discrete graphics processors, and Nvidia's new system for juggling them, called Optimus. Common sense dictates that laptops with both a discrete GPU and standard integrated graphics should be able to switch between the two at will. After all, why waste battery life powering a GeForce card when you're just surfing the Web or sending an e-mail? Many laptops currently offer this option, commonly called switchable graphics , including select MacBook Pro models and systems from Asus, Sony, and others. Unfortunately, until now, this required one to manually flip a switch to turn the discrete GPU off or on. Some laptops label the two modes with unclear names such as "high performance" or "better battery life," which doesn't really spell out exactly what you're doing when you activate the mode.

Online Flash Slideshow Creator Learn About Mozilla Learn more about our projects, products and principles designed to help people take control and explore the full potential of their lives online. Play video The Mozilla mission What drives us and makes us different Career center Want to work at Mozilla? Apply today! Mozilla blog News, notes and ramblings from the Mozilla project Mozilla style guide Logos, copy rules, visual assets and more Locations & contacts Addresses, emails, support and feedback forms The Mozilla Corporation A corporation that serves the public good. Seriously. Crystal methodologies Crystal is a family of human-powered, adaptive, ultralight, “stretch-to-fit” software development methodologies. “Human-powered” means that the focus is on achieving project success through enhancing the work of the people involved (other methodologies might be process-centric, or architecture-centric, or tool-centric, but Crystal is people-centric). “Ultralight” means that for whatever the project size and priorities, a Crystal-family methodology for the project will work to reduce the paperwork, overhead and bureaucracy to the least that is practical for the parameters of that project. “Stretch-to-fit” means that you start with something just smaller than you think you need, and grow it just enough to get it the right size for you (stretching is easier, safer and more efficient than cutting away). Crystal is non-jealous, meaning that a Crystal methodology permits substitution of similar elements from other methodologies. What to expect from this site. Where to go next: —Alistair Good eye.

TasteKid | Find similar music, movies, books Maybe Steve Jobs was right about Adobe Last week, after reading about Steve Jobs' stinging criticism of Adobe, I wrote a spirited defense of Adobe Flash in my DaniWeb blog. I'm here today to say I was wrong. I should probably have known better than to challenge the wisdom of Sir Steve, but after getting comments from several knowledgeable people and reading some follow-up posts, I'm convinced that Flash is dying a slow death and HTML 5 and other technologies could finally drive a stake through its heart. The original comment from Jobs about Adobe being lazy and uncreative around Flash seemed overly harsh to me and not completely accurate--at least from some of the ways I've seen Adobe use the Flash platform, such as Adobe AIR for instance. But a post on The Unofficial Apple Weblog, a publication I have a great deal of respect for, made me rethink my position once and for all. The bug won't die Sign up for our FREE newsletter for more news like this sent to your inbox! What can save flash? Open source worked for PDF

Edit Pad - Online Text Editor W3Schools Build scripts with Groovy and Ant Ant has been widely celebrated as the future of build processing. In fact, it represents a great improvement over previous make tools: it is extendible, multiplatform, and standard-based. Some Ant characteristics particularly make it the tool of choice: It is simple to use, even for junior developers, thanks to its XML syntaxIt is reasonably fastIt is extensibleIt offers good support for J2EE packages and practicesIt is integrated out-of-the-box with several popular tools, such as JUnit, and with most important servers in the market It has achieved first place in nearly all existing J2EE projects for everything related to process automation: building, packaging, testing, and deploying software. However, as a consequence of this wide adoption and usage in such different (and sometimes unexpected) scenarios, Ant has some disadvantages over a more traditional building process based on scripts. But we want it all, and now. The GroovyMarkup can be described with the following Groovy script:
