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Sketchnotes 101: The Basics of Visual Note-taking

Sketchnotes 101: The Basics of Visual Note-taking
Welcome to the second article in the the new Core77 "Sketchnotes Channel" ( where we'll be exploring the application of visual thinking tools in the worlds of design and creative thinking. So you say you're ready to start sketchnoting. Maybe you're not much of a sketcher but you take a lot of notes, and are interested in making them more meaningful and interesting, but you're afraid your drawings are too crude. For you, it's important to stress that sketchnotes—although they are inherently a visual medium—do not require drawing ability of any kind. Essentially they're about transforming ideas into visual communication; structuring thoughts and giving hierarchy to concepts can be completed with strictly text and a few lines. Maybe you're perpetually drawing and want to try and make your notes more useful and engaging but you are afraid of imposing structure to your normally freeform way of sketching. In the end, it's up to you. So let's get tactical.

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Understanding by Design Overview Understanding by Design, an excellent book by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, offers a powerful framework for designing courses through what they call “Backward Design.” It seems “backward” in that it starts from the opposite end of the planning process we typically go through to design courses—we usually start by thinking about how to teach our content. Backward Design, in contrast, leaves teaching activities until the end and starts with the desired results of that teaching.

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30-Second Productivity Strategies Half a minute is all it takes to make each day more productive. 1. Take 30 seconds to set the stage for awesome success. Here's how: Before you start doing something, answer the question, "What can I do to make this awesome?" That's basically what Mike Williams of the David Allen Company (the Getting Things Done folks) asked me. When I started to interview him, he stopped me and said, "What would make this call wildly successful for you?" 5 Social Media Lessons I Learned from Peter Pan Disney has taught us a whole slew of lessons since we were kids. But they taught us more than to believe in ourselves, to help each other, and to wish upon stars—they planted the seeds to social media success over sixty years ago, and we’re reaping the benefits now. What am I talking about? Peter Pan. The guy was preaching social media etiquette all the way back in the ‘50s, and it’s about time we start picking up what he was putting down. Provide a Solution to Your Audience’s Problem

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