UE : 7 pays du Sud dont la France s'unissent pour promouvoir la blockchain Sept pays membres de l’Union européenne ont signé une déclaration visant à promouvoir l’adoption des technologies émergentes, y compris la blockchain, dans le Sud de l’Europe. La France, l’Espagne, Chypre, la Grèce, Malte, l’Italie et le Portugal s’unissent pour faire du Sud de l’Europe la région la plus avancée du monde en matière de nouvelles technologies telles que l’Intelligence Artificielle (IA), la 5G ou encore la blockchain, rapporte FinancialTimes. “Nous croyons que la blockchain peut renforcer la démocratisation du modèle économique européen. D’après MED7 – le nom donné à cette association – la blockchain offre plus de transparence et pourrait renforcer la protection de la vie privée, notamment en redonnant aux utilisateurs le contrôle sur leur données personnelles. Silvio Schembri, ministre de l’Innovation à Malte, a partagé le moment sur Twitter : @MaltaGov leads 6 other EU Member States to sign a joint declaration on cooperation on #blockchain technology.
Building Blockchain in Go. Part 1: Basic Prototype · Going the distance Chinese translations: by liuchengxu, by zhangli1. Introduction Blockchain is one of the most revolutionary technologies of the 21st century, which is still maturing and which potential is not fully realized yet. In this series of articles we’ll build a simplified cryptocurrency that’s based on a simple blockchain implementation. Block Let’s start with the “block” part of “blockchain”. type Block struct { Timestamp int64 Data []byte PrevBlockHash []byte Hash []byte } Timestamp is the current timestamp (when the block is created), Data is the actual valuable information containing in the block, PrevBlockHash stores the hash of the previous block, and Hash is the hash of the block. So how do we calculate the hashes? For now, we’ll just take block fields, concatenate them, and calculate a SHA-256 hash on the concatenated combination. Next, following a Golang convention, we’ll implement a function that’ll simplify the creation of a block: And that’s it for the block! Blockchain That’s it! Output:
Basecamp 3: Manage projects, groups, and client work. What is Blockchain Technology? A Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners What is blockchain technology? What makes it so important? Imagine a world where you can send money directly to someone without a bank – in seconds instead of days, and you don’t pay exorbitant bank fees. Or one where you store money in an online wallet not tied to a bank, meaning you are your own bank and have complete control over your money. You don’t need a bank’s permission to access or move it, and never have to worry about a third party taking it away, or a government’s economic policy manipulating it. This is not a world of the future; it is a world that an avid but growing number of early adopters live in right now. Yet, for many, blockchain technology is still a mysterious or even intimidating topic. 2021 is to blockchain what the late 1990s were to the internet. This post demystifies blockchain technology. You’ll also walk away from this post confident, and well on your way to making informed, independent blockchain technology investment decisions. So let’s dive in 1. 2. 3. 4.
A comprehensive guide to coding a blockchain-powered online community At Hashnode we have been experimenting a lot with blockchain and its use-cases. We have been running a developers’ community ourselves, and the idea behind “decentralized communities” fascinates me a lot. The fact that everyone owns the data and controls the platform can give rise to new types of social apps and disrupt the traditional way of building online communities. Platforms like Steemit have proven that it’s possible to build such communities and reward users for their contributions. To answer the question, I took up the challenge of building a decentralized version of HackerNews. During the process, I evaluated multiple platforms and finally zeroed in on a protocol called Tendermint. The codebase is on GitHub. So what does it take to build a blockchain-powered social community where the user-generated data is decentralized? Preliminary Observations Initially, I thought of utilizing an existing platform to build the app. Why Tendermint Sounds interesting? What’s Needed? And finally,
How blockchain will disrupt business This ebook, based on the latest ZDNet and TechRepublic special feature, looks at how blockchain is shaking up the economy, redefining industry, and changing the way individuals and enterprises conduct business. From the ebook: The term blockchain can elicit reactions ranging from a blank stare (from the majority of the general public) to evangelical fervour (from over-enthusiastic early adopters). The best-known example of blockchain technology in action is the leading cryptocurrency Bitcoin, but there are many more use cases—think of blockchain as the ‘operating system’ upon which different ‘applications’ (such as Bitcoin) can run. At heart, a blockchain is a special kind of database in which ‘blocks’ of sequential and immutable data pertaining to virtual or physical assets are linked via cryptographic hashes and distributed as an ever-growing ‘chain’ among multiple peer-to-peer ‘nodes’.
IPFS Documentation Tribune : Pourquoi le salut de la blockchain passe nécessairement par les semiconducteurs La technologie blockchain amène son lot de promesses. Mais aujourd'hui, elles se heurtent à des contraintes techniques. L'industrie des semiconducteurs est-elle face à son plus grand défi ? Le CTO d'AMD s'exprime dans une tribune pour Numerama. Mark Papermaster est Chief Technology Officer et Senior Vice President Technology and Engineering chez AMD. Imaginez un instant que vous soyez transporté à la fin des années 80 ou au début des années 90 – Internet était considéré comme une transformation systémique affectant la plupart des aspects de la vie et des habitudes. Si elle permet au départ d’enregistrer des données, la technologie blockchain sert de plus en plus à réaliser des transactions complexes de type contrats intelligents dans un environnement chiffré sécurisé sans qu’il soit nécessaire de recourir à un intermédiaire ou à une institution. La blockchain, accélératrice d’échanges La blockchain, une simple base de données distribuées ? 50 à 60 milliards de dollars d’économie par an