Akihiko Taniguchi Alchemy | An open drawing project Alex Augier Alex Augier is an electronic musician based in Paris. His work focuses on digital aesthetics in a musical and transversal perspective, including sound and visual elements. These elements interact with the space and take mainly the form of singular audiovisual performances. Music edited by DAC Records, The Collection Artaud, Kolonia Artystow. SHAPE Artist 2017 MCD Digital, Jan. 2020 Digital in Berlin, Jan. 2018 Accents, Jan. 2018 O’Globo, Nov. 2017 Metal Magazine, Sept. 2017 SHAPE, July 2017 CLC Production, Sept. 2014 IRCAM, July 2014 JTSE, Immersive AV performances: Personal approach, Paris (FR), 2018 B39, AV performances: Personal approach, Bucheon (KR), 2018 TRAKK, AV spatialization technic of the performance _nybble_, Namur (BE), 2018 Nemo, ex(O), Philharmonie de Paris, Paris (FR), 2020 Nemo, p(O)st, MAC, Creteil (FR), 2020 Sonica, ex(O), Tramway, Glasgow (UK), 2019 Digital Tbilissi, _nybble_, National Museum, Tbilissi (GE), 2019 Scopitone, p(O)st, Ancien Min, Nantes (FR), 2019 _nybble_, LP, 2019
Artist Project » start La formation StART propose aux artistes de faire le point sur leur parcours et d’acquérir une méthodologie afin de se professionnaliser. J’ai plusieurs cordes à mon arc, quelle activité développer actuellement ? Comment parler de ma pratique artistique ? Dans quel contexte et avec qui ? Autant de questions auxquelles l’artiste aura l’occasion de répondre par le biais de cette session. Programme : - Bilan de compétences (faire le point sur son parcours et ses compétences, analyse des acquis et des besoins). - Ressources (identifier les acteurs et structures ressources du secteur artistique en Belgique, le cadre de travail lié à l’artiste, les types de contrats possible et les salaires afférents). - Les outils pour la mise en œuvre d’un projet (la communication et les outils d’organisation, identifier son réseau, définir sa singularité et se positionner, rédiger son CV). - Définir un plan d’action (en fonction des objectifs définis, planifier les étapes et actions à entreprendre).
Alan Resnick BAD NEWSI’m bad at updating the news September 3rdWHAT CODEC SHOULD I USE August 13thNEW MUSIC VIDEOEverything Borrowed By Jerry Paper April 20th - May 19thPOST ANALOG STUDIO - THE HOLE Video work being shown at The Hole gallery in NYC November 7thMAY I PLEASE ENTER ? August 26th - September ? 8/26 Phoenix, AZ - Rebel Lounge 8/28 Austin, TX - Beerland8/30 Dallas, TX - Club Dada9/1 Santa Fe, NM - Meow Wolf9/3 Denver, CO - Nude City Relief Center (text 303.517.2159 for address)9/7 Boise, ID - 208 Comedy Fest9/8 Portland, OR - The Siren Theater9/9 Seattle, WA - Vera Project9/11 Reno, NV - Holland Project9/12 San Francisco, CA - Hemlock Tavern9/16 Los Angeles, CA - Dynasty Typewriter April 29 - May 9ON TOUR WITH WHAM CITY COMEDY 4/29 - Philadelphia - Philamoca4/30 - Toronto - Baby G5/1 - Detroit - Marble Bar5/2 - Chicago - The Hideout5/4 - Atlanta - Drunken Unicorn5/5 - Asheville, NC - Mothlight5/6 - Richmond, VA - Gallery 55/8 - NYC - Mercury Lounge5/9 - Baltimore - Metro Gallery
Fonds Henry Bauchau nobumichiasai.com Works Art Lady Gaga × David Bowie × Nobumichi Asai@58th Grammys 2016/02/16 ArtMusic INORI — we pray all nukes will eternally disappear from the world.Exibited at Imago Mundi(Venice/Italy) 2017/08/06 花鳥風月(Kacho Fugetsu) / Real-Time Face Tracking & Projection Mapping 2016/10/11 Connected Flower 2018/02/09 kagami / Real-Time Face Generator 2016/10/11 Dignics by Butterfly / Brand Movie 2020/02/10 With The Love In My Heart / Jacob Collier 2018/12/10 Music way to go / empire of the sun 2018/12/10 Light Groove@MUTEK 2018/11/03 2018/12/24 GHOST IN THE SHELL / virtual reality diver 2016/02/01 Projection mapping
Mugshots from the 1920s Guilty of selling opium and fake cocaine When ‘Harry Leon Crawford’, hotel cleaner of Stanmore was arrested and charged with wife murder he was revealed to be in fact Eugeni Falleni, a woman and mother, who had been passing as a man since 1899. In 1914, as ‘Harry Crawford’, Falleni had married the widow Annie Birkett. Guilty of breaking into an army warehouse and stealing boots and overcoats to the value of 29 pounds 3 shillings. Theft An entry in the Supplement to the NSW Police Gazette Sydney for Skukerman, (alias Kukarman, alias Cecil Landan) is captioned ‘obtains goods from warehousemen by falsely representing that he is in business’. A safebreaker Kong Lee makes numerous appearances in the NSW Police Gazette as a ‘safe blower’ and ‘thief’, and is noted in the issue of February 1929 as having recently been seen riding trains ‘in the company of card sharpers and spielers’. Con man Illegal gambling Robbery under arms Sneak thief Bigamy and theft Bootlegging Prostitution Theft of a fur coat Bigamy
DISNOVATION.ORG TwistedSifter dstrict 메뉴 Language interactive Product kids Edutainment solution Brand launching show projection mapping K-pop Digital Theme Park Retail guest experience interactive Hologram k-pop Hologram Theater digital heritage 4D Art Park