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Responsive Email Design

Responsive Email Design
While phone screen sizes have been steadily increasing over the years along with screen resolution, it can be tempting to include more and more images in your emails. But a word of caution: While images can bring an extra wow factor to your emails, images should always be thoughtfully added with accessibility and mobile load times top of mind. In this chapter, we’ll look at some techniques that take advantage of supported CSS properties like background-image. Using background images for better headers Support and the use of background images have been on the rise in the last couple of years thanks in part to increased CSS support utilizing all the benefits that media queries can bring. One benefit of the increased support is the ability to put live text on images. Background images and live text In the past, if you wanted to include text on an image, it was created as a single graphic. Let’s see how this is done. Background images in Outlook: setting up a DOCTYPE

The Science of Looking Good in the Inbox CSSHow do I add margins to my image so text will wrap around it? Outlook 2007 and 2010 do not support the margin or padding CSS properties when placed within an image. Try using hspace and/or vspace:<img src=“ align=“left” vspace=“10” hspace=“10” /> Or add the additional spacing to the image itself (in pixels). CSSHow do I make a long text string wrap to the next line? If you have text within a table, for instance “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” and you want it to wrap, try adding this style: This is a Microsoft only property so it should not adversely effect other clients. CSSI see a 1px white border around my table cells. If you are using a background color in your table cell, you might see a 1px white border around the contents of the TD. Or you can add it inline:<td style=“border-collapse: collapse;”>... Check out this post from Campaign Monitor for more info. If you are trying to “right” or “left” align multiple nested tables, the fix is a little more involved.

Creating a Future-Proof Responsive Email Without Media Queries There are quite enough headaches to deal with when coding HTML email. So it hardly seems fair if we also need to keep on top of the new email clients and device sizes that pop up every week. CSS and media query support can vary from app to app making it impossible to avoid being consumed by fear every time you hear that there’s a new and exciting mail app that you’ve yet to test. But what if you could build an email template that was responsive, even in environments with the poorest support for modern CSS? The method that I espouse below is all about creating a good experience for email clients which have no media query support whatsoever. It’s called the fluid hybrid method, sometimes referred to as the spongy method of email development. If you’re looking for a ready-made, professional solution, grab one of our Best Email Templates. It’s difficult to keep track of all the new mail apps that keep appearing. Let’s quickly run through all of the elements in the code above: ! And that’s it!

Un e-mail en HTML responsive multi-clients L'e-mail (ou newsletter) reste encore aujourd’hui un moyen efficace de transmettre des informations à ses utilisateurs ou clients. En mode texte, aucun problème, c'est un standard interprété sans difficulté. En mode HTML c'est un art ô combien délicat en partie dû au nombre de clients lecteurs d'e-mail sur le marché qui ont des comportements bien différents (encore plus désormais que les navigateurs classiques). Cette disparité de l'interprétation des e-mails au format HTML provient de plusieurs facteurs : Les clients e-mails lourds (Outlook, Thunderbird, Lotus Notes...) ont un fonctionnement radicalement différents des webmails (Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, Mettons fin immédiatement à vos désirs les plus fous : encore plus que le web, la réalisation d'e-mails graphiques en HTML, au pixel près ou presque, sur toutes les plates-formes, est une utopie. Voici quelques astuces et bonnes pratiques pour obtenir des e-mails au rendu proche sur la majorité des programmes.

Media Queries in HTML Email: Cover all your bases – The Email Wizardry Blog Update: Be sure to check the comments for further discussion where Lucas has suggested sticking with max-device-width alone, but pulling the media queries into the body of the email. This does also seem to fix the problem. Read the conversation for more. These days it’s possible to hold a smartphone in your hand with a higher screen resolution than a computer. What I’ve been using In my experience up to now, it was best to use the following media query when coding HTML email, using 500px as an example*: @media screen and (max-device-width: 500px) {} (I use screen instead of all to prevent any possible long-shot issues if an email is printed. The reason to use max-device-width is because our old friend, on IE9, displays the mobile version of your email if you only use max-width (Such an amazing feature!). *It’s a good idea to use max-width during development, so that you can easily resize your browser to preview the responsive behaviour. Great. How to fix it?

Bonnes pratiques communication et marketing: Indicateurs statistiques d'e-mailing ---DOSSIER---Les statistiques disponibles en e-mailing Eu égard à son très faible coût de revient (essentiellement celui du salaire des personnes en charges de la conception et de l’envoi), l’e-mailing est un moyen de communication de plus en plus plébiscité par les entreprises pour effectuer de la prospection ou de la fidélisation de clientèle.Un autre atout essentiel est sa possibilité de suivi statistique. Détaillons-en les différents indicateurs : Le taux d'adresses délivrées Avant de se demander si une personne est intéressée par votre e-mail, encore faut il qu’elle l’ai reçu ! Le taux d’adresses délivrées est l’indicateur de qualité et d’actualisation de votre fichier. Les taux d'ouvertures cumulées et uniques Le taux d’ouverture indique que non seulement le message est arrivé dans la boite de votre destinataire, mais qu’il l’a vu. Concrètement, ce taux est influencé par différent facteurs : Cumulé ou unique ? Coin technique : Comment se calcul le taux d’ouverture ?

Creating a Simple Responsive HTML Email In this tutorial I will show you how to create a simple responsive HTML email which will work in every email client, including all the new smartphone mail clients and apps. It uses minimal media queries and a fluid width approach to ensure maximum compatibility. If you’re looking for a quick starting point though, you can purchase one of our best email templates, we have a number of responsive options with easy to customize features. Otherwise, learn how to build one in HTML yourself in this tutorial. There was a time when media queries were quite enough to get responsive emails working in iOS and Android mail applications, both of which support media queries. Since then, there has been a proliferation of mail applications created for both iOS and Android platforms, with varying degrees of support for responsive email development methods. The good news is that you can design and build an email that will look excellent in every mail app, including those that don't support media queries.

10 of the Leading Mailing List Managers Email marketing is a major part of doing business online and staying in touch with your customers. When compared to other types of marketing and advertising, the return on investment is often higher with email marketing than any other method of advertising. Whether you are looking to gain new customers, get more repeat purchases from existing customers, or just to stay in touch through newsletters, email marketing offers plenty of potential. One of the challenges of getting started with email marketing is to find the right service. AWeber AWeber is one of the leading options for email marketing, and it is the one that we use for the Vandely Design Newsletter. With AWeber you can send newsletters to your list, set up autoresponders and a sequence of automatically delivered messages, automatically create emails from your blogs RSS feed, and of course you can track everything with helpful analytics. Another reason that we recommend AWeber is because of their customer support. MailChimp Emma

Which clients support media queries? - Help – Litmus Which clients support media queries? If you’ve built a responsive email design using media queries, but your Litmus screenshot is showing the desktop version of the email, it could be that the particular client/device you’re viewing doesn’t support media queries. The chart below outlines support for media queries across a range of mobile email clients and applications. When troubleshooting responsive designs and media queries, also keep in mind that the media query will be triggered by the viewport size of the device. This information is partially sourced from Campaign Monitor and Style Campaign.

HTML y CSS para tus newsletters: Responsive Email Design Parece ser que ya es un requerimiento adaptar nuestro código y diseño a los dispositivos móvil. Con aproximadamente un 38% de todas las aperturas de email ocurriendo en dispositivos móvil, la portabilidad del email nunca había sido tan crucial. Los suscritores son inconstantes y abrirán los correos cuando sea más conveniente para ellos. Esto dificulta saber o predecir cuando, dónde y con qué dispositivo los usuarios abrirán nuestras campañas. Lo que sí sabemos es que nuestros newsletters deben adaptarse a los dispositivos móvil si queremos que la experiencia del suscritor sea positiva. El Responsive Email Design es una optimización del diseño original del email para proporcionar una experiencia visual óptima de nuestras campañas de email marketing en todos los dispositivos (des de ordenadores de escritorio hasta teléfonos móvil). Diseñar para email significa pensar en lo que ocurrirá cuando la pantalla sea más pequeña. Plantilla optimizada para dispositivos móvil de newslettersoft 1. 2.
