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How to lose weight (in the browser)

How to lose weight (in the browser)

CSS3 Patterns Gallery Browser support The patterns themselves should work on Firefox 3.6+, Chrome, Safari 5.1, Opera 11.10+ and IE10+. However, implementation limitations might cause some of them to not be displayed correctly even on those browsers (for example at the time of writing, Gecko is quite buggy with radial gradients). Also, this gallery won’t work in Firefox 3.6 and IE10, even though they support gradients, due to a JavaScript limitation. Submission guidelines If you have a new pattern to submit, please send a pull request. Does it present a new technique? Best jQuery Plugins of 2012 Nearly 6 years after the initial release of jQuery, it’s more popular than been. This can mostly be attributed to the community that’s been built up around it. This community of developers is constantly building plugins that allow web developers and designers to easily add amazing functionality to their projects. Continuing our “Best of 2012″ series, the focus this week is on jQuery plugins. Arctext.js Arctext.js is a jQuery plugin that let’s you do exactly that. Jquery Transit Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery — v0.1.3 SlabText A jquery plugin for producing big, bold and responsive headlines. stellar.js Parallax has never been easier. Get turn.js Is a plugin for jQuery that adds a beautiful transition similar to real pages in a book or magazine for HTML5. Flexslider 2.0 FlexSlider is an awesome, fully responsive jQuery slider plugin. hammer.js A javascript library for multi-touch gestures. iPicture About the Author Related Posts 2781 shares Best Free Fonts of 2012 Read More

Magnifying glass for image zoom using Jquery and CSS3 View codePlay Walkthrough Description Learn to make a realistic magnifying glass using Jquery and CSS3. Hover above the image to see the action. The code uses CSS3 box-shadow and border-radius properties to create the magnifying glass. Jquery is used to position it at the cursor coordinates and change the background position accordingly. Moving the cursor away from the image gently fades out the magnifying glass bringing the image back to the default state.

The Complete Text Transcripts of Over 100 Barack Obama Speeches Grille d’audit pour analyser et évaluer la qualité d’un site web Pour évaluer la qualité d’un site web, on fait ce que l’on appelle : un audit. C’est un outil managérial qui permet de vérifier que votre site/blog/boutique en ligne répond correctement aux différentes « bonnes pratiques » et que celui ci est bien adaptés à votre cible : les internautes. C’est audit facilitera grandement la conception de tous vos wireframes, spécifications fonctionnelles et assurer que le site répondent aux besoins du client. L’audit d’un site à une place très importante dans la phase de conception web. TELECHARGER LA GRILLE D’AUDIT POUR SITE WEB (pdf) On peut ainsi différencier plusieurs dimensions dans cet audit : Pendant l’audit mettez vous à la place d’un utilisateur normal qui vient d’arriver. Il faut également prendre en compte la particularité d’un blog ou bien d’un site de e-commerce qui ne répondent pas aux mêmes contraintes techniques, et aux mêmes attentes vis à vis des internautes. Télécharger la grille d’audit pour site internet (pdf)

Hack Your Maps Web maps have come a long way. Improved data, cleaner design, better performance, and more intuitive controls have made web maps a ubiquitous and critical component of many apps. They’ve also become one of the mobile space’s most successful transplants as more and more apps are powered by location-aware devices. The core web map UI paradigm itself—a continuous, pannable, zoomable surface—has even spread beyond mapping to interfaces everywhere. Article Continues Below Despite all this, we’ve barely begun to work web maps into our design practice. Have you ever taken apart a map? This article is a long overdue companion to Paul’s piece. Opinionated about open#section1 Paul makes a strong case for why you might want to use open mapping tools instead of the established incumbent. There is nothing mysterious about web maps. In short, we’ll be working with a fully open mapping stack. Starting out#section2 I’m a big fan of Sherlock Holmes. A tale of places#section3 Maps are data#section4

Infographics Showcase - Infographic Reviews - Submit Infographic - Part 2 Filed under: Business Infographics, Legal Infographics, People Infographics | Comments Off The Special Risks Bureau has compiled a list of the most expensive body parts celebrities have insured, and used them to create the most valuable celebrity couple in the world. Body parts include Gene Simmons’ tongue, Rod Stewart’s voice, Cristiano Ronaldo’s legs, Julia Roberts smile, Jennifer Lopez’s bum, and Mariah Carey’s legs. Infographic Design: B+ Simple design that showcase the many different celebrity body parts that are insured. Infographic Information: A The information is easy to understand and something that most people may not even realize. Download this infographic. Filed under: Business Infographics, Historical Infographics | 1 Comment » Ten Motives has created an infographic depicting the history of smoking. Infographic Design: A The timeline design works well to showcase the history of smoking. Download this infographic. Filed under: Home Infographics | Comments Off Infographic Design: B, des gabarits papier pour esquisser vos sites réactifs Lorsqu’on est dans la phase de création d’un site, il est toujours plus facile d’essayer des choses « à la main » sur papier. Mais on perd beaucoup de temps à dessiner le gabarit sur papier quadrillé, pour toutes les tailles que l’on souhaite supporter pour son Webdesign. Le site propose des gabarits A4 à télécharger et imprimer pour un grand nombre de tailles courantes pour les sites réactifs (mobile, tablettes, navigateur, …) et pour différents systèmes de grilles connus. Les gabarits sont proposés en deux finitions, avec ou sans grille. Parfait pour gagner du temps et de la précision dans ses webdesigns et les définir comme des pros. Téléchargez les gabarits à imprimer

Frugal for Life What is it about being frugal, why do it? Actually, some people don’t do it at all, they have decided that what they want and desire is what they are going to get and they feel they deserve that lifestyle. I have no trouble with that; more power to ya, live long and prosper and may you die with the most toys. However, for me, I find little value in the things around me. When I was a teenager, things were my identity, I had a little saying that I stole from a Queen song, "I want it all, and I want it now." Quite a few years ago I was given a leather jacket, I always wanted one because I thought they were cool and thus, I would be cool. As the years passed and I was in some hard times, I needed money for necessities and didn’t know what to do, until I saw the jacket in the closet in all it’s shiny newness and cleanliness. It killed me to take that jacket in, but I had to and to do it, I had to distance myself from the experience so I could get it done. Frugality is also about moderation.

Using the Rule of Thirds as a Grid Outline Designers talk about grid structures all the time. It’s not surprising. Grids are the backbone of just about any design project. But what about the rule of thirds – a mathematically-based grid that can be traced to design projects that are hundreds of years old? The answer should be yes. The rule of thirds is an important grid concept that explains how people look at images, websites and other visual information. What is the Rule of Thirds? The rule of thirds is a three-frame wide by three-frame deep grid that can rest over an image and tell designers a lot about how eyes will follow the image or design. Each of the blocks in the rule of thirds grid I the same size (nine total blocks) but those blocks can change shape and size with each project. The grid helps designers with a few key points that may come as somewhat of a surprise. The common path of the eye on a design is from top to bottom and then left to right.The best design is not always symmetrical. Website Design Photos
