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20 Ways to Feel ALIVE!!!!!!

20 Ways to Feel ALIVE!!!!!!
Unless you are the second coming of Jesus Christ (if you are, please comment!) it’s impossible not to feel a bit down sometimes. Here are 20 quick ways to revive yourself and get back that “on top of the world” feeling. Stick your body out of a sunroof while the car is driving I can tell you first-hand this one is a lot of fun. Bonus Reader-Suggested Ways Swim in a cold lake, beach or riverI never feel more alive than when I get out after a cold swim and my heart is pumping to keep my body warm. How do you make that feeling permanent? Step 1: Figure out what it is that makes you feel dead and cut it out of your life.

43 Ways to Leave Your Comfort Zone and Rock Your Life Leaving your comfort zone means doing something you’re normally not comfortable with, with the intention of beating the status quo and conquering your fears. Successful people know the importance of pushing your boundaries and trying new things. You can’t get different results without doing something different, and doing the same thing over and over again wont help. Plus it’s also fun to break habits. But how do you actually get started? Below are 43 ways to leave your comfort zone. Enough talking for now, here are 43 ways to leave your comfort zone and rock your life. Take a cold shower.Talk with five random people in the street.Wake up early and go out for a walk or with your bicycle.If you always order alcohol at a bar, order an orange juice or tea.Get rid of something you no longer use, once a day for thirty days.Try a different route for going to work.Try one of my 43 ways to make money.Cook something that you never ate before. What do you think of these ideas?

10 Simple Ways to Feel Alive What do rock concerts, making love and exercise all have in common? I thought about that this weekend after seeing the Melvins play live at the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco. I’ve never really been into the Melvins, but my sister’s boyfriend is a big fan. Three out of four of us went to the show not really knowing what we were going to see. Even after seeing them live, I still wouldn’t consider myself a fan. Rock concerts are just one of those things that make you feel alive. That’s what rock concerts have in common with having sex and getting exercise. Those three things aren’t the only simple and inexpensive ways to feel alive, either. What would be on your list? Get close to nature Hiking, camping and anything else that gets you out of the concrete jungle for a while is a fantastic way to clear your head and remember you’re part of a living planet. What makes you feel alive? photo by crazyluca69

10 Ways to Make Your Life More Interesting Today Let’s face it; sometimes life can become pretty routine. Maybe it has been awhile since you shook things up a bit and did something new. Well, there are plenty of things that you can do right now to spice life up a little. Here are just a few of the easy ways that you can make your life more interesting and fun today. 1. If you’re still listening to the same songs that you were years ago, than it’s time to try something new. 2. This one is probably one of the easiest things you can do to make your life more interesting, but it’s amazing how many people don’t do this. Eventually you’ll overcome your shyness and people will start to open up to you. 3. Be bold in this. 4. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any writing talent. 5. Every minute 24 hours of footage is uploaded to youtube. 6. The traditional folk art form of Japan. 7. This goes beyond the traditional Clue or Monopoly variety. 8. Making plans for your next trip somewhere can be fun. 9. Ok, let me clarify this one. 10.

7 Ways to Be More Interesting Than You Ever Thought Possible Since I’ve arrived at my school in Morocco, I’ve had the opportunity to meet a wide range of people. Because it is an American school, the faculty is primarily composed of Americans, but there are still a lot of countries represented through many of the teachers and students. This means there are a lot of differing viewpoints and personalities to interact with. But it seems as if one of the things bringing us closer together is that we are all genuinely interesting people. You can be more interesting too. Those ways are: 1. I can’t even begin to count how often I’ve started interesting conversations with other people about the topic of a book they or I am reading. For the most part, it’s good to read things outside your comfort zone. 2. Blending into the crowd has never been an effective strategy for being an interesting person. There is always a tendency to pull towards the middle ground and be like everyone else. 3. 4. Your best quality could be something different. 5. 6. 7.

From Nobody to Being Unforgettable in Under 5 Minutes Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from Scott Dinsmore of Live Your Legend. Scott Dinsmore is the founder of Live Your Legend and the creator of How to Connect with Anyone – an interactive online course to surround yourself with the world-changing people necessary to build your ideal business or career. The course is open for enrollment to the first 100 students until this Friday at 11:59pm PST. Learn more about the course here. “Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.” – Jane Howard There is no bigger life hack in the history of the world than the people you choose to hang out with. Whether you’re starting a business, leaving a soul-sucking job, trying to run a marathon or shed 45 pounds, it’s all the same. The fastest way to fill the gap between where you are right now and where you want to be, is with the people in your corner. Environment is everything The question is, what are you doing about it?

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